The President's Daughter

By b1tchyaquarius

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When I wake up I'm in the hospital once again. I breath through my nose trying to calm myself. Once I look ov... More

Rude Awakinig
Meeting the Caregiver
New Home
The Safe House
Pressure Point
Held Captive
Training Comes In Handy
You're Mistaken
The Secret Encounter
Spanish is not, and will never be my thing
Confident Much?
Childish little......biscuit
Training for.....?
Chapter 14
For his protection
Grounded From School?? Or HIM..?
Chapter 18
Kinda Cheesy....but I like it!
Since when did I get butterflies?
Chapter 22
Off my Mind
On the Verge
"You should see your face"
"The Look"
I hate! YOU!!
I'm Sorry
Rejection/Way back
No way out


29 1 1
By b1tchyaquarius

Taylor's P.O.V

"You're totally going!" Hayley yells at me from my bed, one day after school. Long story short Trey invited me to a  party tonight, on a school night. And.....I kinda wanna go.

I shrug my shoulders, "You know what? I'll go, but you 'totally' owe me" I tell her as I walk into my closet to go find some clothes. I walk through my bathroom and open the closet door. 

"Wear something......."

"Dangerous!" I whisper, as I get the perfect idea on what to wear. I walk farther into the closet to grab some black ripped jeans, and a leather jacket. I run to my bedroom, open up my drawer and grab a plain white shirt. I run to the bathroom and put on the clothes. I stop and look at myself in the mirror once I have my clothes on. 

"Still alive in there? Come out really quick.." Hayley asks from outside my door. 

 I open the door andI see that she has a pair of black boot heels. 

I stare at her in disbelief, "I agreed to go the this party but I am NOT. I repeat. AM NOT wearing heels" I grimace at the shoes, before snatching them and flinging them towards the bed. 

"You have absolutely no fashion since Taylor. You look totally bad ass and you won't even wear the shoes with it. You needs to start living more on the edge, get drunk. Dance, have fun" she grabs my hands.

"Are we going to the party or are you going to sit here and harass my choice in clothing?" I ask breaking away from her grasp to go find my black and white Adidas. Then I move back to my mirror to fix my hair, I settle on a half up half down messy looking doohickey. 

"We're going to be late" Hayley mumbles checking the time on her phone.

"I heard you, and you can't be late to a party" I state, adjusting my straight hair again. I got it flattened 2 days ago, and I liked it, so I've been sticking with it. Probably going to get it back to the natural state tonight. 

I pull a little strand out from the ponytail again giving it a cute messy effect, "Ok. Are you done" Hayley tosses her keys in the air. 

"Whatever. Come on"

I grab some gum and my phone.

"I'm sooo excited for this party!" Hayley says jumping up and down behind the steering wheel, totally unfocused. 

"Well we won't get to the party if you down chill out and focus" I scold her.

"Yes ma'am"

"Watch it" I play glare at her. We both laugh. 

Before we even reach the house you can hear the music beating, on the streets, it was quite frighting actually.

Once we pull up at the huge house my breath catches, I haven't been in a house owned by Trey in forever. 

I let out a shaky breath before grabbing a piece of gum, popping it into my mouth and handing one to Hayley. 

She frowns, "Does my breath stink?"

I laugh, "No. It's just for the 'bad ass' effect." I smile at her. She nods, takes a piece and gets out. I do also and walk to her side. 

"Are you ready?!" she asked as we got onto the porch. Her hand touched the door knob. 

I take deep breath and smile confidently, "I was literally born ready." And that there was a lie, I told. 

HOLY SHIT!!! And that was me cursing myself out for coming to this loud ass party.

I stood in the doorway of the dark mansion unaware of anything but the loud beating in my ears. 

Then there was something else, "YOU MADE IT" a voice said from behind me. I whipped around quickly.

It was Trey, "YEAH" I yell back. 

He smiles when I cover my ears slightly from the sound, then he looks at my clothes. 

He comes closer cautiously, and I let him because I wanted to see what he was going to say, "YOU LOOK TOTALLY HOT" he pulls away and smiles at me. I can still see the blinding whiteness of his teeth in the dark, and somehow that managed to make me blush.

WHAT!? I can't help what my eyes are attracted to. I can just silently praise the lord for the dark house. 

"WANNA GET A DRINK?" he yelled over El Chapo Jr. by 2Chainz. 

I looked at him confused, "LIKE ALCOHOL!?" I asked slightly alarmed. We aren't even old enough to drink, I'm at a party. Natalia will kill me if she found out I drank. I still have to drive, and if I get arrested if the police are called, then my father will find me!

Trey grabbed my arm as a started to hyperventilate. He guided me upstairs, I looked down on the people as we walked up the stairs quickly. Behind every door was moaning. I closed my eyes trying to breathe.It was much quieter up here. Giving me time to think. Trey opened a door with a key and it was empty. I walked to the opposite end of the room and panicked more.

"How could you!? I have to get out of here!" I yell at him, my mind clear of everything but anger. 


"Chill? I'll show you chill. Chill as in cold, inside of a casket!" I scream launching myself at him, he catches me and presses me against the wall. 

"Get the fuck off of me!" I scream, he covers my mouth quickly. I look into his pretty eyes hoping that he doesn't hurt me again. 

"I know you don't trust me, but I promise if. And if, the police show up. Which they won't, but if they do. I would kill the whole task enforcement for YOU to escape. Ok? Trust me on this one thing, why would I invite you to something that will get you killed when I love you?" he questions, backing off of me. 

I cough. LOVE.


My brain took a while to process the stupidity, "You what?" I whisper.

"I love you, I always have."



"But I wasn't" I said. 

"I know" he smiles. 

"I...don;t want to have this conversation right now." I say, pushing off the wall and crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Because you love him" he mumbles.

"Who?" I question.

"Oh, don't play dumb. Jordan!" he accuses pressing me onto the wall again. My breathing accelerates.  

I keep breathing, steady Taylor. Steady. 

That'd a girl, I cheer myself on. 

"I came here tonight to have fun. Not to freak out and DEFINITELY NOT to be in a room with you ALONE half my night."

"I know. I know. But just think about it. We could be so good together. Your father already likes me, and we can live in the White House together." he strokes my cheek. 

"Trey" I whisper. 

"Think about it?" he asks. 

"I-" I gulp, and prepare my ears to hear what I'm about to say. 

The truth, "Sorry, there's nothing to think about. I love Jordan" I say. I gulp again and close my eyes. The pressure is lifted off of me. I open my eyes and see the agonized face of Trey. 

"Trey. I'm really sorry. You're a good guy and hopefully some other girl will come around and capture your love.." I lie swiftly. 

"Aw, cut the shit Taylor. You have my heart. No one else. But I see the feelings aren't mutual." he mumbles the last part, walks out and slams the door. 

So I gotta stay clear of him tonight, he'll go get drunk and probably try again. I take a deep breath, fluff my hair out in the mirror and stare at myself. I'm missing something......

I reach in my jacket pocket and pull out my clear lip gloss I apply 2 layers for extra coverage and I walk out with swag and confidence. 

"Hey hot stuff" A blonde guy says touching my shoulder. I stop and look at his hand, I stand up on my toes to his tall height, 

"I will cut your fingers off and make you eat them" I say sweetly in his ear. I pull away from him with an innocent smile. Fear laces his eyes as a series of claps erupts from behind me. 

"So sexy" the voice says. I whip around quickly and there stands Jordan, just a few feet away.

Is it really him? If it's not I'll look weird hugging a stranger.....

F*CK IT! I run to Jordan and jump into his arms. I wrap my legs around his waist. As he spins me slowly I absorb his scent. 

"Oh my gosh. I'm so happy to see you. How are you here?!" I question in his ear. He sets me down and I look into his eyes, "Hayley texted me. It was supposed to be a supersize"

I punched him in the arm. 

"Ow! What was that for?" he smiled, he knew exactly why.

"I hate supersizes" I smile up at him. 

"But you love this one" he says, kissing my ear.

"Wanna get outta here?" he asks suddenly pulling away from the embrace. I look at him and nod my head vigorously. He laughs and loops my hand in his as we walk down the stairs. As we made our way downstairs the music got louder and louder. I used my high advantage and scanned the crowd quickly, eager to get out of this hell hole of drunk, horny teenagers. 

Then I spotted her and Austin. I ran over to her pushing my way through the crowd Jordan slowly trailing behind, "Austin your taking her home" I tell him. His eyes look sober, so who's the best to take her home and they'll probably wanna hook up after the fact anyway. A shiver ran down my spine. Austin nodded, then Jordan and me left. We stopped at IHOP and ate breakfast even though it was 11:00 at night. Jordan didn't really say anything the whole time and I sensed something was wrong. I analyzed his face as he ate his hamburger. 

"Would you stop watching me like some creepy stalker and just ask me the damn question" he looks up from his plate and smiles at me. 

CAUGHT! I blush hard! I'm a tomato right now people!

"What's wrong?" I blurt. He looks closely at me. 

"Nothing. I'm just tired" he rubs his eyes, stress clearly visible. 

"Your stressed" I state. He nods,

"So smart..." he whispers, which seems like to himself. 

Then something clicks in my head. 

He said he would explain later. Then he walked out. His phone was named as DNA. 

What does DNA stand for? DO NOT ANSWER! 

Ok so he didn't wanna be bothered the person bothered him, then he left for a week. 

Now he's stressed. So DNA did this. As in stressed him out. He showed up to the party thinking I would take his mind off of it. When I didn't, this resulted in more stress causing him to feel tired. But it's more like he's tired of being stressed. 

So the bonus question is, 



So instead of asking Jordan who DNA was, I chickened out. I just couldn't do it, you would have had to see the look of defeat in his face. It was agonizing to watch him. As we rounded my street Jordan stopped the car. I half way got out, 

"Bye" I whisper. Then I get out all the way and close the door. I walk in front of the car and to my house, then the car shuts off and Jordan steps out and closes his door. I stop and turn around. He walks up to me,

"Can I- can I stay the night?" he asks stuffing his hands into his pockets. 

My breath stutters. Did he want to stay for something other than sleep???  

"Sure" I say trying to steady my breath.

He looks at me with confusion, then he connects the dots, "Not for that Taylor" he closes his eyes slightly then refocus' then on me. 

Well I'm not going to lie, that kinda hurt....

"Wait. Did you wanna do that? Cause I'm sorry....." he quickly asks. 

I jumped a little at the suddenly outburst, "No. I just...."

"Oh" disappointment laces his face. 

"Ok this is weird! Yes you can stay. And I didn't mean to hurt your feelings..." I smile nervously.

He nods and returns the smile. Once we get inside I notice,

"Um, I don't have any clothes to fit you. Or a spare toothbrush..."

He waves it off, "I'll wake up early to go get the toothbrush, and I don't need night clothes to sleep" he smiles. 

I smile back, grab my night clothes and run into my bathroom to put them on. Once I get my clothes on I notice I have on, really really short shorts and a black tank top. 

I take deep breaths, it's ok. Just like any other night...

I walk out of the bathroom and Jordan is already comfortable on my floor with sheets and a pillow off of my bed. He's currently playing on his phone. Once I walk out he doesn't shut his phone off he just stares at me in "Aw"

"What!?" I ask. Am I ashy? I check my legs, nope. Lotion was used. 

He closes his eyes again just like outside then he speaks, "Taylor. Please go take that off" he almost growls. I'm taken back but when he opens his eyes I see they're glazed over. 

My breath staggers, "Why?" I tease. He takes a deep breath, "I'm serious, I'm trying really hard not to take you against the wall. Like a- like an animal." he says closing his eyes again. 

I rush back into the closet and into my closet searching for something appropriate.

Once I find something appropriate I pull that on and climb into my bed. Jordan says nothing to me for the rest of the night and neither do I. I'm kinda glad for then silence because if he spoke I would have pee'd my pants!

So guys : I think I did good on this chapter, because the last chapter was  a little rusty I guess. So I think I kinda pulled through on this chapter but in later chapters  I will have more pictures of the characters. But I had to take more modeling pictures so I could put them on here. 

BUT! I do have a pick of Trey for you guys, I finally found the perfect match.... 

This was Taylor's hair at the party.....

And this is her outfit except with Adidas and ripped jeans.......

Alright guys, goodnight!!!!

Don't let the president bite!

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