His Journey (Jimin x BTS)

Від Yukaoi

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DISCOUNTINUED DUE TO AUTHOR DEATH {{"Are there a lot of differences from an idol life to a normal life?" ... Більше

Intro : I want you to read this.
One : First Time, First Experience
Two : Getting to Know
Three : This is just the Beginning
Four : It's not the End
Five : Don't be trapped in someone else's Dreams
Seven : A Blissful Weekend
Special #1 : Our Thoughts
Eight : Yejun the Protector
Nine : Lending Our Hands
Ten : A Day With Them
Eleven : Acting Experience
Twelve : Friendly Fight
The Result
Thirteen : A Pensive Mood
About the Author's Condition...

Six : Trying to Understand

3.6K 163 25
Від Yukaoi

"So, you do like them, don't you?" Yejun asked out of nowhere, laying down on their school grass field, staring at the sky. Jimin almost choked on his food and immediately reaches for his water bottle, dunking half of it. Afterward, he looks at Yejun strangely.

"What do you mean?" It's to be expected for his friend to ask strange question like this ever since Jimin told him about his members. Yejun are always excited (even though he denies it) whenever Jimin talks about them. It's like watching a fangirl getting enthusiastic over her 'oppa'. Jimin chuckles and coughs to cover himself when he sees Yejun judgmental eyes out of corner.

"We all know you like them."

"Yejunnie, it's only two of us here."

"Whatever, just admit it." Yejun finished lamely. Jimin smiled sheepishly to him. He knows what Yejun meant, after all, this is the first time that he trusted someone easily (Yejun does not count) and that's why he's moping around after the 'incident' occurred. He gave his trusts to them so easily that it hurts so much when they decided to broke it.

They do not talk nor continue the conversation for a while. Both of them are enjoying their break time away from all the noise in the canteen. The chirping sounds of the birds made the environment better. If there's one thing that Yejun and Jimin have in common, it's finding solitude. They love staying together in one quiet place without talking for 1 hour. They think it's beautiful to feel your surroundings by not talking, just feeling each other presence is enough.

"Are you okay with them?" Yejun questioned him again, now moving over to lay on his stomach, staring intently at Jimin. Jimin gave him a small smile.

"I like them, we're not perfect."

"That's not what I asked, you stupid fool." Yejun brought his hand over and hit Jimin's head gently. Jimin became pouty after that. They became silent again for a few minutes until Yejun sighed and decided to get up from his position. When standing, he looks over to Jimin, "You don't have the right answer for now, don't you? It's okay, take your time and learn about them. Prove them wrong, Jiminie. Prove them that you're better than what they're thinking." Yejun advised Jimin, smiling gently to him then walking off announcing to Jimin that the 'nature calls'. The latter only nodded and waves to him.

After a short time, Jimin copied Yejun action before and laid down on his back with his arms sprawled. He stares at the sky and clouds as if he's searching for an answer. Often time he thinks he's worthless for feeling this way even though they just met with each other. He shouldn't be having this kind of 'deep establishment' towards them. He knows they cannot return that sentiment the same to him. Jimin heaved out a heavy sighed and covers his face with his hand. He thought about the dance teacher, vocal teacher, his parents, brother, Yejun and lastly, them. He feels as if there's some kind of special bond with them. He wants to work harder to improve their relationship but at the same time he's afraid to do that.

Jimin's aware not everyone is going to like him and he knows that he's going to be the least popular in their group. With this chubby cheeks and fat thighs, who will love him? Jimin thought anxiously. Soon after, the bell rang snapping Jimin out of his 'dark' thoughts. He impulsively stands up and gathers his lunchbox. He goes to his class with a new determination, to fight off all the negative thoughts and be brave.

ε=ε=ε=ε=ε" "(/*'-'*)/---(๑'•ω • '๑)

The school is over in an instant. Many students suggest their classmates to go somewhere after school. Tomorrow is weekend so it's not unusual to see students going out at late night happily with their friends. All of them except for trainee like Jimin. Jimin upon hearing this pouts sulkily knowing he has no chance of going out but getting stuck with his training. Yejun patted his shoulders sympathetically saying he has no chance too, after all, he failed in two of his quizzes so he needs to study on the weekend. Jimin replied him back with an apologetic smile. Together, they walked out of the school building talking about Yejun's scores. Jimin shakes his head seeing how relaxed his friend despite on the verge of failing. While they were talking and walking, Yejun suddenly stopped on his spot and pointed out something in front of them. When Jimin turned to see, he saw one of his group members, Rapmo—no, Namjoon.

"I thought he's not nice?" Yejun whispered to Jimin while glaring at Namjoon. Namjoon who saw them just smiled.

"Yejun, don't be rude." Jimin retorted back to Yejun. He hastily left Yejun who's still surprised to his presence here.

"Is there something wrong, hyung?" Jimin questioned him, looking happy. He feels someone presence behind him and when he sees at the corner of his eye, it's one and only Yejun. He's folding his arms still glaring heatedly to Namjoon.

"Nothing's wrong, I just came here to pick you up." Namjoon responded, his smile still hasn't dropped despite the glaring by Yejun. Without waiting for Jimin's answer, he asked, "Who's this young fellow over here?"

Jimin smiled sheepishly feeling the glaring from behind 'intensify'. He secretly nudged his friend. "This is my friend, Shim Yejun. Yejunnie, this is our leader, Namjoon-hyung." Jimin introduced both of them together. Yejun simply nodded while Namjoon said hello.

"You came here alone, Namjoon-hyung?" Jimin hurriedly asked, after a moment of awkward silence.

"No, Taehyung and Jungkook is here along with Jin-hyung." This made Namjoon's smile wider in which Yejun responded with a more 'intensifying' glare. Namjoon doesn't look the slightest bothered by Yejun's glare. He looks like he finds it amusing rather than scary.

"I-I see.... Well, let's go then. See you, Yejunnie!" Jimin pulled Namjoon's hand going to their other members and waved at Yejun's which Yejun waved back lazily.

Once Yejun was out of sight, Jimin heaved a sigh of relief. He knows his friend is over-protective of him but this is the first time he saw Yejun acted 'rashly' like that. He believes his friend has a good intention so Jimin won't doubt him. Soon afterward, he sees a familiar van waiting but then he realized something. When he looked down at his hand, he forgot that he was still holding Namjoon's hand and when he looked up to see his face, Namjoon's smiling brightly. Jimin abruptly released his hand as if he got burned and felt embarrassed that the tip of his ears turned red. Namjoon chuckled at Jimin's cute behaviour.

Namjoon opened the door for Jimin and what he sees is Taehyung eating snacks as if there's no tomorrow. He shakes his head wondering how can he eat so much without gaining weight, "Taehyung, please eat slowly." Namjoon reminded, Taehyung looks shocked at Namjoon presence and he stops halfway. Jimin laughs lightly at Taehyung because he looked like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Taehyung then realized Jimin was beside Namjoon for all these time. "Jiminie! Come in, come in! Sit beside me!" Taehyung patted the seat beside him.

Jimin smiled and went in to sit beside while Namjoon sat at the back with J-hope who's napping. Jimin figured they all must be tired from school. Their ride was quiet for a moment except for the low sounds from the radio and Taehyung's gnawing on the snacks. He tried to give some to Jimin but Jimin had to object due to the fact he's in his diet and he must lessen his snacks intake. Taehyung just shrugged to himself and continue eating. Jungkook and Jimin made a small talk about school with Jimin asking Jungkook about highschool life while Jungkook asking Jimin the same thing. Later on, Jimin noticed something strange--- that they were going to the wrong direction to their dorm. He looks at the scenery at the window and found out that he has never been here before. Jimin hurriedly tries to inform Seokjin who's currently driving with Yoongi beside him listening to music.

"Seokjin-hyung, we're going to the wrong direction." Jimin timidly pointed out. Taehyung who he can see at the corner of his eye turned to look at him weirdly. Did he say something wrong?

Seokjin just chuckled lightly. "Jimin, we're going to the restaurant. It's been a long time since we're doing this. I got the permission from our Manager-hyung*." Jimin didn't say anything just that his mouth turned to an 'o'.

"Also, this is a great time to celebrate Jimin's arrival!" Taehyung said, hugging the death out of Jimin. Jimin just laughs lightly loving the attention.

"That's correct! You're allowed to order anything you want, Jimin! Just don't go overboard." J-hope who's behind Jimin suddenly said. Jimin was shocked at J-hope's voice because he swore that he saw he was napping earlier. J-hope seems to know what Jimin is thinking so he gave Jimin a sheepish smile.

Their ride to the restaurant turned livelier and they seemed to look like they cannot stop talking. Every topic they talked about, they all enthusiastically responded well (except for Namjoon who's playing with his phone and Suga who's listening to music). After a while, they arrived at the restaurant which Jimin identified it as Korean BBQ restaurant. Jimin's craving for this for a long time and was not able to buy it due to his short of money. So, food like this is a blessing from the heaven. As soon as he got down the van and looked up at the restaurant signboard, Jimin brings his hand together to clap for a short time. Suga who's right behind Jimin raised his eyebrow wondering what he is doing.

Suga went beside Jimin and patted his shoulder. "Stop getting excited, you're allowed to order anything you want." Jimin slowly turned his head to look at Suga and Suga was (a bit) staggered to see Jimin's 'sparkling' eyes. "That's the more reason I get excited!"

Suga sighed. "Alright, let's just go in." With that, he holds Jimin's right shoulder and they enter the restaurant with the other members trailing behind.

Choosing the right food proving to be a challenge for Jimin. His eyes wildly search for the 'right' food to fill his stomach while at the same time won't increase his weight. J-hope and Seokjin looks a bit worried about Jimin and in the end they chose it for Jimin since it looks like he won't be done anytime soon (with them promising they will go here again next time together). Jimin starts to get giddy and won't stop shifting in his seat. He starts to ask Taehyung and Jungkook various questions to which Jungkook and Taehyung humouring Jimin with answers. Suga who's right in front of Jimin shakes his head lightly knowing this is the first time he sees someone get this excited for food (except for Seokjin, we all know how he is when it comes to food). Soon afterward the food arrived and Jimin cannot get more excited. Seokjin immediately takes the picture of Jimin chomping the food and with them together posing for the picture.

Today proven to be one of the best night ever since he came here and Jimin get anymore happier. The fact that they are here, together, working with each other to help each other strengthen their bonds is one of the most beautiful moment. Jimin thought he won't ever forget what happened tonight and hopes to be closer than ever.

ε=ε=ε=ε=ε" "(/*'-'*)/---(๑'•ω • '๑)

Their 'get-together' passed by Jimin like a blur and he realized he's already in their practice room burning all the calories from their feast a while ago. That and also the constant of the dance teacher nagging to them due to them eating so much. Jimin paid them no mind and starts to continue the choreography again with no complain. The members seem to notice Jimin's determination to finish with his dance practice quick so they all follow suit and eventually the dance teacher scowled since he cannot 'bully' Jimin. He wondered why did they work together today, is it due to the fact they went out a while ago? That must be it, the dance teacher thought fuming.

The clock turned 11:30 is when they were allowed to go back home. Jimin and the others were gathering their things before leaving and cleaning the room. That's what they were doing until the dance teacher ordered Jimin to stay. "I didn't finish my sentence, it's only Jimin who's going to stay here." Inside his mind, the dance teacher is smirking evilly.

They looked at each other and Suga turned to look at the dance teacher frowning. "Teach, you cannot allow him to stay here alone again. He's tired."

"I don't care! Jimin, I order you to continue your dance practice for 2 hours minimum!" The dance teacher barked his orders while glaring at Jimin. Jimin sighed in resignation and was about to get up from the floor until Jungkook who was sitting beside him hold his hand shaking his head no.

"Please reconsider this, seonsaengnim." Namjoon who was silent for all this time decided to step in.

"Teacher, he's an impressive dancer. Why would he stay here longer than us when we can see that he's clearly catching up to us?" Taehyung challenged glaring at their dance teacher. Jimin was a bit shocked to see his hyung acting like this. No more 'lovely' words, what he can see here is a serious Taehyung.

The dance teacher gritted his teeth getting mad at the fact they are all defending Jimin when before they won't even consider doing this.

"If it's like this then, allow us to stay here with him too. A young kid like him shouldn't stay too long outside." Seokjin suggested. Jungkook who's still holding Jimin's hand nodded repeatedly. J-hope just stayed at the side looking at them and slowly nodded agreeing with Seokjin. "I can teach him too."

Seeing that the dance teacher have no chance against all of them he roared in anger and gave Jimin his one last glare before leaving saying they're all allowed to go home. When he saw their dance teacher is out of sight, Jimin sighed heavily and almost fell down if not for Jungkook supportive body. They rushed to Jimin asking if he's okay to which Jimin just smile. Taehyung stretched his arms and sighed, "I was scared he would hit us or something."

"Why should we be scared? We outnumbered him!" Jungkook said still holding Jimin's body.

"Well, for now, let's just go home. Come, Jimin." Namjoon said, giving him a small smile. Jimin just nodded to him. Following that, they left the building and walked down the streets going over few blocks before reaching their dorm.

"Jimin, if you have any problem, please, don't hesitate to tell us, okay?" J-hope suddenly said this to Jimin. He wrap his arms around Jimin. Jimin just gave them a bright smile to which they simultaneously responded with a smile of their own.

Jimin thought the day will turn to bad the moment he saw his dance teacher, but he thought wrong. This is one of the happiest day during his stay here. They went home with a comforting silent and small smile.

ε=ε=ε=ε=ε" "(/*'-'*)/---(๑'•ω • '๑)

* Not Manager Sejin, of course.

I'm here to tell you guys that I developed a high fever that won't go down for 2 days already. It's a miracle that I was able to type this whole chapter, haha. This is also the reason why this chapter is shorter. This is all my boss fault! >:( I hope you guys are fine wherever you are. It's like watching a person trying to mend a broken glass slowly but surely, that's what this whole chapter about. Also, I noticed I haven't inform you guys their ages here since this takes place at the year of 2012 :

Jimin : 14 – 2nd year of middle school

Jungkook : 16 – 1st year of high school

Taehyung : 17 – 2nd year of high school

Namjoon : 18 – 3rd year of high school

J-hope : 18 – 3rd year of high school

Suga : 19 – graduated

Seokjin : 20 – graduated (obviously lol)

Thank you for reading, commenting and voting! Everything counts dearly! Let's hope I will be able to combat this horrible fever haha.


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