Chapter 21: A Good Deed's Reward

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Chapter 21- A Good Deed's Reward

Rain fell lightly on Konoha, showering the city with its watery droplets. Sakura loved the rain but got bored after staring out her window for hours. She already did everything that can be done in her house that morning, including cleaning it from head to toe.

She had nothing left to do, so she phoned Sasuke to come over and keep her company. Sasuke had nothing to do in his mansion so he agreed and came by car instead of his motorcycle. They talked while playing games, but even with each other's company they got eventually bored again.

"Lets do something fun, Sasuke." Said Sakura.

"Hn, you think of something." He replied lazily and closed his eyes as Sakura stroked through his spiky, raven hair.

"I have an idea but before I tell you, you must agree to it."

"I'll have to say no. What if you decide to go to the beauty parlor? I don't want to watch you getting your nails done." He rejected.

"But I won't make you go to the beauty parlor, I promise! Please say yes..." she pleaded.

"No way," He refused.

"Please oh please? Pretty please?" She pleaded even more.


"I promise I won't make you go shopping or the beauty parlor." Sakura vowed. Sasuke eyed her closely and decided that she was telling the truth so he sighed and finally gave in.

"Alright, what do you want to do?"

"You promise you'll do it?"

"Yes just as long as its not shopping and make-overs."

"HELL YEAH! Ok, Sasuke lets go WINDOW SHOPPING!" Sakura shouted excitedly.

"W-Window shopping! But you said we wouldn't go shopping!" He exclaimed angrily.

"Its not! This is WINDOW shopping." She said slyly.

"Why the heck would you want to go and shop for windows? Is that even possible?" Sasuke said with a confused and angry tone.

"Silly, window shopping means shopping without actually buying. Ha, so technically it's not shopping!" she cried triumphantly.

"I'm not going."

"But you promised! And I won't go and look at the clothes!" she wined.

"It's raining in case you haven't forgotten."

"I have an umbrella! It will be fun! Please?" she pleaded again.


Well it's not exactly shopping so I guess going wouldn't hurt. Sasuke thought to himself. But little does he know it; it was going to be one of the worst decision he will ever make in his entire life.

They walked closely together, huddling under Sakura's medium-sized green umbrella. Sasuke pulled her closer to his body as a car passes by, splashing water onto the sidewalk. He was actually quite glad to have agreed with Sakura for going window shopping with her.

For one reason, there were fewer people shopping on a rainy day so the place wasn't as crowded. For another, it was nice spending some quiet time with Sakura outside in the open.

"Oh look Sasuke! Isn't that puppy adorable?" Sakura cried in delight as they stopped in front of the pet shop.


Sasuke looked at the little collie as he pawed the window showing them his round blue eyes as if begging them to take him home.

"Sorry little puppy, but we already have pets." Sakura said sadly to the collie behind the window. The puppy just sat down and cocked his little head innocently.

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