Chapter 1: Friends and Enemies

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As you know, I am re-editing this. God, there are so many mistakes. Well anywz, I hope you guys will enjoy this new and improved version. Don't worry, nothing big will change. I just wanna make this fic smoother that's all. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT! ALMOST 1800 REVIEWS! WOOT! GO, GO, GO!

Title: Enemies to Couples (aka ETC)

By: Dark Angelic Kitty

Genre: Humor/Romance/Drama

Summary: SasuSaku. Au. High School Fic. "Sasuke and Sakura sitting in a tree. First come's hate... Second comes love...?" It all started out with being enemies. But then, God was kind and love began to bloom.

Chapter One - Friends and Enemies




Aargh, someday I am going to throw that alarm clock out the window!


Shut the hell up!


That's it!...thought a 17 years old teenage girl who forced herself up and banged the poor alarm clock against her cider drawer until it was dead silent. She then made sure her alarm clock won't make any more ruckus and went back to sleep. Finally...peace and quiet! I don't know why I even bothered buying an alarm clock in the first place.

Little did she know, she will soon jerk up in thirty minutes, realize she had indeed bought the alarm clock for a good purpose, slap herself for being so stupid, and get ready for the most important day of her life. Well...somewhat most important day of her life.

30 minutes later...

Wait a sec... Isn't today the first day of school! Ackkk! I'M GOING TO BE LATE!

Haruno Sakura quickly flung aside her blanket, jerked up, and looked at the time. "Ahhh, it's eight-o-clock! I'm going to be late! Stupid, stupid, stupid!" she shouted and took a quick shower. It was truly a miracle as to how she had ever managed to find some time to take a shower. She then quickly got dressed, grabbed her backpack that was already prepared the day before, and ran out of the house.

Before Sakura left, she quickly said bye to her black cat with bright orange streaks, called Yuki, and raced out of her house. She had found her in the dumpster when she was just a tiny kitten. She never knew why nobody wanted a cat like her. It's not everyday that you see a black cat with orange streaks.

Sakura had just recently moved to Tokyo and lived mostly with her cat since her parents were always on a business trip in the states. Sure, she gets lonely sometimes but she had a strong mind. She knew how to live by herself at the age of ten and learned that her family isn't always going to be with her by the age of eleven.

Her parents were workaholics and Sakura respects them for that since they were trying their best to earn money just so she could live comfortably. If one was to rate the Haruno family's wealth, they would classify them into the middle class family. They weren't wealthy nor were they poor.

Since Sakura's parents were always on a business, it was understandable that they left as soon as they moved to Tokyo. In a good way, Sakura had all the freedom and money she wants. No, she was not spoiled; in fact she's generally helpful around the house and she's really responsible... except when it comes to waking up on time in the morning of course.

Nonetheless, if Sakura doesn't hurry up now, she was officially going to be late!

"Almost there, just one more block! I have five more minutes! School doesn't start till 8:30." Sakura muttered optimistically.

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