Chapter 12: Fieleds of Love

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Chapter 12-Fields of Love

Sakura walked into the classroom, feeling happy today. (No duh! She just got kissed by Sasuke!) She noticed that Tenten was happy too.

"Hey Tenten-chan, what's up?" She asked. Tenten smiled a big smile to her, "Sakura-chan! Do you know what day is today?"

Inner Sakura: Hell yeah! It's the day that Sasuke kissed me!

"Um, your birthday?" she guessed.

"Strike one!" Tenten called out.

"Your mother's birthday?"

"Strike two!"

"Your father's birthday?"

"Strike three. God Sakura-chan, I'll just tell you." Tenten gave up.

"Wait, wait! I know! Your boyfriend's birthday!"

"SAKURA! You know I don't have a boyfriend, anyways...Today is the day when....SOCCER SEASON STARTS!" Tenten exclaimed happily with stars and soccer balls in her eyes. "Finally, after long years of hardship and patience it had finally started!"

Inner Sakura: Long years of hardship and patience...over exaggerating much?

"That's great!" Sakura said enthusiastically trying to sound as excited as Tenten. "I know you're not a soccer fan but can you come with me after school to the try out?" Tenten asked. "Sure! Why would I not? After all you joined volleyball with me. Although please don't ask me to kick a soccer ball, I suck like literally."

Tenten chuckled, "I won't. That's too bad, because soccer is the greatest sport ever!" The bell rang and they returned to their seats even though they knew Kakashi won't be here in the next ten minutes. Sasuke came in the classroom shortly after, fan girls immediately crowded around him.

"Sasuke-kun are you hurt?"

"What happened to your arm?"

"I'll take care of you!"

"What's that around your neck?"

"Bug off." He muttered and pushed them away with his uninjured arm. He then sad down beside Sakura with a bored face. "Sasuke are you joining the soccer team?" she asked. "I dunno, you?" he asked back with a shrug. "No...hey what's that around your neck?" she asked peering closer.

He was wearing a gold chain around his neck but a part of it was under his shirt. "This?" He said casually taking the chain out of his shirt, a little silver key was dangling from it. "It's my house key!" she exclaimed. "Yeah, well I didn't want to lost it." He said with another shrug. Sakura felt a smile tugging her lips, she looked over to Tenten who still had stars and soccer balls in her eyes. Guess she really was a soccer fan.

"Did you hear that there's only a mixed soccer team this year?" Hinata asked. "Yeah." Tenten nodded her head and sat down with her friends with gym strip on, in the field. It was after school and there is still 30 minutes before the try out starts.
"Hey Tenten-chan! Look who's here!" Katie hissed, nudging her. They all looked over, "Isn't that Neji, Sasuke's rival or something?" Sakura recalled. "Yeah, but you're also forgetting something that is very, very important Sakura-chan. He also is Tenten-chan's future boyfriend, and husband." Katie said loudly. "KATIE!" Tenten shouted angrily and pushed her, blushing madly.

"I would really like to help you, but Neji hardly listens to me either." Hinata said truthfully. "I'll help you score him." Sakura offered. "Really? But how can you? You don't even know him." Tenten said obviously confused. "Hehe, I don't but I know a person who does." Sakura said slyly. "I don't want to drag this to other people Sakura-chan. Thanks anyway you guys, I'm not even sure if he even know I exist or not." Tenten said sadly.

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