Manan Manik Wife

By janu15manik

1.3M 76.9K 3.8K

manan got married in childhood after 10years thy gone meet....each other... how there life will much... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
Untitled Part 21
Untitled Part 22
part 23
part 24
part 25
part 26
part 27
part 28
part 29
part 30
part 31
part 32
part 33
part 34
part 35
part 36
part 37
part 38
part 39
part 40
part 41
part 42
part 43
part 44
part 45
part 46
part 47
part 48
part 49
part 50
part 51
part 52
part 54
part 53
part 55
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part 57
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part 59
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part 61
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part 72
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part 79
part 80
part 81
part 82
part 83
part 84
part 85
Part 86
part 87
note and shootout
part 88
Part 89
Part 90
part 91
Part 92
part 93
part 94

part 71

9.7K 637 52
By janu15manik

after listening this everyone r like how come people will be like tht so cruel money minded....but thr proud of super3...whn thy said to thy want surve country....thy saved us

everything was ok now...but y do thy want to sepearte manan...

al asked this question....

n: do u guys think thy r dum whn thy get into this big risk thing thy will be plan simply. no right thy have plan b...

actually v have someother plan...
y nt trap manik....she already loves manik for his money whn she came to know am his girl.. .she tried to make misunderstanding between us...she tried to insult infront of everyone by using soha...who have already grudge on me... but nthg worked....

she thought use arya this time to make tht happend she provoke arya by telling soha insult which happend in clg. .

arya gt angry so agreed with the plan....

mu: out of curiosity wht was there plan..

ab: malhotras r well named person....y nt marry manik trapping showing her character bad....manik will be one see him like tht...fab4 knows v loves manik...if she acted like she is taking care of manik....thy make manik mind change and made thm marry each other ....after tht thy can use his money ......once .gt settled by his money...will give manik mutual divorce by blaming fully on manik....tht by saying its nt working between us...and .she will gt some amount of money in divorce too tht will satisfy her so called love bussiness....everything...which none can do anything if she say like tht....

so she made arya flirt with nandu...but it back fired he tried to impress nandu back of making frndship ....but nandu always ignore...but whn we gt case she accept frndship...which thy tried to use arya used to come nandu and talk whenever manik see...most of the time cmg to office spending thr...once thy made nandu slip and made fall on the same time v send manik to watch using some excuse like nandu is calling him but our manik never take it wrong though he felt uncomfortable...but tht trust he has on nandu ...dnt made him think wrong....but v always bad mouthed on nandu infront of fab5 manik...though manik gave warning once she didnt leave she used to say..indirectly.....acting likr she is good...infront of him...tht day ni8 becoz of office stress v bad mouth talking on nandu...made manik angry...irritate than usual tone he raised a voice little on nandu...but our nandu saw is watching...quite left from thr she showed tht thy fought...v thought she was succed ...

at the same time manik needs to before he goes...nandu said abt ar and v indirectly him...
becoz she dnt want to give stress more on manik...nandu acted like thy both r in fight .. .those 2days....

ar and v thought to trap showing tht she is cheating on manik....thy know tht manik comes nxt day so thy planned a party...ni8 we watched every step....of thm he spiked nandu. drink..and gave it to her..made force to drink her...but i intrepputed saying v and mu passed out....actually we spiked v drink. .by tht time navay took tht glass gave another drink...

when he turned nandu acted like ahe drink the juice he gave.... before manik comes we thought to close his drama...before ar and v make a big plan again so we acted like we fall in his trap we acted like u tc of the rest i will take mu and v too home..he agreed becoz he thought it is the good chance to sepearte i took mu and car make thm sit...sended navya to leave thm home and cme back with some clothes....and followed nandu ...

so per our plan nandu acted like feeling dizzy...arya took chance and taken her to hotel as per thy plan he booked room by there names...
whn thy enterd room...nandu gave injection...which will make him sleep...we called call girl to u guys know.....we took room beside tht nxt day v thought arya went through she came with mukti whn u guys r seaching nandu v to acted like searching and called everyone to she found her .after reaching fab5 everyone .....started her drama nandu was standing back of me little far listening everything.. tok

n: tht time i gt call from i tld thm wht happening so ma and papa came with police....worriedly

fab5 and raj ney also dnt no fully too thy know tht thy r officer but after listening this thr where its like too flimy too...but thy took full save thm....

fab5 pounced on thm...for helping thm...ney raj are so proud of there childrens...

fab5 asked wht abt ur bussiness and clg and all

na: tht we r under cover cops na....people will ask wht we r dng we cant say its our interest to have bussiness on our own we took bussiness studiess....and launched bussines

fab5: yar how much talents u have....and how come u guys can be soooo good...guys....we love u sooo much thanks for cmg into our life......we r really proud of u...guys..

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