Chapter 5: Opposite Attraction 2

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During the rest of the day it had been awkward between Sasuke and Sakura. Very awkward. They didn't talk to each other, and Ino...well let's not go there. Finally as school ended, Kakashi called both of them up to the front. He was not dense for an adult and noticed something wrong between his two students even if he wasn't there to witness what had happened.

But no matter what, he decided he will play cupid - a handsome handsome cupid so to speak.

In truth he didn't want Sasuke to end up with Ino. Kakashi knew the hardships in Sasuke's life and cares for Sasuke like his own son (secretly). Although it was wrong for Sasuke to treat Ino like dirt, he still had the liberty to choose who to marry. That was his opinion anyway and he was sure a lot of people agree with him.

"Sasuke and Sakura, I need to ask you guys a big favor. Tomorrow morning could you guys help me bring these textbooks to the janitor's closet? I have no need for them and I can't do it by myself because as you can see I am a very old man."

"Tch, you got the old man part right."

Kakashi frowned slightly and crossed his arm. Sasuke was sure a blockhead. Can't he see that he was trying to help him? That brat will pay later...

"Okay, I'll come early." Sakura said quietly, not looking at Sasuke in the eye.

"Psh, this is more like an order than a favor lazy cheat." Sasuke continued, obviously very gloomy at the moment.

Kakashi ignored him and dismissed them. The brats will thank them for sure. Watching them walk separate ways, he pulled out his favourite book with a determined mindset. "They better make up by tomorrow."

Sakura arrived to her house and flopped down on her couch as Yuki purred and jumped on the couch to nuzzle her.

Sasuke is my enemy, I should hate him. I can't be sad over some stupid argument. This was meant to happen! But... Now all my friends think I love him because of this opposite attraction stuff!...that's like saying everyone that hates each other can be couples. Ha! As if...

Inner Sakura: But you are starting to like him.

That idiot?

Inner Sakura: A very hot idiot that's smart, athletic, and everything you have ever dreamt of. Admit it, you've been daydreaming about meeting a guy like him ever since you saw that cartoon where-

Ok ok, I admit I'm attracted to what? There's nothing I can do since Ino is his fiancée. I can't just tell Sasuke that I like him? Hell, I'm not even sure about my feelings yet. Aargh I hate this! It hasn't even been a month and I'm going crazy! Feeling awkward around Sasuke 24/7 for the rest of the year is torture! I can't do this to myself and I can't just let Ino win! That pork won't make my life a living hell... Not if I can help it.

"I'll just treat Sasuke as a friend or something. At least... a decent enemy/someone/whatever that I can talk to without feeling awkward." Sakura made her mind while scratching her kitty's chin.

"Plus I cannot not talk to him forever..." she added quietly.

Sasuke got home and lied on his soft comfy bed staring at the ceiling. His room was very big with blue walls. There weren't a lot of things in his room except for a wide-screen plasma TV, computer, phone, desk, car/sports posters, pictures, and other stuff. There was also a bathroom, closet, and a porch on the right. (AN: A lot of things in his room to me!)

He cushioned his head with his hands and glared at the ceiling. Stupid Ino... you just HAVE to ruin everything! I bet your even plotting revenge against Sakura right now...

"JIN! Come here!" Sasuke suddenly called his butler.

A middle-aged man clad in a suit came into his room. "You called Young Master?"

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