Chapter 28: Wedding Bells on her Birthday

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Chapter 28 (Second to last chapter) - Wedding Bells on Her Birthday

Sakura got ready and look at herself in her full length mirror.

Inner Sakura: Today's my birthday...Sasuke's wedding day too...

No tears welled up in her eyes since she had already shed every last drop the day before. She sighed and wondered if anyone had remembered her birthday.

Probably not, since they will mostly likely be busy thinking about their friend's the wedding. Nothing in her life has been working lately. She was ok with that though, because since when was her life ever been working properly?

Probably never.

Her pink gown slightly ruffled as she sat on her bed. She had decided to attend the wedding after extensive thinking. Her friends were worried about her when she told them that she would go to the ceremony.

She assured everyone that it was okay. She needed to do this anyway. To show Sasuke that she had let him go completely, but also mostly to show herself that she no longer loved him.

She was sure as ever that Sasuke had finally stopped liking her and found interest in Bara. Why else would he agree to marry her? She had known Sasuke for a long time now. Long enough to know that Sasuke is a stubborn jerk. If he didn't want to do something then he won't do it. The only time when she ever saw him give up was when she forced him to go shopping with her.

A smile crept up to her lips as she reminisced.

Yes, Sasuke was a stubborn teen indeed, as stubborn as she was. Hell, in the end it was HER that surrendered to him when they were at 'war'.

Anyways, it was her turn to conquer her feelings. If Sasuke can do it then she could too. Smoothing out her dress she wondered where Sasuke and Bara would go on their honeymoon.

Sakura stopped at that part and remembered that they were only eighteen. They're too young to have a baby. So the early marriage must've been for sealing the pact and keeping the relationship solid.

A car suddenly honked outside her house.

"Lee's here. Bye Yuki." Sakura said sadly and then slowly trudged down the stairs and out of the house.

She greeted Lee with a forced smile and got on his care. They drove in silence until they arrived to the Uchiha mansion. The wedding took place at Sasuke's house, ironically.

They saw that the luscious garden was full of people. Rich people, business people, and some teenage girls that were presumed to be Bara's friends. They were all very pretty, but not as pretty as Bara.

Sakura and Lee first went to the registration counterin the front to identify themselves and then scanned around and finally spotted Naruto and the gang.

They went to them and greeted each other.

"Sakura, you here! Happy birthday!" Naruto cried happily, "Oh and hi fuzzy eyebrows." He added after.

"I would prefer it if you call me Lee, Naruto-kun." Lee said grimly yet politely.

"Okay fuz-er...Lee."

Everyone hugged Sakura and said happy birthday to her. She thanked everyone, trying to act as cheerful as possible.

"Do you guys want some punch?" Tenten asked.

"Sure." The girls answered while the guys just shook their heads. They arrived at the refreshment table and poured tropical punch into their cups.

Hinata, Ino, Tenten, and Katie looked at each other nervously as they watched Sakura gulp down her drink. Sakura arched her eyebrow at them.

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