The Gilbert Twins: Back From...

By stvckinmyhead

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Originally - Gilbert Twins: Forever A Blood Bag ✨✨✨✨✨ Waking up from being sacrificed, now Kat's biggest task... More

Chapter 1: Recap
Chapter 2: Not My Funeral?
Chapter 3: Letter's To A Friend - Part 1
Chapter 4: Letter's To A Friend - Part 2
Chapter 5: Just Let Me Hear Your Voice
Chapter 6: We're In Werewolf Territory On A Full Moon? How Smart(!)
Chapter 7: Such Neat Handwriting For A Psychopath
Chapter 8: I Can Do Far Better Than A CRAPPY SUBSTITUTE!
Chapter 9: I Told You I'd See You In Hell
Chapter 10: Nice Catch...
Chapter 11: Do I Really Want To Do This Again?
Chapter 12: I'll Be The B!**h Because You Clearly Can't
Chapter 13: Backstabbing B!**h
Chapter 14: Nobody's Safe
Chapter 15: I Knew You Cared...
Chapter 16: Everything I Was Promised...
Chapter 17: Bottle It Up
Chapter 18: Im So Sorry, Elena...
Chapter 19: I Always Wanted To Be Cremated
Chapter 20: He Didn't Do It!
Chapter 21: It's MY Fault!
Chapter 22: Who Knew Blood Ran So Deep...
Chapter 23: Well, I Didn't Need To See That...
Chapter 24: Don't Go Ric...
Chapter 25: If I Die, You Die?

Chapter 26: How Peaceful...

2.9K 64 14
By stvckinmyhead



"She's late again(!)" I sang in a taunting tone while aunt Jenna just rolled her eyes in response.

"Just because you choose to wake up when the sun rises, doesn't mean your sister's lazy" she sipped some of her coffee.

"I know, it's still funny to tease her over it though" I aimed my camera slightly as I heard footsteps move down the stairs, and she's finally awake!

"Seriously, Kat(?)" she playfully glared at me as the shutter clicked and a bright light hit her.

"Yes, I thought it would wake you up more, I'm just trying to help" I grinned and laughed slightly at the pictures of her scowling in her adorable cheer uniform.

"Why aren't you dressed?" she frowned at me.

"Why dress as a cheerleader when I can't even cheer" I motioned to my foot, neatly wrapped in a cast.

"But Carolin--" I cut her off.

"Will be fine as long as I bribe her with a shopping trip" I smirked and Elena rolled her eyes. "She's too easy to distract and you know it."

"How longs left anyway?" she leaned over the counter slightly to get a better look at the vandalized cast, that was a fun day at the grill.

"One whole week, I'm counting down the seconds" I spoke in a dreamy tone while 'Lena and Jenna laughed as 'Lena reached for some coffee, Jenna snatched it back.

"Hey. You'll get me in trouble with your--" Jenna was cut off by the warden herself.

"Morning" she always has that walk, no matter the situation or time of day she looks so put together. That's a trait I hope to take from my mom.

"Morning, mom" Elena and I chorused by accident, sending a slight grin to each other after doing so. She gave Elena a kiss on the cheek before moving beside me, pulling me into a side hug I received a kiss on the cheek also before she went about the daily routine of breakfast.

Same old routine, nothing ever changes...I wouldn't have it any other way...


I forced my eyes open when an annoying beeping decided not to quit it, a little shocked to see myself in a hospital room. Wasn't I just in the kitchen? Having breakfast with Jenna, Mom? Wasn't I just complaining about my cast and taking silly photos because that was my only hobby?...No. That was a while ago...The last thing I was doing was painting that, room. In that, house. Where all of those, people just--...--aren't, anymore...


"Couch" Care ordered as Matt opened the front door.

"Guys you don't have to do this. I'm fine, I have doctor clearance" Elena and Care gave me a look, a look that meant my death if I didn't allow them to take care of me. "I just--I want something to eat first," I thought up.

"We're on it. As soon as we make sure no one's lurking in the closets" I sighed at Ty's words, annoyed I have a bunch of Mother hen's fluffing around me.

"All right, couch. Now" Care ordered as her and Elena lead me to the destination, both linked around each of my arms.

"Ugh, I told you, I'm fine" I complained as Care let go, Elena still leading.

"Doctor says rest" Care started.

"So you rest" Elena finished while gently pushing me down onto the sofa, Care wrapping a blanket around me once I stretched my legs out and lay slightly on the brown leather.

"Now what can I get you? Do you want some tea? Maybe some vodka?" I raised a brow at her.

"Both will help you sleep" 'Lena defended Care's suggestion, I couldn't help but laugh at the two. "We know" 'Lena took a seat on the small space my legs didn't occupy.

"We're being smothering" Care crossed her arms over her chest with a sigh.

"No. It's--it's nice" I decided. "It's your guy's way of caring, you release your worry of whatever situation I'm in by making sure I'm ok. I'm lucky to have that" I smiled at the two.

"I'm thinking...maybe tea with vodka" we all giggled at Care's suggestion.

"I'll even make your favorite sandwich" 'Lena offered.

"I could get used to this" I settled back into the cushions as they rolled their eyes and left me, only walking a good ten feet away to the kitchen. I'm still in their eyeline in case they worry... 

I found my eyes looking forward and finding a lovely picture from sophomore year, gosh I miss that cheerleading uniform. But looking at that, the dream from earlier just kept fighting its way to the front of my mind...



"What do you think?" Care held another outfit choice slightly in front of her, playfully posing and making me laugh.

"I think you're purposely making me jealous because I can't go tonight" I judged in a joking manner and threw a pillow at her, she rolled her eyes.

"I'm shocked(!) It took you 15 seconds longer than usual to make the conversation all about yourself(!)" she jumped onto the free position next to me on her bed, myself scoffing at the behavior.

"I know, I know, I'm too big headed(!)" I sighed in an overdramatic fashion.

"I know, I'm surprised you made it in the house(!)" the facade cracked and we grinned at each other.

"But in all seriousness, outfit two, you'd look the hottest in that" I finally answered.

She picked it up and held it in front of herself, doing little turns in her mirror. "I knew there was a reason I kept you around, Kat" she grinned at her reflection.

"Yeah, I'm the outfit monkey, here when you call..." she nodded along with my words. "Plus without me, you'd actually have to save up for a car(!)" she gasped dramatically and threw my earlier weapon of her pillow back at me, it wasn't long before we were giggling messes over nothing.


I woke up with a frown, surprised to see Matty watching me. "Hello creeper" he smiled. "Where is everyone?" I noticed the silent house.

"Tyler and Caroline got a call from their moms, and Elena's upstairs trying to contact Stefan and Damon" I frowned at the latter but decided to question later, "What were you dreaming about?"

"Sophmore year" I pushed myself into an upright position while speaking.

"That seems like forever ago" Matt stretched slightly.

"It was" I chuckled, as he glanced down..."What is it, Matty?" I sighed at his 'thinking' face.

"What do you mean?" he frowned.

"There's a question you're dying to ask me, what is it?" I folded my arms slightly as I waited.

"Well..." he hesitated. "Are you in love with Damon?" he rushed.

"No" I answered seriously.

"Are you sure?" he raised a brow.

"As sure as I can get" I shrugged, "He's a great friend, but I can't muster any feeling like love for him like I can for Stefan" I admitted. "Why are you frowning?"

"What comes to mind when you think of Damon, say a list of the first things" he demanded gently.

"Kind, protective, vampire, sweet, sarcastic, killer, friend, lo--like" I coughed slightly at the end, the list rolling off the tongue quicker with the more words I said--a word I definitely don't need to think about almost slipped out, oops..."I like him, I like him a lot--as a friend" I spoke slowly to think out the words, trying not to slip up.

"Since when have you felt like that?" Matt held that annoying look of 'I knew I was right' in his eyes.

"SinceisawhimkissElena" I muttered.

"What?" he leaned forward.

"Since I saw him kiss Elena, at the motel when we went to Denver. Okay?" my tone turned slightly icy before I heard the door open. "Stefan?" I frowned, standing from the couch as he rushed over and pulled me into a hug.

"You ok?" he breathed.

"Yeah" I smiled, enjoying the warmth that spread through me as I was in his arms. My smile grew softer and eyes fluttered shut when he squeezed just that little bit tighter...heaven...


"I'm being over-coddled" I complained to the world as Elena handed me another drink, doctor's orders to keep hydrated. "I feel completely fine" I promised them.

"You're on house arrest. You're supposed to be coddled" Stefan's words made me chuckle.

"Wouldn't it just be smarter if we just got you the hell out of town?" Matt clipped.

"And do what?" I scoffed. "Go on the run for the rest of my life? No, thank you" I sighed. "And I'm not an invalid" I gathered up the blankets. "I'm done with the couch" I left the three to discuss, setting the blankets back in their original position I made my way to the porch, not running away--just needing a little bit of fresh air. Opening the door I took a few steps back in shock. "Stefan..." I called, nerves shaking my voice.

"Elijah" Stefan spoke as I looked back at him in a slight panic.

"Hello again" the civil original greeted after taking a few steps into my home.

"I'm guessing you've been caught up" I calmed myself during the welcome and showed him to the table.

"Yes. Rebekah provided me with all of the crucial details" ok, how did he take a seat elegantly?!

"Then what do you suggest?" Elena questioned as I took a seat also, frowning at the phone sat opposite me. Christ, Stefan called Damon fast.

"All we need is to take that stake away from him. Once he's been disarmed, the weapon's in my possession, my family will scatter to the ends of the earth. And Alaric will follow us" well, that sounds simple.

"And you'll" Stefan took a seat next to me.

"We've done it before" the original shrugged. "Klaus and Rebekah spent the better part of a thousand years evading my father. What's another half century while Katalina's able to live out the rest of her natural life?"

"We finally stopped him, Elijah. After everything that he's done to us, I can't just let you bring him back" I stressed.

"I give you my word, Katalina. I will not--revive Klaus within yours, nor even within your children's lifetimes. Perhaps it'll finally teach him some manners" I chuckled as Elijah straightened the table settings during his promise.

"Why should she trust you?" Matt jumped in, "All you've done is screw her over" Matt took a seat beside Elena while speaking.

"And for that, I'm deeply ashamed. But know this--she could have been dead the instant I walked through that door tonight. So, Katalina, I leave it to you to make the decision whether to trust me or not" I felt a slight chill as his hard eyes met mine.

"Not! Hello! Did that concussion give you brain damage? His lunatic siblings will kill you the first chance they get!" Damon finally spoke up through the phone.

"Rebekah and Kol will honor the terms if you return Klaus' body to us...Katalina will come to no harm" Elijah reinstated.

"But if we decide to keep it in our possession out of self-preservation, you will go back on everything you've just said?" Elijah gave me no answer..."Over the time we've known each other I've learned to pay extra close attention to your words, Elijah. You say all the right things in a particular way so if you go back on your word, you can blame the structure of your sentence, so you don't have to feel guilt for what you've done. Because 1000 years..." I whistled, "That's an awful lot of guilt without this little system of yours" I was replied with silence.

"...Do we have a deal?" Elijah finally spoke after a few more minutes of silence.

"No! No, No, No, No. Did I mention, No!" Damon objected.

"Kat, it's up to you" Stefan sighed reluctantly.

"Oh, come on!" Damon complained.

"Just answer me one question" Elijah nodded. "Why do you want Klaus' body?"

"He's my brother. We remain together" I sighed at his words, annoyed those doe eyes were getting to me.

"Good answer" I stood, "...We have a deal."


"I know where Klaus' body is..." Jer spoke down the phone to Alaric as Elena and I watched anxiously. "Damon's on his way to bury him in the woods off route 12. I'll text you with the specifics...I know" he hung up the phone with a sigh. "He bought it" was the good news.

"Let's hope this plan works then" I sighed and stood. "I--I'm just gonna go upstairs for a minute, have a breather" I reasoned before rushing away as casually as I could. Finally reaching my room I leaned against my small vanity table, smiling at the odd photos scattered around it. "You didn't have to follow me up, you know..." I sighed and turned to face him.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay" he reasoned as I took a step forward.

"I'm fine.....Stefan...can you make sure that Alaric doesn't lay a hand on Jeremy?" I voiced some worries.

"Jeremy will be fine. Between all of us, we'll have the strength in numbers to disarm Alaric" I nodded and looked down slightly..."--Hey," my eyes met his as he took a step closer placing his hand to the side of my chin and cheek, "What's wrong?"

"I--...I guess lately, I feel like every time someone walks out of this house, their not gonna come back" I voiced in a whisper, hoping Elijah wasn't listening in.

"Well, I promise...I will do everything in my power to make sure that we all come back" 'Don't make promises you can't keep' were my thoughts after Stefan's words. He pulled his hand away with a slight smile, giving my arm a comforting squeeze before moving to leave.

"Stefan--..." the conversation I wanted to discuss with him earlier popped into my mind. He turned to face me, I lost my nerve..."Forget it. Um--" I let out a nervous chuckle, "We can talk later." he nodded before turning his back to me again, I let out a little breath and waited for the loneliness to return to the room, the isolation...It didn't. Instead, Stefan charged for me, a man on a mission indeed. Placing his hands on either side of my face he pulled me into a kiss that held so much promise...but so much fear as well...

"Just in case there is no later..." he hesitated before determination sparked in his eyes, "I love you, Kat."

"I love you too, Stefan" I replied in a beat, no hesitation, no second thoughts. I love him, and he loves me too. The sweet tingling buzzed in my lips as he left, and  I couldn't help but smile despite the circumstances it took for him to actually admit that.


"I feel like you and Elena are playing good cop, bad cop" I pouted as Matt walked in with two mugs.

"Why?" he frowned.

"She just spent 20 minutes giving me a full and thorough argument as to why handing Klaus over was a bad idea, and she mentioned your idea about running. She leaves and you enter with tea and smiles, should I be suspicious?" I joked and he rolled his eyes, handing me my mug. "Thank you" I smiled as he took a seat on the edge of my bed, taking a sip I quickly recoiled with a small sound of confusion.

"Sorry. I over-honeyed. I suck at tea" but with a smile like that I can easily forgive you, Matty, I gave a slight laugh before taking another sip, ignoring the strong taste and just enjoying the warm liquid. "So...Stefan."

"...I love him, Matt. It's not forced, fake, fictional. Whatever this thing with Damon is, I don't know. But with Stefan I know it's safe and real, I love him and he loves me--it's simple and I need that. Nothing's ever been simple. Not for a long time anyway..." I sighed before taking another large sip feeling slightly tired but pushing that to the back of my mind...


'Why is the room vibrating?' I moved my head forward and opened my eyes. "What's going on?" I frowned, fed-up of waking up in weird places today.

"It was the only way we were going to get you in this truck" Matt's voice increased my frown, who's we?

"The tea" I realized. "You drugged me?!"

"I'm sorry, Kat" I looked back to see my twin in a medium gap, decorated as another seat.

"What the hell is going on?" I'm confused.

"We're getting you out of town, Kat" Matt started.

"It's the only way to keep you safe" Elena finished.

"And I didn't get a choice in the matter?" I huffed.

Before anyone could reply to me, Matt's phone began buzzing violently. "Yup..." he answered. "Alaric got to Klaus?...Got it, Jer" well, that was short and sweet.

"We have to go back, Matt" I ordered.

"Ka--" I cut Elena off.

"Listen to me, Matt. If Klaus is the one that turned their bloodline, then they're all gonna die" I pushed and received no response. "We Have To Go Back, Matt!"

"Kat..." he trailed off.

"What?!" I snapped.

"Damon's not with them" he explained.

"What?" I frowned.

"He's a hundred miles out of town. I can keep driving to him, or I can turn around and go back to Stefan. It's your choice" he offered.

" selfish do you think I am?" my eyes watered. "If we turn back we see Ty and Care, childhood friends. People we grew up with and care about, not just a vampire that suddenly showed up. We're turning back, not for Stefan, but for Caroline and Tyler. I won't rob you both of that goodbye just so I can see a guy I got close to in the last few months, got it?" the pair nodded at me before I felt Matt U-turn, possibly illegal in this area but we don't have time to worry about that right now.

I pulled out my phone with a sigh, sad I couldn't say goodbye face to face...


D- Let me guess--calling to see if the grim reaper's paid a visit?

K- Can you not be sarcastic right now?

D- Highly unlikely. But there's no reason to fuss anyway, Klaus was lying and once the timer runs out and that's proved then we can all have a big old laugh about this.

K- Yeah, I'm--I'm sure we will.

D- Hey, where are you?

K- Matt's taking me home.

D- To Stefan.

K- To Caroline and Tyler, Damon.

D- No, Kat, I get it.

K- There's nothing to get so I don't know how you did. (My Eyes Stung Slightly)

D- So...since I'm possibly a dead man, can I ask you a question?

K- (I Took A Deep Breath)...Anything...

D- If it was just down to him and me, and you had to make a choice who got the goodbye...Who would it be?

K-...I love him, Damon. I don't know what it is between us, I don't know if I ever will. And I'm so sorry it's not you. If I could stop you from caring for me--loving me the way you do. Then I would--easily, if it made you happy. I shouldn't have strung you along, I shouldn't have treated you the way I did because I didn't know how I felt.

D- Hey, I get it. It's Stefan. It's always going to be Stefan...

K- Not 'always', Damon...Just, 'this time'.

D- You don't have to explain, Kat. I had a pretty good run...I got to love you, and we did have fun didn't we? (I Could See His Smirk, I Knew It Was Fake And That Made The Guilt Hurt Even More)

K- We did...(I Whispered)...I care about you with all of my heart, Damon. No matter how hard I tried you got under my skin, you made me question whether love was an option for me--for that I owe you so much. You're not gonna die, you're going to survive this because you're Damon Salvatore and you're a f**kin' bada$$. So when you live past your little due date....I want you to live, Damon. I know everything with Stefan means losing you, losing another person that I care about so much. But it's so worth losing someone as amazing as you if it gives you the chance to chase after the life that you deserve. A life that a Petrova won't ruin...

D-.....Good-bye, Kat.

K-...Goodbye, Damon...


I breathed as the phone clicked, signaling the end of the conversation. I wiped away a few stray tears, surprised I didn't notice them falling during the call. "Are you okay?" my twin's hand squeezed my shoulder comfortingly.

"I'm fine...Can you just take my phone for a while?" she quickly took it from my grasp. I settled further into the seat, leaning my head against the window and watching as the trees flew past the car on our drive.


"You, too, Care" Elena sniffled as she hung up my phone, I stayed blank and stared forward as Matt looked back at her.

"What now?" his voice cracked.

"It's Tyler. He, um...He's..." my eyes stung again as Elena tried to force the words out.

"Damn it" Matt whispered from beside me. "DAMN IT, DAMN IT, DAMN IT!" he hit the steering wheel with each shout.

"Matt, Matt, no, stop it" 'Lena begged.

"This isn't how our lives were supposed to be" Matt sucked in a breath.

"But we're stuck with them" I spoke up..."...We're cursed and we can do nothing about it, just try and get through each day that was just as miserable as the last" silence filled the car as I finished. We stayed frozen in it...nothing moved or spoke until a slight beep buzzed my phone.

"It's a text" Elena handed it out to me. I briskly scanned over the question and typed a simple reply before slipping the phone back into my pocket. "Who was it?"

"Elijah asking of our location, I just said we were nearing Mystic Falls" I shrugged.


"I wanna call Stefan, but my phone's almost dead" I muttered.

"Here. Use mine" Matt pulled it out.

"Thanks" I breathed, taking the phone from him.

"Matt Look Out!" Elena pulled both mine and Matt's gaze back to the road, a certain blonde standing in the way of the car forced Matt to slam down on the breaks and turn violently. The next thing I saw was blue, the truck filled with water so fast, I barely had time to suck in enough oxygen.....

I shook Matt, he won't wake up. I tried to break free from my seatbelt, it's stuck. I tried to open the door, the water pressure's locked me in. I banged on the window, I'm too weak. And then I saw air bubbles and I turned to see my sister, my twin, half of myself--and she looked so scared. I grabbed her hand and I thought this was it. "I Love You" I spoke in the water and it produced no sound, just bubbles escaping my mouth, oxygen wasted. She nodded in response "I Love You Too" came her bubbly reply, and I felt my heart break at the sight.

Releasing my grip on her hand I watched as a figure opened Matt's door. It was Stefan, our savior! He moved to help me but I shook my head frantically, annoyed the water slowed me down, and pointed to Matt. He tried to refuse but Elena also frantically pointed to him--giving Stefan a firm and demanding look in the process, he gave in, pulling Matt out before hurrying to swim to the surface. Elena and I are still conscious, we still have a chance.

I tugged on my seatbelt again, no luck. I'm trapped. I'm on countdown in my head, nervous about reaching my limit for holding my breath. I looked up in wait as I saw Elena's eyes drooping, I shook her arm frantically, determined she wouldn't die on me. I shook and I tugged and I screamed under water, but nothing happened. She seemed to be fading fast and my panic grew. "ELENA! ELENA!" Tears would be flowing down my cheeks if I wasn't subdued in water, my hope for Stefan returning soon slowly sank...

--Hero hair appeared again in our only escape, once again my dear Steffie moved to pull me out, pull me to safety, save my life, like always. No. I shook my head as desperately as I could and motioned to Elena, she needs more help then me. I'm still awake, I still have a chance, right? He seemed hesitant, the last emotion I wished to see right now. Gripping the back of his head I pulled him forward and latched my lips onto his, a promise I would be fine when he returned. Pulling back he moved to free Elena from her seatbelt prison, I watched in relief as they swam out of sight...

I focused on the steering wheel as though it would give me more oxygen, I clenched my jaw to savor the little air I had left. It's so painful, my head feels like it's about to explode. I'm trying so hard to stay awake as I feel the water fill my lungs...slowly, painful.....




So this is it. I'm dying...Is it weird I'm happy?

This is so much better than last time, so much better than yesterday. Klaus' method of draining me for my death scared me so much because I wasn't complete. If I died back then or even yesterday, then I wouldn't know. If I'd died with Jenna, then my afterlife would be tormented with thought's of Klaus hurting more of who I loved, everyone not being safe, everything going wrong.

But now, I know Klaus is dead, meaning no one I love will be tormented. Now, I know Alaric will die with me, meaning Caroline, Stefan and Damon can all live however many hundred years they wish to. Now, I know my Sister is safe, Matty is safe. With all the bad my existence has created, with everything my life has ruined. It feels amazing knowing that my last action was helping save the lives of two people I couldn't live nothing without.

And then there's Stefan. I can die knowing I did everything I thought was achievable...I was surrounded by amazing and loving friends and family, even if there are significantly fewer now, the message behind them remains the same. I traveled the world with my 'Sister'--taking pictures of all I want to remember, and creating memories that you just can't document. I died, then came back to life like a bada$$. I met my biological Mom and Dad, and they were briefly amazing. I had a total of 6 parents/guardians, each teaching me something I value dearly. I came home, and I saw everyone one last time...And I fell in love with a boy that I never thought could steal my heart--all thanks to his brother, who opened up a part of my heart I never thought existed...

And now it's peaceful, the pain has dulled and the blue sea has blurred. My eyes feel heavy and I know this is the end, so I smile. I smile as I face death and feel the whole world crash into me. I smile because this is not hell...

This is my peace... (Tourner Dans Le Vide By Indila)



Extra info is in the following '!AUTHOR'S NOTE!', but if your dream is to skip it then all I'll say it's thank you for actually reading through Kat's story, whether you voted, commented, or just read then I'm grateful...

Thanks for reading x

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