The forgotten one

By nanatoofly

212K 3.7K 423

Niall is the middle child. The one no one remembers. The one who everyone forgot exist. (Read for more inf... More

A day in the life of Niall
Is this messed up?
How could this happen
What the hell happened to Niall?
Author Note
Im here for you
What is going on?
We will do this
Author Note
Helping Ni
Were sorry!
A New Friend
I like her/him
Can you try for me?
Here we go
What the funny exclusives!
What's wrong?
Because I'm Happy
What I Think?
Help please?
It starting
Almost there
I'm so sorry
Its going down!!!!
Never thought about it
Can we start over?
How can I help??
I hate you
Poor Harry
I'm Here
The Suprise

Someone finally notices

12K 234 30
By nanatoofly

*Zayn P.O.V*
I woke up went to work and all that jazz. (Glee refence. Get it? No? Okay)
I pick up Harry, Louis and Liam from school amd I was on my to pick up Justin from his office. I had the feeling I was missing something. It's probably nothing. "Daddy!Daddy! I got a 100 on my social studies test!" I heard Harry yell. "Oh and me and Liam got 90's on our math test." Louis said. "I wanted to tell him." Liam whinned. "Hey! No whining." I said sternly. "Yes sir." Liam replied. "Since all of you 3 did good on your test. I'll ask Papa if we should take you guys out to eat." I announced. "Yay!" They screamed in unison. "Calm down." I said smiling. They did and pulled put there phones to do what they do. "Oh. Dad I heard Niall singing during lunch today. He sounded awesome." Louis said. "Wait. Where is Niall ?" I asked. "He's probably at a friends house don't worry." Harry said. "Okay." I replied. We have to go shopping cause there is literally no food in the house but nood. We pulled up to justin's job and saw him jumping up and down squealing. (He works with other writers. At a building that Zayn owns.) He got in the car and hugged me. "Um. Why are you so happy?" I asked. He was about to answer when Harry cut him off. "It's cuz I texted him and told him that I got a 100 on my social studies test." He said squealing. "Well yes and no. I'm so happy because the book I just published like 2 weeks ago already got 10,000 sold copies and now they want me to do a meet and greet next Saturday." He said while squeal. "Oh my gosh babe. That's amazing." I said hugging him. "Yeah papa. Dad does that mean we can go out for dinner?" Liam asked. "I wanted to ask." Louis whined. "Well paybacks a bitch." Liam replied. "No cursing. But i'll let that slide cause it was funny." I said chuckling. "So can we dad?" Harry asked. "Yes. Too celebrate my 4 favorite boys victories." I said. They all cheered. We went to Nandos cause that was the closest and cheapest thing. We ordered out food and ate there and took what we didn't eat. We got home and noticed the TV was on. "Dad?" Harry said hiding behind me getting scared. "Stay here." I said. I walked slowly to the couch and saw it was Niall. "It's just Niall." I said. They all were relaxed and calmed and went to there rooms but Louis. I shook my head Niall and walked away.
                     *Louis P.O.V*
When dad said it was Niall I was confused. Why wasn't he with his friend like Harry said? Did he get driven here? Did his friend drop him off? I had so many questions so I decided to wake him up. "Get up Niall." I said shaking him. He got up slowly and saw my face. "Sorry. You can have the couch now." He said and got up. I pushed him down. "No. Why aren't you at your friends?" I asked. "Um.. What companions?" He asked. "Harry said you were at your friends. Why are you here?" I said. "Well. I believe Harry told you a fib. I have no ccompanionsand I do not wish to have any. I simply did my after activities and walked home. Like I do every other day. I then came home and ate half a pack of noodless simply because I don't have a big appetite. Then I turned on my favorite childhood movie and simply fell asleep into a dreamless sleep. Is that all you wanted to know?" He asked. I was shocked at the vovoculary he was using. I don't even speak like that. "Umm.. yes it is." I said. He nodded and took his book bag upstairs to his room and closed his door. How the fuck didn't we know he was here? What the fuck is wrong with us? I gotta pay more attention to Niall now. At bed time I was determined to make sure Niall ate cause he said he at half a pack of noodless. That's terrible. Everyone came downstairs to watch a movie. Well everyone but Niall. I went upstairs and saw hewas asleep but he had drew something.

It was a broken heart and it was shattered. I took his drawing and put it on his desk and shook him to wake him. He got up and saw me and looked shocked. "Umm.. What are you doing in here?" He asked. "I came to get you to come get something." I said. "I'm not that hungry. You can eat though." He said. I was shocked. The Niall I knew was always hungry. "Are you susomethingand Dad brought Nandos and I saved you some of your favorite." I said trying to convince him. "No. I'm fine. Im fat enough as it is." He said trying to make a joke. He skinny as hell though. There is no meat on his body. Im really worried for him. "Niall? Do you mind if i look at some of your drawings? There really good." I said. "You don't have to lie. I know there rubish." He said looking down. "No there not. There awesome. Don't put yourself down. Your drawings are amazing. Can I still look through your drawings?" I asked. He nodded. I looked at i think 10 drawings and they were amazing.

I was shocked cause they were all broken. "Are you sure you don't want to eat?" I asked. "Yes. I'm sure. If you are done looking at my drawings. I was hoping you could go so I could get dressed?" He asked looking down. "Um.. sure. I'll see you tomorrow." I said. "Okay bye." He said closing his door. I gotta make sure Niall is alright tomorrow. I guess I'll just follow him around and see what he does. I told dad that I was sleepy and wanted to go to bed so I went to bed and went to sleep dreaming about how to help Niall tomorrow. Tomorrows gonna be a long day.
(Hello beautiful people. I got 60 reads and im happy asf. For the people who don't like cursing I think this isn't the book for you. For the people who read this you are beautiful and dont let no one tell u different. Now I have to go eat me some chicken. Until next time. *Drops phone like dumbass and walks away to get chicken*

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