Chapter 7: Sleepover Mania

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Hello again! As a reread my story I found out that I really made Ino or Lee look really bad. But don't worry they'll be nice later. Actually.... Way later. And I promise that Sasuke will be super more jealous....again later. And sorry if you think that the plot of the story is going a bit slow but I'm getting there. Well here's chapter 7! Sasuke is a little bit angry by the way. Please don't be too mad about the last chapter. I only support Sasuke/Sakura. And sometimes Itachi/Sakura.

Chapter 7- Sleepover Mania-Over

Jaws dropped all the way to hell. Eyes were as wide as watermelons. Expressions were priceless. Feelings began rushing through Sasuke's body like Naruto having a need to eat ramen. First came anger, then confusion, then jealousy. What the fucking hell! How could she even like that stupid no-good think eyebrows! Argh what did I even do to lose! I swear I'll beat the crap out of that son of a...

Everybody else except for Sakura: Oh no! We failed! Oh my god what is Sasuke thinking right now! Poor guy...

"What! How could you like that thick eyebrows?" Sasuke blurt out, he was so jealous that he could choke Lee to death if he were right beside him. "Yeah Sakura-chan! WHY LEE?" shouted Naruto. "Oh my god, I think I'm going to faint." Cried Tenten. "Noooooooo!" Katie said almost ready to sob. "I-I think I need t-to lie d-down." Panted Hinata.

Suddenly a burst of laughter erupted from Sakura. Droplets of tears began in Sakura's pretty emerald eyes. "My God! S-Sheesh! You're all so gullible! Hahahaha! Y-you should have s-seen you're face! It was like the f-funniest expression that has ever been put on the face of the earth! Hahaha! Gotcha!"

"Huh? S-so you don't have a crush on Lee-san?" stuttered Tenten recovery from shock and began to laugh sheepishly. "No! Of course not sillies!" said Sakura smirking at them. Then all of them started laughing.

"You got us Sakura." Admitted Sasuke. "So who do you really like?" asked Naruto giving her the irresistible puppy eyes. But, it failed. "Not telling suckers! At least for now. You'll find out...when you reach to heaven!" she snickered evilly.

"Aww, anyways now we'll just have to assume that you like Sasuke then." Said Hinata cheekily. "Assume if you want. I don't care." She said with a shrug.

"I never knew you liked me Sakura, now that I assume you do. How nice! I feel so loved!" Sasuke said sarcastically. "Ha! It's your fault that you feel sooo loved. And what are you talking about? I totally love you-not!" she said sarcastically back. "Meanie!" pouted Sasuke playfully like a 4-year-old. "Okay, so now it's a draw between Sasuke and Tenten-chan, now what do we do?" asked Hinata.

"Let's play...Strip poker!" suggested Naruto loudly. Before anybody could answer the door bell rang. "Oh, look at the time. Got to go! Tell me all about it on Monday! Bye!" said Tenten happily and quickly got her things and left as quick as a flash. "Lucky..." whispered Sakura enviously. "So? Are you guys going to play or what?" asked Naruto getting out a deck of cards. "Sure." Replied Sasuke. "Yeah, me too!" added Katie. "Sakura-chan? Hinata-chan? You playing?"

"Ummm...okay I'll play." Sakura said slowly. "No way! Hosé!" cried Hinata furiously shaking her head and took a step backwards to emphasize what she meant. "Aww! C'mon Hinata, play!" said Naruto practically begging.

"Look, Naruto is obviously being perverted enough to want you to play so play! We'll go easy on each other!" coaxed Katie. Hinata finally agreed. But first they changed into their pajamas. The rule was: You can't wear any extra clothing, just you're pajamas.

Sakura's pajamas just consist of a bra, tank top, a big t-shirt over that, and shorts. Hinata wore pajama pants, shirt, and bra. Katie wore pajama pants too, but had a tank-top and a sports bra. (Okay I know describing their clothing is kind of sick but I needed to tell you guys so you will know that how much clothes they have taken off in during the game. Again not the sick way! XD) All had underwear on by the way. Sasuke and Naruto both wore, t-shirt, boxers, and shorts. So it looks like Sakura is wearing the most.

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