H&S: Story Of Dorothy Oneshots

By TheSinningFangirl

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Short fan fictions of the RPG horror series Hide and Seek, may include references and stories to other underr... More

You Lose
Worth It
Game Over
The Birthday Girl
Forbidden Fruits
Beautiful Like A Rose
Sneak Peek
'Deleted Scenes, Bloopers, N Shit'
Man Is Mortal, In The End
This Fear of Mine
I Love You
B & C's Eternal Love
Memory of Misery
Trust and Believe
Help Me
Best Gift Ever
Sue's Amnesia
Hide&Seek: Story of You
New Sue x Dorothy Info!
Pt. 1 Dorothy & The Murdered Patient
Pt. 1 Dorothy & The Exorcist
Pt.2 Dorothy & The Murdered Patient
Merry Birthday
Dorothy's Birthday
Because of Your Arrogance
Pt. 2 Dorothy & The Exorcist
Pt.3 Dorothy & The Exorcist
Pt. 4 Dorothy & The Exorcist

My Dear Sue

267 9 2
By TheSinningFangirl

Dorothy was coming to the end of her bizarre adventure, navigating her way through the dark corridors of the sewer with a lit candlestick after having fallen down there from a trapdoor above. She looked like she survived hell and lived to tell the tale (which was actually pretty true). Torrents of sour-smelling sweat slickened her skin, plastering her dress, which was splattered with blood and filth, to her slim body and her tangerine-tinted hair, which used to look so glossy, to her forehead. She no longer looked like the frightened, innocent little twelve-year-old girl on the first floor, she looked fierce and fearless as she paid no mind to the long-dried rust-colored blood splashed across the gray brick walls and stone floor. Carelessly crunching the skeletal remains with her cute black shoes, cracking skulls and ribcages lying about. Dark expression uncharacteristically glued to her petite face.

Sue looked surprised by this change when he appeared to her, after she placed the spring in the grandfather clock, in that decrepit bedroom strewn with mucus, moss, and slime. She seemed to glower at him without even showing it, her eyes piercing his with an accusatory stare. Thinking of the object stashed in the pocket of her skirt. Her gaze confused and unnerved him at first, but he assumed she looked that way because she was either in shock, blamed him for all this, or both.

“You made it this far?” Sue asked, standing two or three feet away. His formal attire still looked crisp and clean, considering how much time he seemed to spend in the sewers. Her dress had long lost its pristine condition, ever since she started fighting back against the monsters that terrorized her. She fled from the giant skull, killer toy rabbit, man-eating flower, and bloodied maid on their each respective floor, but on the fifth storey of the house when they all returned, her anger and frustration boiled over. She had had enough being pushed around.  

“Yes.” Dorothy replied, a hostile strain in her voice. Her hands twitched, a red fluid soiling her gloves. “Why do you think I'm here? Devil.” She spat out that last part with hatred coating her tone, the raven-haired child was instantly taken aback, but she showed no regret. His purple cat-like eyes didn't seem to unease her anymore. They were just a reminder of what he was.  

“...And your memories have returned?” Sue continued, noticeably more downtrodden than before. His thick black eyebrows were curved upward, and the faint trace of the smile, that seemed to beg for her to treat this twisted mess like a fun, harmless game again vanished.

Dorothy's breathing instantaneously grew more ragged, coming out in fast puffs through her nose and her chest heaving outward and inward in sync with it. Her pretty eyes clouded over with tears of anger, and grief for her family, not just her parents, but her servants who shouldn't have gotten involved with this in the first place. She didn't blame herself one bit, it was all his fault, he took advantage of her for no good reason and watched her suffer without remorse. With each game she lost in trying to get them back, more lives were stolen away, making her more desperate and persistent than before. Dorothy didn't care if her greed for presents trapped her in this disaster first, she wasn't the one who wrapped vines around two maids’ throats until their necks bled, and she certainly wasn't the one who killed her parents. She reached into her dress pocket, arm shaking with anticipation.

Unbeknownst to both of them, there was a spectator among them, purposefully remaining unseen. She watched as Dorothy grasped the handle of her large carving knife, the one she'd taken from the toy rabbit the last time it chased after her. She'd gotten the cutter tool for the sacks of grain in the storage room, and a little after finding the monster representing one of her gifts, she slashed it like a ninja mincing fruit mid-air, blood pouring out instead of stuffing. The girl wasn't stupid, she knew she was never going to win against him, she wanted to kill him for ruining her life. Hatred blinded her better judgment, stifling her morality and snuffing out what mercy or sanity she had left. In the ice room, she had grabbed an icicle spiking up from the frozen floor, and used it to stab the bloody maid’s heart until blood squirted her face like a geyser. She found a way to get the bloody gears in the gear room to start working again, then lead the giant skull inside only to shove it in the grinding metal, shattering the bone. For the flower, she'd saved some of that honey poison from the third floor and splashed it over its petals, watching it shrivel up and crumple on the ground, dripping honey.

“...Why?” Sue whispered, staring at his ‘friend’ sorrowfully. Letting the emotions swirling inside of him get the best of him. Why did she have to get mixed up in this? Why hadn't she just stopped being so stubborn and foolish? But either way, he certainly would not let that opportunity go to waste, of course he'd use her desperation for his own gain, that was the plan in the first place. But a part of him still wished it had failed.

“You took everything from me.” Dorothy snapped, her voice quiet and quavering yet determined. She trembled like she was in the cold depths of Antarctica, eyes burning with resentment. She pulled out the knife, taking pleasure in how Sue’s eyes widened and he took a step back. “And for that, I will send you back to Hell, from whence you came!” The boy fully expected her to lunge at him, but no, she suddenly tensed and turned rigid, like she suddenly transformed into a living stature. Her eyes opened big in puzzlement and shock, as if she didn't know what was happening.

Dark purple tendrils, encased in a neon purple, curled around her hand that held her weapon, glowing eerily.

Dorothy redirected the long, sharp blade so that it faced her body instead of Sue’s, staring at it with growing apprehension. “What's happeni- GHK!” A noise that made her sound like she was being choked was uttered from her pink lips as she suddenly the plunged the knife into herself, blood launching out from her abdomen and onto the stone floor. Her mouth formed an ‘O’ shape as her eyes bulged, the sliver of gray metal sliding slowly and agonizingly out of her flesh and glistening with fresh blood. Then, she proceeded to slice up the rest of her torso, ripping the blade in all directions across her chest, stomach, and all, sending streams of crimson fluid gushing out of her. A ribbon of red dribbled from the corner of her mouth, and after the front of her dress was completely soaked, she dragged the knife across her throat and face, giving herself a bloody neck and carved smile.

Even as Dorothy's lifeless corpse had collapsed, sprawled over the dirty ground with blood pooling around her, she robotically stabbed her eyes until you couldn't see white, nor the color of her irises and pupils, just holes with vermilion liquid welling inside them.

The entire time, Sue stood there in the exact same spot stiffly, shock and horror written all over him as he listened to the young girl's soul-shattering screams that were cut off with pained gurgles as blood burst into her throat and mouth. Ringing in his ears, haunting him as he continuously shivered, gaze glued to the scene, vibrant violet eyes expressing more emotion than normal. No, this could not be real. This was not supposed to happen. What happened? Why had she killed herself? She could have won herself a beautiful, happy life, one she deserved, in Purgatory had she have not gotten caught up in her wrath. Wait. That purple light… It now dissipated from her hand, which finished striking her eye sockets and dropped limply beside her, knife clattering. No… Oh, no.

“She did not deserve you.” A familiar, sweet voice said. The source of it soon revealing herself as she materialized uncomfortably close to him. It was the demon princess, who looked the same age as he, with pallid white skin, gleaming purple eyes, scarlet lips that smiled innocently, and red-pink short hair curled at her chin. Her long royal gown was mostly a velvety black, with white silk fabric in the skirt and bodice, and gold embroidery.

“Priscilla!” Sue cried in utter disbelief. “What- what the hell did you do?” He usually wasn't one for vulgarity, but at that moment, he couldn't care less. All respect and liking for the girl that saved him from a painfully average life full of abuse from his, Dorothy's, parents was gone.

“She was going to harm you.” Young Priscilla explained nonchalantly, as if she hadn't just brutally forced a girl to kill herself in a very gruesome fashion. “I promised to make sure you didn't come to any harm, remember?”

Sue simply blinked at her in bewilderment as she wrapped her pale arms around his neck and pressed her cheek against his affectionately. “But- she- Dorothy is already dead anyway, and I'm immortal. It was your blood that made me that way, remember?”

Priscilla shrugged without a care in the world, unfazed by her deed and his traumatization. “Yes, but, I simply could not tolerate her any longer. I've wanted to do that for a while, you see. Something about her irks me. Perhaps it's the way she looked at you when she was alive.” She ran her fingers through his onyx locks of hair. He was rendered entirely speechless as she whispered into his ear, “Just remember that you're mine, my dear Sue.”

A/N: What? Don't look at me like that. These one-shots needed a dash of horror, you didn't think it would ALL be fluff did you? So, obviously, this is an AU where Priscilla is still a child and Dorothy abandoned the pacifist route and started destroying the monsters like a badass, then planned to kill Sue when she found him. She doesn't blame herself in this one, and she's lost all faith she'll pull through victorious, so she wanted revenge. And yeah, this Priscilla is what you'd call a yandere, or in English speak, "a possessive psycho." I wrote this really early in the morning since I couldn't go to sleep, so I apologize for any bad quality...,

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