Enemies to Couples

By Crystal-Flower

36.4K 1.1K 240

STory by: Dark Angelic Kitty More

Chapter 1: Friends and Enemies
Chapter 3: Highschool Mania
Chapter 4: Opposite Attraction part 1
Chapter 5: Opposite Attraction 2
Chapter 6 Operation: Matchmaker
Chapter 7: Sleepover Mania
Chapter 8: Cleaning, Shopping, Runaway Cat
Chapter 9: A Typhical Day
Chapter 10: Guts to Confess
Chapter 11: Events Meant to Be
Chapter 12: Fieleds of Love
Chapter 13: Unforgettable Weekend
Chapter 14: Key to Matur-ism
Chapter 15: Jealousy is a Virtue
Chapter 16: l Surrender
Chapter 18: Girl Power
Chapter 19: Happy Birthday
Chapter 20: Fluff Land
Chapter 21: A Good Deed's Reward
Chapter 22: Lost Horizon
Chapter 23: Changes
Chapter 24: Everlasting Hope
Chapter 25: Worries
Chapter 26: Twisted Begining
Chapter 27: Imperfection
Chapter 28: Wedding Bells on her Birthday
Chapter 29: It's a Cruel.... Cruel World

Chapter 2: War

1.8K 57 17
By Crystal-Flower




Stupid alarm clock...


Fine...you win... I'll get up early today....

It was officially the second day of school and Sakura had already made two enemies and three friends. Not a bad start...I think...

She got up and got dressed in her school's uniform which consisted of a black collared sleeveless one-piece dress that went up to her knee, a colored ribbon that all female students were required to wear on their arm indicating which grade they're in, and a really long coat. For girls in Sakura's grade, they had to wear a red ribbon everyday while men wore a blue one.

As she went down the stairs, she buttoned the pins from the top to the middle of her coat and left the rest free. Then she ate her breakfast and fed Yuki.

"I need to prepare for the worst today Yuki." She told the cat. "You know why? It's because of the school's bully, Uchiha Sasuke. That jerk and I have waged war. God, he's cute though...such a waste. Anyways, even if he's cute I won't let that factor hinder my way. Bye baby, wish me luck!"

Since she woke up on time today she walked to school at a normal pace. The feeling of not needing to rush was nice. Too bad she loved sleeping so much. A girl needs her beauty sleep you know. Still...the morning air was nice and she tried enjoying it as much as she could.

It seemed like everything was going fine until she was two blocks away from school. Just as she was about to figure out a plan to demolish Sasuke, she heard the engine of a motorcycle behind her. Turning around to see who it was, she immediately recognized Sasuke due to the way he dressed.

He wore his uniform in an ever so rebellious way and a black helmet covered his head so she couldn't see his face which annoyed her because for all she knew, he could be sticking his tongue out at her. But what annoyed her even more was the fact that Sasuke was riding an expensive-looking black motorcycle.

Talk about being a show-off...

Sasuke rode smoothly in a cool fashion and stopped beside her. He then pulled off his helmet and revealed a mocking smirk.

"I suppose you got a license to drive huh." She said thoughtfully, pretending not to be interested in him or his bike. However, she couldn't help but admire the sleek automobile since she had always been a mecha-junkie.

"I'm 17 aren't I?" Sasuke replied coolly. "Surprised? Jealous?"

"Idiot." She snapped. Yes, she was hella jealous of him. He could fricken drive! But no way was she going to let him know. "Hmph, to see you riding that thing is rather amusing than surprising. You know why? Because you look like a really rich egotistical show-off that's super snobby, spoiled, and not to mention VERY bastard-like!"

"Heh I know I'm a rich bastard. Thanks for reminding me, but as for the snobby and spoiled part...you might want to reconsider... Anyways, better watch that tongue of yours Haruno. Or else...something bad may happen." Sasuke warned playfully and placed his helmet back on before riding off to school.

"We'll see." She shouted out and continued walking. That bastard thinks he's a know-it-all...well I'll show him...She didn't really have a plan yet but she was sure she was going to win.

It wasn't until a few minutes later when she arrived to the classroom and before she knew it, Hinata, Katie, and Tenten immediately rushed towards her and trapped her in a corner.

"R-Rumors are going around the school S-Sakura. It seems like you and Sasuke have waged war against each other!" Hinata stuttered nervously.

"...So? I can handle him." Sakura answered confidently.

"He's notorious for making people drop out though!" Tenten argued. "For you to wage war against him, it's like committing suicide."

"I'll make sure he won't make me drop out. Don't you think you guys are taking this way too seriously?" She asked still as confident as ever but raised an eyebrow in response.

"You don't understand Sakura, Sasuke Is A Beast!"

"Sighh...you're so brave Sakura... I just want you to know that I'm rooting for you all the way." Katie said in admiration and flashed a peace sign. The action, the drama, she loved it all.

"Katie! You're supposed to discourage her!" Tenten growled.

"Hey you over there!" A cheerful-looking blond boy called out interrupting their conversation and walked towards them making Hinata blush slightly and fidget. "I heard that you waged war on Sasuke-teme! Haha, nice to meet you! I'm Uzumaki Naruto."

"Hey..." Sakura greeted warily wondering if there were any tricks up the blonde's sleeves. "Aren't you Sasuke's best friend?"

"Sadly...yes...it's alright, I mean no harm Sakura. Can I call you Sakura? Anyways, it's about time that bastard get some sense knocked into him! It would be priceless to see him lose to a girl." Naruto chuckled. Frankly, after seeing so many students drop out, he wanted to see Sasuke lose for a change. He really was a big mean bastard and he had no idea how he became best friends with a guy him.

"Thanks." She smiled still keeping her distance and went to sit beside Sasuke. He was currently resting his cheek on palm of his hands looking as slothful as ever. "Yo jerk, I just talked to your best friend...he seems pretty nice. I wonder what happened to you."

That dobe? What does he want... Sasuke looked at her silently in response as she bravely returned his gaze. They weren't sure how long they had been staring at each other but quickly broke eye-contact when their teacher came in while reading an "adult's only" book called Come Come Paradise.

"Ewww...how could the principal allow him to read those kinds of books?" Sakura exclaimed quietly.

"Simple, he is a sneaky perverted teacher with sneaky perverted thoughts." Sasuke replied lazily. "All in all, He's A Pervert that no one cares about."

"I heard that Uchiha." Kakashi said in a warning tone and cast him a penetrating look. Sakura giggled silently and agreed with Sasuke who seemed unaffected by the gaze. Class went on as usual and to her surprise, nothing happened between her and Sasuke. At least...nothing yet. She can't let her guard down yet.

As classes came about an end, an announcement suddenly boomed on the PA:

"It's those time of the year again students when basketball season and volleyball season starts. If any girl wishes to try out for varsity volleyball please come to the gym with your gym uniforms after school. You will be trying out right after the senior boy's basketball game. Thank you, we hope to see you there."

Sakura got up excitedly as soon as the announcement was done and went to her friends while a mob of fan girls crowded around Sasuke as usual.

"Are you guys trying out? I'm so glad they have a volleyball team here! But I'm scared to try out alone." Sakura always loved volleyball and she was glad the school didn't suck as bad as she thought it would. It had a volleyball team!

"N-No, I'm not good at volleyball. The only sport I'm decent at is tennis." Hinata answered timidly.

"I'll try out with you Sakura." Tenten offered with a grin. "I'm okay with volleyball but not great. Soccer is my game hehe!"

"You will? Yay! Volleyball is like the only sport I ever enjoyed haha...as for the other sports well...well let's not go there." She laughed sheepishly. "How about you Katie?"

"Nah, I'm not the volleyball type. I prefer surfing... on the internet. Buttt...Hinata and I will be your cheerleaders!" Katie winked. "Right Hinata?"


"Thanks you guys!" Sakura said tearfully and they all hugged dramatically. They were girls after all.

"I see that you're trying out for volleyball team."

Sakura whirled around to see who interrupted their little hug and saw that it was Sasuke. "Got a problem with me trying out?"

"No, I'm just surprised. I didn't think you were into sports." Sasuke said honestly inspecting her from head to toe. No signs of sports genes on her. Nice legs...

"I'm stronger than you think Uchiha... Don't count on me losing easily, because I won't. You will never make me drop out." She answered with a glare.

Feisty... Sasuke smirked approvingly. He liked her attitude and it intrigued him by quite a bit. Sakura would definitely make a better fiancé than Ino would. "...That's not for you to say Haruno."

Ino glared at Sakura jealously from a distance. How dared she talk to her fiancé?! Doesn't she know that a low-class filth like her could never get a guy like him?

"Ino, I heard that Sakura is trying out for the volleyball team." One of her followers informed. "What do you think?"

"Hmmm...if that brat is trying out then I guess we'll just have to try out ourselves won't we? We'll kick her ass..."She then Sasuke will forget that filth and admire her.

When school came to an end, Sakura and Tenten went to the change room to change into their sports uniforms. Their gym stripes were a part of school uniform so they had to wear the same white t-shirt and red short-shorts while the boys wore white t-shirts but with long blue shorts.
"Sakura, are you done yet?" Tenten called, stuffing all her belongings into her locker.

"Coming! Tenten, do you by any chance have a hair-tie? I don't like having my hair in the way when I'm playing sports." Sakura explained as she came out of the change room.

"Yup, I always keep a spare. It's just that I have to...find..." She dug around her sports bag for a few minutes she finally found a white hair-tie and handed it to Sakura. "...it first."

"Thanks Tenten! We better go now; I think Hinata and Katie are waiting for us outside."

"Yeah...we don't want them to worry now do we - hey... you know, you look good in a ponytail." Tenten complimented as she noticed Sakura finished tying her hair carelessly.

"Really?" She blushed. "Wow...this is the first time somebody said something that nice to me."

"You kidding me? Where did you come from? A land where everyone is so hot that they think everyone else is ugly?"

"Stop making me shy Tenten."

"What? It's the truth! I can never tie my hair up in a ponytail. It looks too weird."

"Tie it up and let me-"

"Hey you with pink hiar!" A notorious punk interrupted them as soon as they entered the gym.

"Yeah?" Sakura raised an eyebrow and looked at him. His face was covered with piercing and he looked like a drop-out pimp.

"Can I have your number?"


Before she could finish, Tenten pulled her arm and pointed at the front. "Don't mind them Sakura, they're just losers looking for trouble. Look, Hinata is waving to us. Let's go!"

"O-Ok..." She nodded obediently and blushed again. It was strange getting so much attention and she felt really flattered, but was she really that good looking? Back in her old school, nobody even paid attention to her much less called her hot. They always made fun of her forehead...anyways...

As they arrived at the bench they saw Katie and Hinata sitting beside a cheerful Naruto and immediately Sakura put her guards up again. Maybe Naruto was a spy for Sasuke.

"What took you guys so long?" Katie asked.

"Losers." Tenten muttered and sat beside them.

"Did you know that Sasuke is on the basketball team?" Naruto asked brightly.

"No... but go figures." Sakura remarked. With a body like Sasuke's and his popularity, she wouldn't be surprised if Sasuke was the star player on the team.

Naruto just laughed however. "So what are you going to do to Sasuke? About the 'war' I mean."

"I don't know yet but I'm going to win. Why? Are you his spy?" She looked at him suspiciously.

"No, I'm not a spy for him. I'm serious, I'm really harmless...just ask Hinata!" Naruto grinned and nudged Hinata jokingly instantly making the poor girl go red. However, the blonde didn't notice and directed his attention back to Sakura again. "You're a pretty brave girl, I can see why he likes you..."

"What did you say?" Sakura asked, not catching his words for she was too busy staring at Hinata.

"Nothing at all."

Sasuke entered the gym casually and braced himself in case any fan girls came his way. But no fan girl did much to his delight and allowed him to continue his business of putting on his wrist protectors when all of the sudden, he heard some boys talking about a girl with pink haired.
Pink hair? There was only one girl with pink hair that he knew and it was Sakura.

Had she gotten this popular already? Her looks aren't too bad but wow, she broke Ino's record! And...what the hell is Naruto doing right now? Sasuke growled slightly as he saw the blond chatting with Sakura.

"WE LOVE YOU SASUKE!" His fan girls shouted as he walked calmly to where Sakura was sitting and ignored everyone else in his way.

"Yo, dobe what are you doing?" Sasuke demanded coolly.

"To watch you fail in basketball and cheer Sakura and Tenten on bastard!" Naruto replied, silently laughing at Sasuke's jealous expression.

"Very funny idiot." He grinned sarcastically at him and classified him as harmless. He knew Naruto just wanted to piss him off. Anyhow, he propped his hand against Naruto's face as if he was a wall to lean on and looked at Sakura.

"He-mmm!" Naruto mumbled helplessly and tried to pry Sasuke's vengeful hand off his face but the man held on tightly.

Sasuke smirked at the squirming blonde and noticed Sakura's hair tied up in a high ponytail. It made her cuter than before and explained why boys were talking about her.

Her face won't be like that for long though...Sasuke thought deviously.

"That's nice of you Uchiha." Sakura commented with utter boredom as she observed him and Naruto. It made really made her wonder how they ever became best friends or not. She then smiled sweetly at Sasuke and clasped her hands together. "Anyways, good luck on your tryout! I hope you don't trip."

"Aww...how nice. I know you'll be thinking about me." He replied making her jaws drop.

"What? I was being sarcas- NO- you!"

"Sasuke, it's time." Shikamaru, the basketball team's manager called out and hustled everyone on to the court.

"Hn...see yah Haruno." He bid hotly and left for the middle of the gym. He played centre of course since his parents owned the school and he was considered as the best player on the team.

Sakura felt her face burn red as she watched him shoot the ball from the three point line. She hated to admit it, but he was really good. But did the fan girls have to get so worked up about it? She could here fan girls behind her shouting here and there like freaks.

Don't they ever get tired? How can Sasuke ever stand them?! Sakura thought in annoyance.

"But he is a good player." She murmured without thinking and rested her chin on her knuckles, observing Sasuke really hard. Her friends looked at her and at each other in surprise but didn't say anything.

The first quarter went by quite fast and soon the whole game after. The final score was 74-50 which meant Sasuke's team had won and it was time for the girl's tryouts to begin.

Sakura was a little bit nervous but her friends cheered her on. Tenten wasn't nervous at all. They got up and went to the volleyball court that was set up after the basketball game. Tsunade, the volleyball coach as well as the school's medic was already in the middle of the court waiting for girls who wanted to try out. Sasuke got a water bottle, came back from where he was and sat beside Naruto to watch the try-out. He wanted to see just how good Sakura is.

Meanwhile, Tsunade told the girls to find a partner and write their names down on a sheet of paper. Sakura of course went with Tenten and went to sign up. Ino was paired up with a friend of hers and were both giving Sakura and Tenten the evil glares.

They ignored them and after every girl was done, Tsunade gave them the outline of the try-out. Each pair was going to have a face-off with another pair and she (Tsunade) will determine whether their skills are qualified or not.

Tsunade started randomly sorting out the pairs that will go each other and since God was so kind, fate decided that Sakura and Tenten were to go against Ino and her friend and be the first to start the try-out.

Sakura and Tenten groaned at their luck. However, what made it worse for Sakura was that the volleyball court was right beside her friends and SASUKE! This made Sakura even more nervous. She didn't want to lose badly in front of Sasuke and make a fool out of herself.

As they went to their designated court, they passed Naruto and them and stopped for a moment to tell them their foe.

"W-We're rooting for you Sakura and Tenten!" Hinata smiled.

"Kick their butt!" Katie shouted. "Especially her butt!"

"Hope you don't die." Sasuke laughed teasingly causing the others to secretly glance at him in surprise. He never laughed that easily. But they said nothing since none of them wanted to fall under Sasuke's wrath.

"Very funny Sasuke...What do you mean?" Sakura rolled her eyes and faced him.

"Oh, I remember now! Ino's skill isn't very good and her balls always go berserk." Naruto interrupted as he suddenly remembered the time when he watched the girls play volleyball during PE class.

"Her balls?" Tenten echoed getting the wrong meaning. Sakura and the others giggled.

"What he means is that when she passes the volleyball to the other side it goes everywhere. Strange enough, the ball never goes out of line. It's one of Ino's specialty. If there were six people on each team as it will normally be, you would get Ino out easily since each player covers an area on the court. But now, since there's only the two of you, you guys will have to run around like mad to get the ball." Sasuke explained.

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind." Sakura made a mental note and smiled at him forgetting that he was her mortal enemy. But before she could remember, Tsunade called them to hurry and get ready for the mini-match.

Sasuke felt his heart suddenly gave a lurch as Sakura smiled at him and frowned. What the hell?... Deciding it was nothing big, he ignored it and watched the game.

Shit... I can feel so many eyes on me! Its killing me! Sakura panicked. Tenten noticed and smiled. "It's okay Sakura, just remember we're kicking Ino's butt here!"

Sakura nodded and closed her eyes for a few seconds and put on her knee pads. "I can do this! I'm going to get in the team and kick Ino-pig's porky fat butt! It'll serve her right to glare at me."

She then got on the court and caught the ball that Tsunade passed to her. Tsunade held her hand professionally straight and blew the whistle indicating the match has started. Sakura bounced the ball a few times to warm up and threw the ball upwards as she said service and did an overhand serve. The ball went over the net and bounced on the opposite floor.

"POINT!" Tsunade called and the spectators cheered. This gave Sakura more confidence and did four more overhand serves that Ino and her friend failed to get again. However, on her last serves, Ino's friend somehow managed to get it and passed it to Ino who bumped it.

"Uh oh here it comes..." Naruto muttered.

The ball went way behind Sakura and bounced on the line since she thought it was going to be out. But Tsunade blew the whistle and announced a point for Ino's team making Sakura's jaw dropped. "I think what Naruto and Sasuke said was right."

"Already am girl!" Tenten replied and pat her shoulders.

It was now Ino's group to serve and as Ino did an underhand serve it went up high but didn't touch the ceiling like people thought it would. Sakura quickly ran to the right despite the fact that it looked like it was going to go out of bounds and managed to volley it back to Tenten who passed back with a bump and Sakura spiked it which caught them by surprise.

Ino's gang who were on the bench cheering for their leader booed at Sakura and Tenten. But the rest cheered loudly, especially the boys. Some were for Tenten but most were directed Sakura. Tenten blushed as soon as she noticed Neji clamping his hands like a gentlemen and was staring at her.

"Wow, they make a great team don't they?! Did you see that spike Sasuke?" Naruto shouted excitedly.

"Quite dobe! I have eyes!" Sasuke growled and plugged his ears to prevent himself from going nearly deaf by Naruto's shouting.

"But they're just so good!"

"Yeah..." He nodded quietly and continued watching the game intently. Naruto smiled at his best friend cheekily and went back watching too.

For the next twenty minutes, Sakura and Tenten spent a majority of their time running back and forth, sliding everywhere, jumping up and down just to catch Ino's balls. (Don't think the naughty way now.)

The score in the end was 20-19 because Sakura was nice and told Tenten to go easy. They were damn tired though and Ino's team looked more worn out than them.

"Sakura and Tenten, what the hell are you guys doing! You're acting way too nice, now KICK HER BUTT!" Katie cried fiercely. Sakura, Tenten, Naruto, Hinata, and Sasuke sweat dropped. (Katie had a deep grudge against Ino you see, since Ino accidentally knocked her lunch down and went away laughing.)

Ino's temper rose up as well after hearing Katie's comment and yelled at Sakura. "Forehead girl! Get ready to retrieve your damn butt from hell!"

"INO YAMANAKA! I will not tolerate any coarse language in my gyme, if you say another swear word then detention for you!" Tsunade shouted furiously.

Sakura however, lost her patience too and yelled back despite Tsunade's warning to Ino, "You shit of a pig! It's you who's going to get your butt kicked! Consider twice about getting my ass kicked to hell!"

"HARUNO SAKURA!" Tsunade fumed. "You will receive detention too if you swear again."

Sasuke and Naruto burst out laughing as they saw Tsunade's face go red and Sakura getting fired up. "They sure have the nerve to swear don't they?"

"You got that right teme."

Sakura glared at the two boys from a distance. What was so funny? Ino just dissed her! Flames burst from her eyes and body as her temper rose. Tenten sweat dropped along with her friends but the crowd went wild as the game got more intense.

"Cat fight! Cat fight!" They chanted.

"Tenten can I do the last five spikes?" Sakura asked, tightening up her hair. "I'll give them their cat fight."

"Sure, whatever it takes for you to piss her off the face of the earth!" Tenten grinned.

It was Ino's serve again and since she really had no special talent in volleyball, she didn't know how to do an overhand serve which was stronger and faster, so she just fired a weak underhand serve lamely. Tenten caught the ball easily and passed it to Sakura who jumped and spiked as hard as ever. Ino and her friend failed to catch the ball as always and growled. They continued to miss, but luck was finally on their side and allowed them to catch the last two.

Yet, even though they managed to catch it, the force of the ball hurt their hands so much that they immediately dropped it. Sakura sure was really mad making her last spike even madder and created an unforgettable memory for all of the audience. It was also the game point too.

Sakura served her last ball which Ino manage to get and bump it to the opposite court. Sakura slid on the ground towards Sasuke and passed it to Tenten who set it back letting Sakura do the hardest spike she had ever done. The ball showered down to the other side with full force but since Ino didn't want to lose, she raced forward to sacrifice herself for the upcoming meteor.

But on the trip, she accidentally slipped and slid forward only to meet face to face with the ball going at the speed of light. Ino shrieked as the ball came and hit her square in the face and bounced on the floor.

"INO!" her friend cried followed by a silence in the gym. Sakura, without thinking, went under the net and ran to Ino, her enemy.

"Oh my god! I AM SO SORRY Ino!" Sakura apologized loudly, reaching her hand out to help her.

The audience was dead silent and leaned forward eagerly to watch. Sasuke along with the rest stood up in alarm and watched intently.

Ino slowly opened her blackened eyes and got up by herself, refusing any help. Then to all the people's surprise, she pushed Sakura hard onto the floor. "YOU DID THIS ON PURPOSE DIDN'T YOU! MY EYE! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY EYE?!"

"Girls!" Tsunade quickly yelled pointing at Ino's gang. "Bring her to the medical room." If things did not get taken care of quick, a fight will surely break out.

Tenten hurriedly rushed over to Sakura's side and pulled her up. "Are you alright Sakura?"

"Yeah." She replied weakly, still feeling sorry for Ino. She didn't mean to hit her and she guess, she would blow up if Ino hit her with the ball too.

- Beep -

"Game over! Game goes to Sakura and Tenten." Tsunade announced despite the situation since the ball did bounce on the floor making Sakura and Tenten the victors of the match.

The audience cheered and got up on their feet, clapping madly. Katie, Hinata, Sasuke, and Naruto quickly ran over to the winning two and congratulated them.

"Wow, you guys were great!" Naruto and Hinata yelled in unison.

"You really kicked her butt, I'm so proud of you guys!" Katie yelled and gave them a big hug.

"It's all thanks to Tenten really. Without her awesome sets, I wouldn't have been able to complete my strikes!" Sakura said modestly giving Tenten a friendly punch.

Tenten just shrugged and grinned, "We're both great Sakura."

Beep -

"It's time for the next group to come up! Sakura, please take care of yourself. You and Tenten did great today." Tsunade notified and ushered all them off the court since the next team will start their match soon. Tenten, Hinata, Katie, and Naruto nodded and went happily out of the gym to talk about the game, leaving Sasuke and Sakura walking behind.


"You okay?" Sasuke asked quietly. Ino did push her rather quite hard

"Yeah, I kind of feel sorry for Ino though." She replied back, rubbing her butt and looked at him with a confused face. Weird... he's acting... kind of nice...

Sasuke then smirked, returning back to himself. "You're good at volleyball...for an amateur!"

Ok...I take that back...he's still a jerk...

Sakura smiled nonetheless and slung an arm around his neck jokingly. Spectators gasped lightly as they watched Sakura perform such daring move and winced as Sasuke pushed her off. Or so they thought. To their surprise, Sasuke did absolutely nothing.

Fan girls were ready to take her out but were afraid that Sasuke might blow considering he didn't tell Sakura to get off of him.

Sakura, oblivious to it all grinned toothily since all the spectators were behind her. "Thanks jerk, now you know who you're up against!"

"Whatever..." Sasuke smiled slightly not mind the contact between them and made no further comment. I can't wait to see your face...

They joined up with the rest outside and waited for the tryout to finish. Maybe Tsunade will tell them the results immediately but it turns out she was going to post it up shortly tomorrow. It was dark out already and the change room was overcrowded.

Sasuke hastily went to change and when he came back, he found out Sakura and Tenten had just gone inside the change room due to the slight human traffic.

Any minute now... Sasuke thought contently.

"What are you planning Sasuke?" Naruto asked eyeing him, knowing something was up.

"You'll see dobe."

As if on cue, screams suddenly erupted from the change room and a throng of girls came running out a little bit wet. Some girls didn't even bothered putting on their clothes and ran out with only under garments on. The boys in the hallway felt their eyes popped out at the sight of so many bras. Sasuke just chuckled, ignoring the others and watched the exit of the girl's locker room with anticipation.

Everyone could hear the sprinklers of the girl's change room go off and one by one, more girls ran out -each wetter than before. Tenten followed out after, looking pretty wet but the last person was the wettest of all. It was Sakura. She was drenched from head to toe since she was the farthest from the exit.

Sakura stood by the doorway coughing and trying to catch her breath from being pushed and shoved. Her expressions were mixed with anger and confusion. "SA-SA- SU-KE! Y-YOU JERK! Y-YOU ARE S-S-SO DEAD!".

Sasuke didn't reply and clutched his stomach from laughing so hard. This has got to be his best prank yet. He never laughed so hard in his life. People gaped and shuffled aside as a very angrily Sakura started stomping towards Sasuke while trying to keep her balance on the slippery floor. Just as she was about to open her mouth and cuss at him, she was abruptly interrupted by a shout behind her.

"SAKURA! YOU WERE SO AWESOME!" Rock Lee, the guy whom she saved earlier, shouted and came running towards her. However, since he didn't know the floor was wet, he lost his balance immediately and slipped, colliding with Sakura in the process.

Sakura yelped and fell on top of Sasuke who was in front of her. And with that, the three became a human sandwich with Sasuke at the bottom, Sakura on top of him belly to belly, and Rock Lee on top squishing them down. They all remained in that position, all shocked and frozen - not knowing what do to.

It wasn't until a few minutes later when Sakura whimpered as she thought she was going to die under all the pressure. "M-my back..."

Sasuke suddenly felt his anger rising and tried to push Lee off, wrapping his arms around Sakura in the process, "Get the hell off Thick Eyebrows! Can't you see you're squishing her?!"

Lee finally snapped out of daze and quickly stumbled off of both of them and Hinata came rushing in to help Sakura up. Sasuke got up and shook his shirt for a moment because it got bit wet from Sakura's drenched clothing. That stupid Eyebrows... I should've just finished him off earlier...

Catching Sasuke by surprise again, Lee ran up to Sakura and hugged her hard. Sasuke growled, getting angrier and was about to say something when Sakura beat him to it.

"Lee..." she whined. "You're hurting me, please let me go."

Lee let go at once and Kakashi suddenly arrived out of nowhere acting surprised. "What's going on?"

Sasuke raised an eyebrow at him knowing perfecting he had just saw the whole thing. His mask can't fool him. Nevertheless, Kakashi just smiled secretly and resumed his play. "Oh my Sakura, what happened to you?..."

"A lot of things happened sensei..." She growled, casting Sasuke a glare.

"Sasuke why don't you go and help her get her stuff. I'll handle everything here." Kakashi ordered, making Sakura's jaw drop. Sasuke just grinned and pulled her away before anyone could say anything.

The rest of the people were ordered to leave and Kakashi sent the janitor to clean the mess up. He knew he should've punished Sasuke but he just couldn't help but feel amused. In all my years of teaching, I had never seen Uchiha Sasuke so happy and caring since 8 years ago...

Yamanaka Residence

"Mom!" Ino sobbed as soon she got home. "Remember that forehead girl I told you about yesterday? Look what she did to me? She humiliated me and now I won't make it on the volleyball team! WHAAA!"

"Ino! You're eyes! What happened?!" Her mother rushed to her side.

"That forehead girl did this to me that's what!"

"Oh honey! Don't worry; I'll take care of everything. And how about this? I'll make sure you get on that team! There's nothing that money can't buy!" Ino's mother hushed her daughter tenderly.

"You're the best mom."

Locker Hallway
The two arrived to Sakura's locker with Sasuke smirking and Sakura fuming.

"Did you have enough? Ready to drop out?" Sasuke asked.

"Not yet you bastard...dude, I thought you were a jerk but I seriously can't believe you did that!" Sakura cried furiously. "You. Will. Not. Make. Me. Drop. Out. You. Hear?"

"Good," He grinned causing her eyes to widen. "Because, I have more pranks up to my sleeves."

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes and lifted her shirt revealing her smooth belly and squeezed it until most of the water came out. Sasuke just leaned on a locker and watched her. She then twisted her hair and splashed all of the dripping water against Sasuke as best as she could. Only...it just made him chuckle.

Sakura looked at him with pure annoyance and grabbed her coat and back. Sighh...I can't stay mad any longer he looks so hot and cool in that position!

Sasuke on the other hand saw an outline of a black bra under Sakura's shirt as she bent down to get her stuff and turned away blushing a little. He then followed her out of the school and ignored how the shirt clung to her skin so tightly.

"Aargh! Look what you did! I'm freezing to death!" Sakura chattered as she put her coat on. But the night air was still cold causing her to continue shivering.

Sasuke shook his head with a light laugh and picked her up like a bride and went to his motorcycle. "I'll take you home. Where do you live?"

"Let me go! Why would I tell you? I HATE YOU!" Sakura seethed angrily as she got dropped onto the smooth leather of Sasuke's bike. She had never been picked up by someone else before, and secretly felt excitement bubbling within her.

Sasuke laughed and said in an innocent voice, "Awww, you don't mean that... besides you'll get home quicker. And after all, it was my fault for getting you wet."

"Fine..." She thought for a minute and looked at him suspiciously. It won't hurt to tell him where she lives. "...I'll tell you where I live but don't think I'm fooled by your fake kindness!"

She crossed her arm and watched Sasuke put on his helmet before getting on the bike himself and told Sakura to hold on tight. She did, instructing him during the ride telling him where to turn. They arrived shortly after and Sakura hopped off of the biking facing him with a bright smile - momentarily forgetting about what happened earlier. The bike red refreshed her by quite a bit.

"Thanks for the ride jerk; although you'll regret what you did earlier!"

"Try me!" Sasuke laughed lightly again and went off. Sakura watched him go and she too went back into her house. She didn't know why, but Sasuke's laugh rang inside her head. It was light and clear...she would never imagine a guy like him to produce such a laugh. Worst yet, she liked it.


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