By -consteIIations

353K 12.9K 2.7K

❝I am bound by fear and driven by an unhealthy and unrealistic hope for happiness.❞ copyright 2016 © -consteI... More



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By -consteIIations


"HAND ME THE MILK, PLEASE." Peter politely asked, looking at the short girl at the other side of the kitchen island.

"Steve can you please hand him the milk?" Cassie turned her head to the man, who raised his eyebrows. "Steve." She demanded, sending him a death glare.

"Okay, calm down." He raised his hands in a defensive manner and handed Peter the milk, the boy exhaled frustratedly.

The man raised his eyebrows as he watched the two teenagers sitting on different sides of the kitchen island and occasionally sending death glares to each other.

"Morning–" Tony said, walking into the room with the twins trailing behind.

"You're being a little childish, don't you think?" Peter leaned closer, looking at his girlfriend with anger and completely ignoring the presence of the adults.

"Oh, says the one who flies around the city wearing cute spandex." She snapped, making Peter exhale with frustration.

"I told you I was only joking." He said, rounding the corner to be close to her.

"Well, I didn't find that joke funny." She rolled her eyes and turned around to walk out of the kitchen. Peter followed her with quick steps.

The other four adults looked at each other with raised eyebrows and watched them argue for about three solid minutes. Pietro raised an eyebrow when he heard their voices echoing in the halls.

"Just let it go, Peter." Cassie sighed, walking to her room. "Today we have to go to finish the mission and I don't want to be distracted about this."

"But we need to talk about it." He interfered, resting his hands on his hips.

"Maybe later." She turned around and walked inside her room, slamming the door behind her.

Cassie sighed as she checked the time in her clock and walked to the bed, where the suit was waiting for her. She took the garment in her hands and admired the fabric and tested her powers with it, a small smile appeared on her features as she quickly tried it on with anxious movements.

She smiled at her reflection as she zipped up the suit and examined her figure. Pressing her lips together, she ran her fingers through the material of the suit and turned herself invisible.

"Cassie, are you here?" Wanda asked, barging into the room. The brunette turned herself visible again. "Wow. You look good."

"Thanks." She nodded, half-smiling. A deep sigh left her lips. "What's up?" She turned around to meet Wanda's gaze.

"It's time to leave."


Peter looked down at his girlfriend as he tightened his grip around her waist, they were flying over the beautiful city to get to her old apartment building without being seen by Charlie. She instantly wiggled out of his arm when they landed on the rooftop of the building, and he sighed deeply.

"Let's get this done." Cassie muttered as she watched the busy streets from the edge of the rooftop. "I'll see you in a bit."

"Wait." Peter held her hand, forcing her to turn back to look at him. "Promise me you will be careful."

"Peter I have to go–" She sighed but he crashed his lips over her, making her shut up instantly.

"Promise me, Cassie." He said sternly and looking straight into her eyes.

"Yes, I promise." She said vaguely, looking at the others evacuating the building. "Now let me go so I can get this done."

Peter sighed and placed the mask back on his head and stepped aside to let her walk. Cassie nodded and jogged to the door, completely ignoring his eyes following her.

She sighed and tried to push back the negative thoughts while running down the stairs to reach the floor where she used to live in. A sigh left her lips as she watched Charlie walking into the apartment and turned herself invisible to follow him inside without him knowing anything about it.

"I know you're here..." He sang turning around to face her, but he frowned at the sight of an empty apartment.

Cassie pressed her lips together as she looked at his back and admired his movements while he carefully searched for the gun in the pocket of his black jeans. She raised her hand and smirked as she watched the gun levitate out of his hand, Charlie cursed under his breath as he created a new flame with his hand. Her eyes widened at the realization of his powers and what he was capable of.

"Cassandra, I know you are here." He laughed mischievously, giving her goosebumps. Sighing deeply, she turned herself visible again. "There you are."

"I'm here." She shrugged, holding the gun in her hand. "Hello, Charlie."

"Don't call me that." He grunted, igniting flames in his hands. Cassie smirked.

"Why not? That's your name." She crossed her arms over her chest. "Remember me?" He cursed under his breath. "I'm your sister, remember?"

"Stop it." He said with gritted teeth as he searched for her shadow, but she was invisible again. "Don't hide, coward!"

"Coward? Like you?" She said, appearing in front his eyes. "At least I'm not trying to kill my family."

Cassie backed away as soon as she noticed the ball of fire flying to her and hitting the wall. She smirked as she raised her finger and levitated the closest object to him, Charlie grunted as soon as he felt the impact and threw another ball at her direction.

"You know I can read you mind, right?" She smiled, sitting on the couch. "I know what you are going to do before you do it."

"I don't care about you, Cassandra." He smiled mischievously.

"Then why are you dedicating your life to look for me?" She raised her eyebrows. "I thought you don't care. Quite ironic, don't you think?"

"Stop with the chit chat."

"Charlie." She said, and he grunted.

Suddenly, the memories and flashbacks were suddenly starting to appear before his eyes. He held his head in his hands as he tried to clear his head from the thoughts he was having.

"What? Is that bothering you?" Cassie smiled, looking at him.

"Whatever you are doing, you better stop."

"Stop what? Calling you Charlie?"

"I said stop!" He yelled, throwing several flames everywhere.

Cassie gulped as she watched her surroundings, the apartment was slowly getting full of red and hot flames. She coughed as she looked around to find the shadow of Charlie, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Charlie?" She yelled, looking for him.

"Come here!" He said, holding her neck and pushing her against the wall. Cassie squeaked. "This is how I wanted to see you."

"This is not you, Charlie." She shrieked, trying to free herself.

"You don't know who I am." He said sternly, Cassie chewed her lower lip and pushed him away.

Charlie backed away, groaning. The brunette exhaled deeply as she fixed the collar of her suit and walked to him, but he was faster and had already taken her ankle and made her fall down. She groaned loudly as she wiggled out of his grip and stood up quickly. She pressed her lips together as she stepped aside at the sight of several balls of fire going her way.

"I called some of my friends to get rid of your friends. I should go check that." He smirked mischievously.

Soon, the apartment was on fire and the only thing she could hear was the sound of her own coughs. Charlie looked at her before running out of the apartment and leaving her by herself in an apartment on fire and with no way to get out.

Cassie shakily walked through the apartment as she searched for an exit, but it was useless. She tried to find one with her powers, to open the door with her mind, but again, completely useless. She yelled in desperation, but it seemed like everyone was busy freaking out to notice her screams.

In a desperate movement, she looked at the window at the end of the hall. She pressed her lips together as she walked backwards and focused on the now black window in front of her. She squinted her eyes, trying to see through the smoke.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." She breathed out, coughing.

A shakysigh left her lips as she looked at the window. Out of nowhere, her legs began to move and soon she found herself running to the window. The nervous feeling in the pit of stomach was soon replaced by pain as soon as her body made contact with the glass and her body falling in what it felt like slow motion.

She was floating and soon her body would collide with the floor with an impact.

An impact that would probably take her life away.


Peter seriously tried to push back the negative thoughts as he helped his friends evacuate the building, but when he saw several agents from HYDRA coming to them, he knew he was right.

He fought them, each of them that tried to take him down. He tried everything he could to beat them, because he needed to finish those fights to go and find Cassie. The feeling in his stomach urged him to ignore the agents and go find her, but the more he wanted to leave, more agents walked to him to fight.

"You go find, Cassie. I'll take care of them." Wanda yelled at him, and Peter nodded.

A sound of glass breaking made his heart fall to the ground, when he turned around, he felt his heart stopping at the sight in front of him.

The apartment building was on fire, and his girlfriend was falling from the fourth floor. He yelled for her name, but he knew it was too late to save her. No matter how fast he was to catch her, her body had already collided with the floor and the world around him had slowed down.

"Cassie!" He yelled, running to her limp body. He kneeled next to her and frustratedly got rid of the red mask in his head. "Cassie, wake up." He begged, holding her body in his arms.

He didn't care about the others fighting behind them, he also didn't care about the apartment on fire. He only cared about the girl he had in his arms, with several cuts on her face and parts of her black suit were shattered. As he watched her, he couldn't stop himself from breaking down at the sight in front of him.

"Cassie, please wake up. Please, stay with me." He cried, caressing her bruised cheek. "Don't leave me. Please, please." His eyes scanned her face and he pressed his ear to her chest, a relieved sigh left his lips at the sound of her weak heartbeat. "Cassie. Cassie, please." He said, shakily brushing away a strand of hair.

"Peter–" Pietro said, resting a hand on the boy's shoulder, but he yanked it away.

"Don't you see? She needs help!" Peter yelled, looking up. "Call an ambulance!" He exclaimed. "Stay with me, please." He begged, ignoring the tears leaving his eyes and looking back at the unconscious girl in his arms. "Cassie, don't leave me. I love you, please–"

"Peter, we are taking her to the tower."

But Peter didn't hear, and he felt his heart breaking at the thought of never seeing her beautiful brown eyes or never hearing her magnificent laugh again.

Peter was too focused on holding her, because he didn't want her to leave him. He knew she was strong enough to keep fighting.


kind of inspired by this

don't hate me please

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