Chapter 6 Operation: Matchmaker

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Chapter 6 - Operation: Matchmaker

Sakura arrived at Naruto's house not long after, rang the orange doorbell (go figure) and heard frantic shuffling and footsteps inside the house.

"Okay be normal!" A voice hissed loudly from the other side of the door causing Sakura to raise an eyebrow.


It was only a few minutes after when the door suddenly swung open, startling her by quite a bit.

"Hey Sakura! Glad you could make it!" Katie cried dramatically. A little bit too dramatic for Sakura's liking.

"Umm... Hey?" Sakura greeted back cautiously. Even though she hasn't been friends with them for long, she felt as though they were planning something. As she stepped in, she took off her black dolly shoes and look around suspiciously. To her surprise, Naruto's house was clean and so casting away her fears, she dropped her stuff beside a table in the family room.

"Hiya Sakura!" Naruto, Hinata, and Tenten chimed as soon as they saw her.

"Hi, so what are you guy's doing?" She asked, going over to her friends that were lounging around a couch.

"Oh, we were just waiting for you and one more person. We're planning to watch a movie later." Tenten answered casually.

"Who-" Sakura began her question but was quickly interrupted by the door bell as if on queue.

"Can you answer it Sakura?" Naruto asked. "I'll go get us some snacks to eat. I hope you guys like ramen cookies.

"What...ramen cookies?" Sakura echoed in disgust. "Who the heck eats ramen cookies?"

"Sakura, just go answer the door!" Katie commanded impatiently and pushed her towards the hallway.

"Ok ok...jeez..." Sakura muttered in confusion and went to the door. She was super sure her friends weren't their normal selves by now and she was itching to know just what the hell was going on. Sighing in annoyance, she opened Naruto's orange door (go figure again) and met a pair of unimaginable hot yet somewhat detestable onyx eyes.

Naruto, Tenten, Hinata, Katie observed the two impatiently and almost went hysterical as Sakura and Sasuke just stood there and stared at each other for a long, long time. DO SOMETHING damnit!

"What are you doing-"

"What are you doing-" They stopped in synch and continued to stare bewilderedly at each other.

"Man! Could you guys be anymore happier to see each other?" Tenten blurted sarcastically and stepped out from the wall they were hiding behind. Sasuke looked at Naruto suspiciously who followed the bun-headed girl after. Something seriously doesn't feel right.

"Alright now that we're all here, let's watch a movie!" Katie clapped her hands excitedly, hoping to bring a cheerful mood among them all. They all agreed after a long awkward silence and went to the family room.

"I t-think we s-should set up our sleeping bags first and then watch a movie." Hinata suggested timidly.

"Yeah, okay." Sakura nodded in agreement and went over to unfold her sleeping bag. The matchmakers nervously stole secret glances every now and then as they followed the pink-haired girl. Some professionals they were...

"Hey Tenten, why don't you have a sleeping bag?" Sakura asked curiously as soon as she noticed that the girl was just sitting there and watching them get ready.

"Oh, I'm not going to sleep over tonight because I have a stupid dentist appointment tomorrow morning." She explained glumly. It wasn't a lie; she really did have a dentist appointment the next day. She would give everything...well not everything... but a lot of stuff to just spend the night at Naruto's house and watch the two clueless teenagers get together.

"That's too bad...well we'll tell you everything tomorrow Tenten. But anyways... let's see I want to sleep on the far side." Katie said possessively and bounded straight for the left side of the floor.

"I'll go right beside you." Sakura said instinctively, placing her sleeping bag beside Katie's. She was going to call Hinata to place her sleeping bag beside hers but was quickly interrupted by the blonde.

"Sasuke, you'll be in the middle and me and Hinata will be beside you." Naruto suggested. Hinata blushed uncontrollably even though they had already thought about the sleeping arrangement before Sakura and Sasuke had arrived. Still, she was going to sleep beside Naruto!

"Why do I have to sleep in the middle? And why exactly do you have to sleep beside me? I'll go deaf the minute you fall sleep." Sasuke remarked in annoyance.

"Shut up bastard. My snores sound heavenly." Naruto growled and pushed the man towards the middle. "Besides, I want to sleep in front of the TV." He added innocently.

Go figure... Sasuke rolled his eyes and kicked his sleeping stuff next to Sakura's. It was then did he realize he was going to sleep beside her. Sakura seems to realized this as well and both of them stared at each other awkwardly again.

So now the sleeping arrangement from left to right was:






"Okay let's watch a movie right now!" Tenten said eagerly.

"What do you guys want to watch?" Naruto asked, flipping through his movie case. "...Oh I know, let's watch White Chicks!"

Everybody in the room sweat dropped and shrugged a yes. Once the movie started, Sasuke and Naruto occupied the couch while the girls were on the floor. Sakura leaned on the side of the couch slightly away from Sasuke while hugging her fluffy blue pillow. The other girls laid on their bellies as they watched. During the movie they laughed once or twice in a while for Naruto chose a comedy. It wasn't until they got to the middle part when they suddenly they heard a very loud grumble. Obviously, it wasn't from the TV so everyone instantly cast a look at Naruto and groaned.

"What? I'm hungry and I need ramen!" Naruto said defensively. "You guys want some?"

"Sure." They all said in unison and paused the movie.

"I thought you were going to give us ramen cookies." Sakura stated, remembering a few hours that when Naruto volunteered to get snacks for them.

"I uh..." He licked his lips nervously. He couldn't say he was spying on her or else he'll be dead. "I forgot!"

"Huh?" The girl cocked her head sideways in confusion.

"I-I'll help you Naruto-kun." Hinata changed the subject shyly in rescue. Naruto nodded gratefully and hurriedly went to the kitch.


"I think they need help carrying all those bowls of ramen. You guys wait here ok? I'll go help them." Katie said suddenly after and left for the kitchen.

A second later Tenten said she needed to go to the bathroom and left too leaving only Sakura and Sasuke in the family room.



"They're acting really strange today." Sakura noted, breaking the awkward silence.

"Besides the dobe being strange all the time, yeah I noticed." Sasuke replied coolly.

Naruto who was spying on them yet again wanted to choke the Uchiha that instant but was held back by Katie, Hinata, and Tenten who were also spying on them.


" taking an awfully long time in the washroom..." Sakura said slowly, breaking the silence yet again.

"Don't even go there." Sasuke said quickly trying not to get the wrong picture.

This time, it was Tenten who wanted to interrupt their little conversation but was soon stopped by the others again. She glared at them and prayed that she wouldn't have to suffer from humiliation later.

"How long does it take to cook a little ramen Sasuke?" Sakura asked, desperately trying to get the conversation going. The thing she hated the most were awkward silences. It didn't matter if the person she was conversing with was her enemy, Sasuke. If she had to talk to him for the sake of noise, then she'll do it.

"Around 5 minutes." Sasuke answered simply. It was only a few seconds later when his mind clicked and he began to see what Sakura was getting into.

"We have to go now! They're getting suspicious!" Katie hissed. The others nodded and quickly brought the ramen to Sakura and Sasuke when they were about to stand up and look for them.

"Oh there you are. We were just wandering why each of you took so long." Said Sakura.

"I went to help the others after my bathroom trip." Tenten explained herself firmly so that her friends wouldn't get the wrong idea.

"Haha ok- HEY! Ramen cookies do exist!" Sakura exclaimed as she took a bag of ramen cookies. It was her first time seeing such a thing.

"They're the best things in the world aside from actual ramen." Naruto beamed proudly and showed her how to eat it. First, he squeezed the bag so that the dry noodle inside broke into pieces. Then, he opened the bag and took out a flavour packet and sprinkled it over the pieces of noodles in the bag. Then, he held the opening of the bag shut and began shaking like crazy.

Sakura watched in amazement throughout the whole process and when Naruto was done shaking, he gave the bag to her and told her to try the flavour-covered noodle bits. To her surprise, the cookie bit tasted really good!

"See? I told you it was good!" The blonde grinned. They ate their ramen shortly afterwards and finished watching the movie. The movie finished around 9:30 pm and soon, the teenagers got bored.

"What do you guys want to do?" Naruto asked lying on the couch.

"I d-don't know."


"Don't know."

"Don't really care."


"Do you guys want to watch another movie?" Naruto inquired.

"I d-don't know."


"Don't know."

"Don't really care."


"Well, what do you guys want to do then? I'll take any suggestions." Naruto asked, getting somewhat annoyed.

"I d-don't know."


"Don't know."

"Don't really care."


"Will you guys cut that out?"






"Stop that!" Naruto demanded. He was pissed off by now. The other's, excluding Hinata, just grinned at the blonde's reaction. This was fun.






"Grr...fine! Be that way! Next time, when you ask me something, I won't answer you!"


"Whatever you say."


"Fine by me." "

"Stay that way."


"I-I know, d-do you guys w-want to p-play truth or dare?" Hinata proposed, trying to brighten up the sulking blonde.

"OKAY!" Naruto said brightly, forgetting everything about before. Everybody sweat dropped at Mr. Mood-Swing and sat around in a circle, cross legged.

"Okay whoever chickens out will have to uh..." Katie stopped trying to think of a nasty punishment.

"I know I know! Message Naruto's feet for a week!" Tenten exclaimed.

"Yay! I get a foot message!" Naruto whooped happily but then suddenly realized that the statement was leaning more towards a diss. "Hey..."

"And if Naruto chickens out then he will not eat any types or kinds of ramen for a week!" Katie added nastily. "Which means, NO ramen cookies."

"What?! No way! That's cruel!" Naruto clutched his head dramatically and fell in agony. Everything turned black around him. The end was near. His life had no meaning anymore.

"Okay now that's settled I'll go first." Tenten said bubbly, perfectly ignoring Naruto and his hysteria. "Hmmm...I think I'll Sasuke. Sasuke, truth or dare?"


"Okay, I dare you to... kiss Naruto on the cheek!" Tenten giggled and the girls laughed out loud. Hinata was sort of horrified at the thought but gave a few chuckles in the end. It was only the cheek after all.

"Are you crazy? You want me to kiss that dobe?" Sasuke said quietly, obviously dumbfounded.

"YEAH! Are you crazy Tenten? I mean...I know Sasuke is gay and all but that doesn't mean you have to use me to prove it!" Naruto protested.

"Very funny blondie...the only Gaylord around here is you. I will not kiss his pathetic cheek." Sasuke growled stubbornly.

"Chi-cken! Then you'll have to message Naruto's feet for a week!" Sakura snickered, enjoying the moment. She would never pass down a chance to make fun of Sasuke.

"Think what you want Haruno but I will not kiss Naruto nor will I be Naruto's slave for a week. If you were in my place you wouldn't do it either." Sasuke shot back hotly.

"Psh, come on! Just do it lame-brain. Besides, I would do it if you dared me. It's only on the cheek you know." Sakura grinned thoughtfully.

"This is the most idiotic, embarrassing, gayest shit I have ever heard..." Sasuke muttered and glared at the blonde. Naruto began to whimper and back away.

"GO SASUKE!" The girls chanted, watching in anticipation.

It's only his stupid's only his stupid cheek...

"Naruto get your fucking butt over here. I am not going to message your feet for a week!" Sasuke hissed, grabbing the guy by his collar.

"Oh my god! I can't believe you're going to do it! NOOOOOO GOD SPARE M-" It was too late. Sasuke had forcefully pulled Naruto up to him and gave a half-a-second peck on the cheek. The girls just roared with laughter.

"Fuck, I need mouthwash..." Sasuke got up quickly and raced to the bathroom.

"My gosh, that was funny! Hehe, you guys wait here...I'll go see if Mr. Almighty is okay." Sakura winked. The others stared at her for a second. Had Sakura fallen for Sasuke already?! They haven't even had some quality time yet.

Nahh...she's probably just going to check on him to make fun of him. They concluded afterwards and continued to laugh as Naruto ran to the kitchen sink and scrubbed his face furiously while cursing like hell.

Sakura's main purpose in following Sasuke to the bathroom was indeed to make fun of him. As she arrived, she found Sasuke frantically spitting out blue mouthwash in the sink. "Hehe, so what did it feel like Uchiha?"

"Like shit." Sasuke cursed out loud.

Sakura grinned wildly at the response. Serves you right!

Sasuke frowned at her grin and wiped his mouth with his hand. "But you know? Now that I think about it...I'm actually grateful because Tenten didn't ask me to kiss you. Because that would totally rot my mouth and I would probably need three bottles of mouthwash to get your germs off."

She gawked at him and glared. "Very funny Uchiha. But not as funny as when you were kissing Naruto."

He smirked and followed her out to the family room. Now that everyone has calmed down, it was Sasuke's turn to ask Truth or Dare. "Dobe, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to put on one of Sakura's shirt!" said Sasuke smirking.

"WHAT!" Both Sakura and Naruto cried out in horror.

"Good one Sasuke!" Katie laughed.

"Bastard...hmph...if you want me to wear one of Sakura's shirt then I will. Sakura, please give me one of your shirt!" Naruto said confidently, holding his head up high.

Sakura grumbled in protest but then pulled out a black tank top from her bag. "Do I really have to give him one of my shirt?"

"Yes." Sasuke snickered earning him a hateful glare from the girl. Naruto had disappeared down the hall with the tank top and after what seems like an eternity, he came back, practically suffocating to death in Sakura's clothes. The top looks like it was about to rip.

"'!" Naruto managed to wheeze out.

"My clothes!" Sakura cried out in pain, not really caring about whether or not Naruto was going to die. The others laughed madly and quickly came to Naruto's aid. After a few minutes they managed to get the tank top off. Naruto stayed on the floor breathing and taking in as much air as possible.

"Naruto! Go on a diet!" Sakura spat angrily, patting tenderly at her at the piece of cloth. Some of the stitches had been ripped off.

"Ne, you should get fatter!" Naruto argued.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Sakura huffed. As everyone clamed down it was Naruto's turn.

"Okay Hinata, truth or dare?"

"Um...t-truth." She said nervously.

"What qualities do you look for in a boy?" Naruto asked, shocking the others. They never thought Naruto had the brain to ask those kinds of question.

"Um...c-cute, funny, nice, talented,... and blond." Hinata blushed as red as a tomato. The last quality was sadly said in tiny whisper. So tiny that it passed by unnoticed in Naruto's ear. The others however, heard it loud and clear and grinned.

"Ooo, I know a boy with those qualities!" Katie teased mischievously.

"Who? Who?" Naruto widened his eyes in curiosity.

"Clueless." Tenten sighed and shook her head in disappointment.

"M-My turn... Katie, truth or d-dare?" Hinata asked quickly, hoping to get everyone's mind off of it - especially Naruto's.

"Dare" The out-going girl said firmly.

"O-Ok, I d-dare you to run down the s-street and yelling y-you are a lesbian!" Hinata dared quietly. The others were slightly surprised. They never knew Hinata could be this devilish.

"Psh, I think I'll have to re-evaluate you again Hinata. You're not as angelic as one thinks... making me do all dirty stuff..." Katie mumbled.

"Are you going to do it or not?" Tenten pressed with a laugh and watched the chick stalk out the door. They followed her out the door trying to restrain their laughter. It was dark out and a little bit chilly. Most of the lights in the neighborhood were off.

"Ready? Okay GO!" Tenten ordered in a giggle.

Katie sighed and ran down the street as fast as she can while screaming at the top of her lungs, "I'M A LESBIAN EVERYONE! LOOK AT ME, I'M A LITTLE LESBIAN! WHILE YOU'RE AT IT, I'M A LITTLE HOMELESS HOBO THAT'S CHASING A LITTLE PENNY DOWN THE STREET! LOOK AT ME!"

"PEOPLE, are trying to sleep here!" Someone shouted out their window as others started opening their lights to search for a little maniac who cried hobo. But the teens had quickly gone back in their den before anyone could call the police for public disruption.

"Whew....Happy?" Katie panted while glaring at everyone.

"Y-Yes." Hinata chuckled.

"Hmph, my turn now! Sakura, truth or dare?"

"Dare of course."

"Aright." Katie smiled slyly and whispered something in Sakura's ear. Her eyes then widened and began to turn beat red.

"Sorry, I-I didn't hear you correctly...WHAT?!"

"You heard what I said." Katie assured smugly. Everybody but Sasuke knew what she said because first, they were matchmakers so of course they would do something like this. And second, they had actually planned to play truth or dare and so far...everything was going smoothly.

"You can't do this to me!" Sakura cried out, wanting to actually cry.

"I can and I will! But it's alright if you don't want to do it. Naruto's feet are anxious for someone to message them." Katie shrugged evilly.

"Y-You are so...mean!" Sakura stammered and looked at the blonde's feet. Already, she could see imaginary green foot odour surrounding his feet.

Messaging these feet or that? Messaging these feet or that? Messaging these feet or that?... Sakura asked herself over a million times until the others started to get impatient, especially Sasuke.

"Sakura, just do whatever Katie tells you to!" Tenten urged, pretending to be clueless as to what dare Katie had told her.

"Yeah, just get the hell on it!" Sasuke muttered. "I'm sure your dare's better than mine so you're a chicken if you can't even do it."

"Watch it bastard, I should be the one complaining, you sicko!" Naruto shot back earning him a notorious Sasuke death-glare.

Inner Sakura: Easy for you to say...

"How long was it?" Sakura asked quietly.

"Just twenty little seconds!" Katie sang. So far so good. Heh, I knew she just had to say yes! Nobody in history would ever touch Naruto's feet! Well except maybe for Hinata. But heck, whatever.

"20 damn seconds?!...Fine. But get out of the room first. ALL of you!" Sakura sneered grumpily.

"What?! No way! That's not fair! We'll miss out seeing you-"

"Yeah! We want to know what you're going to do! What if you cheat and not do it?!" Naruto cut off Katie. He like the rest of the matchmakers knew exactly what Sakura's going to do and he just can't miss a thing like this for the whole world. The rest nodded eagerly.

"Then get out of the room! Watch if you want but just don't let me see you! Oh and Katie, count out loud to twenty so that I know that you won't cheat!" Sakura said angrily. "I will hate you for the rest of my life."

"Haha, really? Well don't say you take that back later! C'mon people we don't have all day. We have a show to watch!" Katie shouted and ushered everyone to leave the room. Sasuke stood up to follow but was soon halted by her.

"Na-uh! You. Are. Staying!" Katie gave a toothy yet commanding smile and walked out.

"Uh...what are you talking about?" Sasuke asked in confusion but the girl already left. So he turned to Sakura and raised a delicate eyebrow.

"Well um..." Sakura fidgeted awkwardly and staggered towards the man in front of him and placed her hand on Sasuke's shoulder causing him to flinch. He started to look around frantically for the others to get an explanation. Something was going to happen and he didn't like it.

Sakura felt her heart hit crazily against her chest every second or so and tried closing her eyes to calm herself.

"Sakura?" Sasuke called out nervously.

Inner Sakura: I can't believe I'm doing this....

"Ready? Okay GO!" Katie shouted from behind the wall and started counting.




Sakura took a deep breath, stepped closer to Sasuke until their bodies were a few centimeters apart, and with her hand still on Sasuke's shoulder, she tip-toed on her feet and kissed Sasuke right on the lips causing the poor man's eyes widened in shock.




What the hell? Is she kissing me? Sasuke stared at Sakura's pained face. Her eyes were tightly shut, as if she was afraid to look at him. He couldn't help but just freeze then and there. It was actually his first time kissing kissed by a girl and he seriously didn't know what to do in these types of situation.

But...he had to admit, this is way better than that stupid peck on the cheek with Naruto.




Inner Sakura: This is going to haunt me forever...



Why don't you just make the best out of this situation Sasuke?Sasuke suddenly heard a new voice pop into his mind. What?!

Kiss her back! It will make your first kiss more enjoyable!



Not knowing what to do, Sasuke leaned in and kissed the girl back causing Sakura's knees to buckle. Sasuke never knew he had the talent of making out, but whatever it was getting Sakura more into the kiss!

Oh yeah! Work your magic lover-boy!






Forcefully, Sasuke willed himself to break apart. Sakura, who was just getting in to the kiss, snapped out of it and broke apart as well and started going red.

"Whohoo! I knew you guys could do it!" Tenten cheered.

"T-That was s-sweet." Hinata agreed and started fantasizing about her and Naruto's first kiss. She almost fainted in the process.

"What the heck? DID YOU GUYS PLAN THIS?" Sakura demanded.

"Uh... What? NO! Of course not!" Tenten lied quickly.

"Why would we do that?" Katie said dismissively.


"Sakura, it's your turn!" Naruto butted in before she could pry any furthur.

Her forest green eyes narrowed as she inspected all of her friends along with Sasuke who was pissed as well. "Tenten, truth or dare?" She asked in a dangerously low voice causing Tenten to fidget.


"Okay, before I start, Naruto and Sasuke stand up." Sakura commanded. They obeyed, and then she whispered the dare to Tenten. "HOLY SH-No! They'll kill me!" She complained, immediately alarming the two guys. What the heck did Sakura tell Tenten? What the heck is she going to do them? Instinctively, they placed both of their hands protectively in front of them to protect their...yeah. The part where it hurts most.

"Hmph, serves you right. We all did something embarrassing and now it's your turn." Sakura snickered trying to avenge for the kiss even though Tenten wasn't the one who proposed it.

"Fine, have it your way." Tenten got up and walked towards the boys who started to back away suspicion.

"Sakura, if I get're going to pay." Sasuke warned.

1 minute later....

"GET BACK HERE!" Tenten yelled, chasing Sasuke around the room. Naruto just stood where he was...hellishly shocked. He had just been PANTSED by Tenten! PANTSED! Luckily he was wearing a boxer with pictures of ramen decorated all over it. But he was PANTSED!

Tenten was then going to pants Sasuke, but after he saw what had happened to Naruto, he quickly fled. He wasn't stupid enough to just let her pants him. The others broke out in crazy laughed and Hinata blushed YET again at the site of Naruto in his boxers.

H-He's so...cute... Oh yes, she felt as though she was going to faint.

"Get. Back. Here!" Tenten yelled again. "I don't want to message Naruto's feet!"

"No fricken way!" The family room was small so there weren't a lot of space for him to hide. If they were at an open field, then he could've outrun Tenten already but it he couldn't do so here. Not knowing what to do, he made a grab for Sakura with a murderous intent. "Get away from me Tenten."

"Idiot, let go of me!" Sakura laughed, trying to squirm away.

"Don't be a pussy and stop hiding behind Sakura." Tenten hissed darkly and proceeded in taking a step forward.

"I'll help you!" Naruto, who had finally recovered from his shock, pitched in. "It's not fair! If I got pantsed then he should too!" Together, they began cornering Sasuke who was still holding Sakura as 'hostage'.

"Tch, you just try...I can fight you guys off anytime. Same goes for you Tenten." Sasuke said confidently. He let go of the squirming Sakura and began to roll up his sleeves.

"Hey! What was that for? No one takes me as hostage!" Sakura cried out.

"Now you're really going to get it!"

"Three against one, yeah...the only pussy's around here are you guys." Sasuke remarked coldly.

"W-Why don't we just s-settle with rock, paper, and scissor?" Hinata, the proclaimed peace-maker, said nervously.

"Or... Why don't we just do a trivia game instead? Since it's really between Tenten and Sasuke, we'll ask them three questions each and whoever gets it right wins! Best two out of three!" Katie said thoughtfully.

"Fine." They all said in unison and glared at each other.

"What should we ask?" Naruto questioned.

"I-I think I got it... s-since Sakura had just moved to Tokyo s-she is still a mystery to us... s-so why d-don't we ask questions about her!" Hinata brought up.

"Brilliant! Okay, let's see, get ready guys. First question: What is Sakura's biggest fear?" Katie asked. "First person to say it wins the first round.

"The dark." Sasuke said without hesitation.

"Is that right Sakura?" Katie looked over to Sakura who said that it was only one of her fears for she had four major ones.

"Umm...The dark, ghosts, and height?" Tenten tried. She got two out of four right.

Hmm, what do girls usually hate? I wonder if it's...

"The dark, ghosts, bugs, and...getting dirty?" Sasuke did a wild guess.

Sakura was surprised at how good Sasuke was at guessing and nodded. "The first three are right...not the last one though."

Tenten, who refused to lose, tried again. "Are you afraid of loneliness?"

"Yeah, but not as much."

"Small spaces." Sasuke took another wild guess. Sakura always seems to be edgy whenever she's in tight spaces.

"Wow, that's right!" Sakura lit up. Sasuke just flashed a triumphant smirk.

"Ok, point one for bastard. Second question: What is her blood type?" Naruto questioned.

"Type B?" Sasuke said hopefully. Wrong.

"Type O?" Tenten tried afterwards and got it right. She was awarded a point so now it was a tie breaker. Whoever gets the next question right wins. If Sasuke lost then he would have to get pantsed. If he won, then he could get out of it. Hinata passed on the chance to ask a question so Naruto volunteered to ask again.

"Okay! Tell me who Sakura likes!"

"SASUKE!" Tenten blurted, not wasting a second to think.

"WHAT?! I am not going to answer that question! It is highly confidential!" Sakura yelled, glaring at everybody.

"So it is Sasuke!" Katie teased.

"N-no!" Sakura stammered, her face turning beat red as soon as she saw Sasuke smirking his head off.

"Why are you smirking? I don't even like you! Why would I like a guy who's a jerk and smirks too much for his own good?" Sakura said very quickly trying to sound as persuasive as possible.

"Sakura, you're so worked up about this...does that mean you really like the bastard?!" Naruto said innocently.

"NO!" she yelled.

"So then, who do you like?" Sasuke asked coolly with no hint of eagerness. But on the inside he was dying to know.

"My lips are sealed."

"You sure?" Sasuke pried.

"S-So there IS someone..." Hinata concluded thoughtfully.

"I bet you anything its Sasuke!" Katie declared.

"Lalalalala! I can't here you!" Sakura sang loudly covering her ears.

"WHO THE HECK IS IT SAKURA?!" All of them asked the same time. Four pairs of eyes stared intently at Sakura who was dying from pressure.

"F-fine I'll tell you! Jeez... it's...Lee!"


I am so glad I re-edited this chapter...I didn't know I was capable of making ANYone this OOC. It shocked me. There are still a lot of OOC comments in here but I daresay it's a lot better now. Seriously... if I were to write ETC all over again, this fic would be totally different. Sigh.

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