Chapter 29: It's a Cruel.... Cruel World

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Chapter 29 - It's a Cruel, Cruel World (LAST CHAPTER)

An/ A very random chapter ahead. Beware or be square!

Sakura peered over the crowds looking for her parents. She had finally got off the plane after sitting there for nearly 10 hours! Her butt hurts like it had never hurt before.


She heard someone call her name as she dragged her luggage towards the exit. Standing on her tipy-toes she scanned the crowd and finally saw two pairs of waving hands.

"Mom, dad!" She yelled and ran over to hug them as they did the same to her.

"Why isn't it 'Dad, mom' ? I don't get it; they always put the mom first before the dad." Sakura's dad half joked half mused.

Together they walked to the parking lots chatting here and there about life. There were so many things to catch up on.

In the car, Sakura glued herself to the window trying to remember the last time she had been to America. She wondered what her collage would be like. Full of snobs? Wannabes? Goths? Sluts? Etc.....

She hoped she would make some new friends there.

After half an hour or so they arrived at a medium sized westernized house with a big front yard, Sakura looked at the place but didn't remember anything about that place.

"Did you guys move or something? I don't remember living in this place." She asked.

"Yup we moved since we thought our old home was too small." Her mom said cheerfully and quickly led her in. Her father dragged his daughter's luggage in after them.

Sakura then got a tour of the house and roamed around as her mother helped her unpack.

"We're going to go out for dinner with Gaara so prepare for that." The mother said busily as she pulled out some of her daughter's clothes and books.

"Oh ok mom. Wow, I haven't seen Gaara for such a long time now! I wonder if he turned uglier or handsomer." Sakura giggled which earned her a disapproving glance from her mother.

"Well I assure you that Gaara did not turn uglier, anyways - whoa, Sakura who's this?" Her mother asked quizzically as she held up a picture of the time when she went to Tokyo's Amusement Park, "Judging by the distance between you two I say he's your boyfriend! You never told me you had a special someone!"

Inner Sakura: Damn....why does she have to be so smart!

"Ehehehe...." She laughed nervously.

"Well, what's his name! Every mother should have the right to know what's going on with her daughter! He seems to be a nice young boy....not to mention....almost as good looking as your father." She said teasingly.

"MMMOOOMMM!" Sakura whined at her mother for teasing her.

Inner Sakura: Ha, Sasuke looks better! No offence dad...I still love you!

"What! But you know, I swear I have seen him somewhere before....tell me who he is."

"Well, I think you know him but what would you do if I told you?" Sakura asked slyly.

"Oh nothing, maybe find the time to visit him and chat with him if I ever go back to Japan." The other said casually. She looked at Sakura with big curious eyes.

"Hmm fine, I'll tell you. He's....." Sakura trailed off on purposely.

"He's...." Her mother echoed.

"He's....." Sakura dragged on.

"Tell me already!"

"Uchiha Sasuke!" Sakura finally answered.

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