~Tear In My Heart~

By _D_E_D_

5.3K 237 105

Dylan has a best friend who happens to be the one and only Tyler Joseph, but she's never met his best friend... More

Please read
Hospital continued
Finally home!!!
"Everything is blue."
Fast forward
Oh miss believer
Fall Away
2 o'clock
Ty's sassy self
Im back
Run And Go
Brendon urie!?!
Drunk in love
Date night
January 17th


102 6 2
By _D_E_D_

Dylan's p.o.v

Me and Ellie stayed up till 6 AM on wattpad reading fan fics so we ended up sleeping in my room the boys in the living room.

I stretch then role over checking the time on my phone. It's 1:03...omg ugh I groan loud

Ellie comes out of the bathroom looking at me "you good Dyl?" I nod laughing

"I want this child out of me and in my arms and I want food and I want my perfect boyfriend soon to be husband." I say not taking a breath.

"We wasted all day." I stand up stretching and go to the bathroom to pee while Ellie is fixing her hair.

I finish then wash my hands and brush my teeth. Looking in the mirror I turn to the side and lift my shirt up rubbing my belly then taking a pic sending it to Josh knowing it'll make him happy when he wakes up. I turn around showing Ellie my huge bump.

"I'm fat" I pout and she smiles looking at it "no your pregnant." She simply states putting her hand on my belly. Lately me and her have been obsessed with trying to see if we can feel the baby kick even though it's probably way to early on in the pregnancy for it to happen. I hug her tight then we plop back down onto the bed.

Tyler and Josh walk in holding a tray of food each. I gasp and kiss Josh as he sets it down Infront of me and Tyler puts Ellie's Infront of her.

"Perfect food for our perfect ladies." Me and Ellie laugh and I look down at my food examining it. Mine is a pancake with strawberrys on it and syrup with a cup of coffee and some bacon. Ellie got a chocolate chip pancake with whip cream and syrup, bacon and hot chocolate instead of coffee.

I dig in Thanking them not realizing how hungry I was until then. Tyler and Josh start talking to the baby because last time I went to the doctor they said the baby would be able to hear very soon because I'm about 16 weeks in and they can hear at around 18 weeks in. I laugh as I hear Tyler say I'm a pain in the butt sometimes and smack the back of his head.

He turns around kissing Ellie then leaving the room with Josh. Me and Ellie eat while going through Instagram showing Eachother vids and pics we find funny.

Once we are done the boys come and get it for us taking it to the kitchen then joining us again. "Ok guys that was your Valentine's Day breakfast hope you enjoyed. Anyways we are going to see my parents today because it's been like two months since I've seen them."

I nod rapidly realizing how much I've missed his parents. "I told them about Ellie and they said they'd love to meet her, so we are going today since today and tomorrow are the only days we don't have shows."

Ellie nods clearly nervous. I grab her hand "Ellie it'll be fine they are the best people on this planet." Tyler laughs nodding and Josh nods in agreement to. "They took me in and have always treated me like one of their own."

She nods probably trying not to think about it. "If anything I should be scared...I'm 4 months pregnant with my BOYFRIENDS baby."

Everyone laughs except me and I honestly start to feel nervous. Josh grabs my hand rubbing it.

"We are leaving here in like an hour," Tyler states walking out of the room. Ellie already took a shower and I look/smell clean because I took one the night before and really don't want to get in again.

All we have to do is get dressed so I wobble up the stairs to my closet while Ellie does her hair.

I put on leggings and a really loose fitting flannel (because I don't want his mom to know I'm preggers) with a cute necklace and curl my hair in a high ponytail with light makeup. Josh has on a t shirt and black jeans and Tyler has on a button up and black jeans both in vans.

I slide my socks on then my brown leather knee high boots. I go down stairs and see Ellie wearing a long sleeve black shirt advertising a band with adidas joggers and shoes letting her hair fall straight against her back.

When we all decide we are ready to go we grab earbuds chargers phones and our wallets. Deciding to take my car, Ellie and Tyler sit in the back while Josh says he's driving and I take shotgun.

Ellie and Tyler immediately curl up against Eachother and slide there earbuds in blasting music. Josh turns the radio up a little and puts his hand on my thighs starting the car. We start our long hour and a half decent so I pop one earbud in playing ruby by my babies.

I wake up feeling the car turn onto a bumpy road. I stretch out turning my music off and putting my phone in my back pocket knowing we are like 5 minutes away.

I reach back shaking Tylers knee until he wakes up. He wakes Ellie up and we all put our phones away stretching. Tyler fixes his hair and gets ready to get out obviously really excited. Josh stops the car and they both dash out running straight through the front door. I take the keys out the ignition then me and Ellie walk side by side up the two steps leading to the front door and into the beautiful warm house.

His mom runs up to Ellie hugging her, Ellie smiling hugs her back.

She steps back putting her hand on my shoulder looking me up and down. "God I've missed you Dylan. You're so gorgeous."

She hugs me but steps back running into my bulging belly. She pushes my shirt back against my stomach. She steps back looking at me.

"Dylan Marie Evans..." I turn red looking down this being the first time anyone has used my full name in 10 years. I feel like a child all the sudden getting yelled at by my mom I mean she basically was my mom I basically lived with Tyler as a kid.

"Please tell me your married." She looks at my left hand seeing my engagement ring and gasp. Picking my hand up examining it closely.

"Who's the lucky man Dylan?" Josh steps behind my raising his hand slightly. She drops my hand.

"Well ya know this changes the whole thing." She walks away motioning for Josh to come with her. Me and Tyler cringe knowing he's about to get yelled at.

I feel so at home though it's nice.

"Where's your dad tyjo?" He shrugs "he's probably on his way"

I look at Ellie who looks confused and start laughing. I hug her as we take our shoes off then I lead her upstairs to Tylers old room. She awes looking at his keyboard and old posters and stuff around his room his old desk with music on it. She points at it seeing it says 'polarize'

I nod "him and Josh came out here a lot when they were writing blurryface." She nods smiling

Tyler comes upstairs picking Ellie up then taking her downstairs to the kitchen. He sets her down on a bar stool kissing her forehead. Ellie and Tyler's mom start talking but I see Tylers dads truck pull up outside so I rush out there. I run up to him hugging him from behind he turns around chuckling hugging me back.

"You got a bun in the oven Dyl?" I nod blushing " does Ma know" he says referring to kelly Tylers mom

I nod yes and he cringes sucking in air through his teeth. "How'd that go."

"She yelled at my boyfriend because we aren't married." He nods he probably would've done the same

"I get to meet your boy and Tylers girl in the same day and I get to be a grandpa soon what a year." He chuckles making me laugh.

"You've already met my boy." He nods probably knowing its Josh "this will be interesting." He puts his arms around my shoulder and I lean into him as we walk inside.

Tyler and Josh hear us come in so they hug his dad and talk while I join Ellie in the kitchen. I sit on the barstool next to her and her face is completely red.

I raise my eyebrow but she just shakes her head no smiling like a fool. Chris (Tylers dad) walks in stopping in the doorway looking at Ellie.

"You must be the girl my boy keeps Goin on about." Ellie blushes nodding as he walks toward her.

"I'm Ellie and yes I'm very proud to be Tylers girlfriend." Ellie states seeming a bit more comfortable. "Well its nice to meet you Ellie I'm Chris but you can call me dad"

He hugs her and point at me as he lets go "that one can tell you all about it."

I look at Ellie "since my parents weren't around much me and Tyler were constantly hanging out over here from age 4-18 so these amazing people are basically my parents and I've always called them Ma and dad like Tyler."

Chris nods laughing then hugs his wife who's cooking dinner. She puts her dish towel down pointing at me and looking at Chris. "This one is in trouble."

He raises his eyebrows "she's got a bun in the oven and she's not married." I blush really embarrassed looking down.

"I was going to wait until marriage I swear but all this happened so fast and we didn't take any precautions...so i blame it on Josh for not making me wait." I look down and my baby belly and he chuckles walking out of the room.

"Dylan why don't you girls go change and watch tv. Tyler said your staying tonight and we are getting ready to eat dinner pretty soon." Me and Ellie exchange looks but she just shrugs.

"Yes ma'am." Me and Ellie start walking out. "Tell the boys to get in here please." Ellie says ok and we walk upstairs together.

"Tyler are we staying tonight?" I ask as soon as I walk in the room he nods pointing to the suitcase in the corner. I walk over to it grabbing shorts for me and Ellie both of us deciding to just leave the shirts we have on.

"Your mom said both of you need to be in the kitchen." Ellie says to Josh and Tyler taking her shorts from me then pointing towards the door.

Tyler kisses Ellie a few times and I hug Josh then they make there way to the kitchen. Me and Ellie change then go down stairs sitting in a big recliner together pulling our phones out going on snapchat.

When dinner is ready everyone sits in the living room with us and we use TV trays. Me and Ellie end up just eating a bowl of Mac n cheese and some nuggets she made in the oven.

"I made it because I remember that was your favorite as a kid Dylan." Tylers mom says as me her and Ellie stand in the kitchen doing the dishes and wiping off counters.

"Girls there's pudding and ice cream and sweets in the fridge and pantry if you want some."

Me and Ellie finish cleaning then open the freezer getting a gallon of vanilla ice cream and two spoons standing in the kitchen eating it.

"Do you like them?" I ask swallowing my first bite of ice cream. She nods " yeah you were right it really does feel like home here. I like that they just welcomed me."

I nod "yeah I love them." She swallows a bite looking at me "where are his siblings."

"They'll be here tomorrow they are probably with there families. Probably the reason we are staying tomorrow instead of leaving Tonight."

She nods as I put the ice cream away. We walk into the living room laying beside Eachother in between Tyler and Josh watching old cartoons with them,

Tyler looks at me "Dylan I get to sleep in my room this time no ifs ands or buts." Ellie looks at me laughing and raises her eyebrow.

"Last time me and Tyler came I locked him out of his room so I didn't have to sleep on the couch." Tyler looks at me "tell her the whole story Dylan."

"Fine...I've slept in his room the past 14 times we've been here and last time I accidentally pushed him down the stairs while he was sleeping." She looks at Tyler trying not to laugh.

"I fell asleep on the floor infront of the door and since my door opens out and not in when Dylan opened it, it pushed me down the stairs."

Ellie burst out laughing as Kelly walks in sitting on the coffee table infront of all of us.

She looks at Ellie "you would not believe some of the stuff these two have done."

Ellie smiles "please tell me I really need more to bother them about." Tyler mom laughs.

"Well about two years ago Dylan had finally grown her hair out past her butt like she wanted, so we were sitting at the table eating dinner one night and she sat in Tyler's seat so Tyler set her hair on fire with a candle."

Ellie gasp laughing hard and Tyler turns red "the next day he had to take me to get my hair cut and whatever else I wanted done to it. I ended up putting my infamous Carmel highlights in and getting it cut just below my shoulder blades because of how much had burned off. He ended up having to pay $123 for it all." I add in

Josh decides to join the conversation finally "what about the one time Tyler hit his brother with a frying pan in the back of the head thinking it was me."

"Josh no please don't....I get it I've done bad stuff..."

"No Josh keep going I've never heard this one." Kelly says looking at him.

"So one time Tyler got mad at me because I said there was to much ukulele in a song on vessel when we were writing it and he started running around the house screaming THERES NEVER TO MUCH UKE and grabbed a frying pan. His brother Zach had just gotten home and walked into the kitchen as I ran outside and Tyler turned around hitting him right in the back of the head with it." We all burst out laughing as Tyler hides his face.

A few funny and cute stories about me and Tyler as kids later We decide to go to bed so me and Ellie go upstairs to change. I open the suitcase literally seeing tyler packed nothing for me to wear. Only a shirt and pants for him and a pair of joggers for Josh and Ellie's blurryface sweatshirt.

Ellie puts her sweatshirt on while I go through Tyler's drawers looking for a shirt. I don't find any that would fit over my belly so I go downstairs to his parents room.

"Dad?" I call out for Chris but since I've always called him dad he responds to either one. He comes out of the bathroom brushing his teeth pointing to a dresser already knowing what I'm gonna ask for. I pick out a plain white T shirt then go change in the bathroom. When I come back to the room to thank him he's sitting on the bed reading.

I lean in the door way and he stands up walking over to me "thank you." He nods. Hugging me "it's good to see you again Dyl I've missed you." He says using my nickname he came up with when I was 5.

I used to just randomly show up her in middle school and high school at 10 o clock at night and want to stay over. Every time he would give me one of his shirts to sleep in since Tyler is selfish.

I really really really have missed being here.

He kisses the very top of my head like he always does and hugs me one last time telling me goodnight. I walk out and walk into the kitchen where Kelly is sitting at the bar reading a magazine.

She sets it down looking up at me smiling. "Awe you're wearing one of his shirts just like old times." I nod laughing and she stands up.

I walk over to her hugging her tight. She hugs me then sets her hand on my stomach. "This will be on lucky kid, and pretty adorable."

I giggle and we talk until Josh comes in wearing joggers and the same shirt he had on. He yawns running his hands through his hair then kissing the side of my head standing behind me resting his hands on my belly.

Kelly hugs me then Josh "there's blankets on the couch for you guys."

She kisses both our cheeks then says goodnight going to her room to go to bed.

I turn around putting my arms around joshes neck laying my head on his chest. "Feel good to be home?" He ask I nod "it feels great to be home."

I hear the sound of a phone camera taking a picture and then see Tyler and Ellie running upstairs laughing. Me and Josh laugh and walk hand in hand upstairs.

I hug Ellie then Tyler Josh doing the same "goodnight guys love you." Me and Josh say walking out then hearing them call I love you back. We decide to just sleep in the big recliner so we grab and blanket and curl up next to each other. letting the darkness consume us.

*** Next morning ***

I smell bacon so I stretch and realize Josh isn't beside me. I look at the clock on the wall and it reads 10:05. I get up stretching again then walking into the kitchen.

Tyler and Josh are cooking while Kelly and Ellie sit at the bar talking and supervising so they don't burn the house down.

"Mornin dyl." Ellie greets I hug her then pull up another stool sitting beside them. I reach over hugging Kelly then Josh come up behind me hugging me but quickly getting back to the pancakes he's making.

"Maddison, jay, and Zach are on the way." Tyler says I nod getting excited.

I walk to the bathroom brushing my teeth and throwing my hair up in a messy bun. I look like actual trash so I take Put on a sweatshirt Josh left for me in the bathroom and take off Chris's shirt that is like three sizes to big. Not really caring who's sweatshirt it is I pull it over my head and adjust my shorts walking back out.

Zack and Maddison are the first to arrive and they walk in bickering like always. Maddison runs up to Tyler hugging him tight and he turns around hugging her. Zack hugs his parents the comes up to me.

"DYLLAAAANNNN" zack calls out. "ZAACK" I laugh hugging him. Me and zack have always been pretty close same with me and Maddison.

I hug her and look over at zack smothering Ellie. He leans against the counter infront of her. "HEY TYLER." He calls out even though Tyler is literally three feet away.

Tyler turns around smiling "wassup?" He points to Ellie "is this my future sister in law?"

Tyler nods laughing as zack hugs her again making Ellie turn red. I start laughing.

Once breakfast is done the boys leave the kitchen,so me Maddison and Ellie sit in there talking about anything and everything for about 45 minutes.

Then jay walks in.

Me and jay have never ever gotten along we've always fought like two year olds. Even though he is four years older than me he's always let me get to him. I see him hug Tyler, zack, then both his parents and Josh. He walks in the kitchen hugging Maddison then looks at me rolling his eyes.

"Hey." He says looking at Ellie who smiles and waves shyly.

"Dylan." He says looking at me I scoff "jay."

He walks out and Ellie looks at me rising her eyebrows. But I let Maddison answer. "They hate each other ever since Dylan was like 7 and jay was 11. Dylan always picked fights with him and she still does."

Ellie nods and Maddison walks into the living room. I hear the front door open wondering who else could be here. I poke my head into the living room and see Tyler and Josh on there knees Josh picking up a toddler and Tyler rocking a newborn? I start melting and I see Ellie practically dying when she looks.

Tyler picks the little boy up tickling him and then throwing him in the air catching him a few times. Apparently it's Zacks little boy. Josh walks in with his other little boy and hands him to me since I haven't seem them yet.

Tyler and Ellie start talking and tickling the other baby (Carson). I coo at the toddler bouncing him around making him laugh. I start smiling thinking about my own baby who will be here in a few months. I lift him up as high as I can spinning him around and we both start laughing as I set him in my hip walking over to Ellie who is holding Carson who is way way way smaller than Jacob.

Ellie is rocking him as he plays with her finger. Tyler is staring at Ellie melting. I set Jacob down because he wanted to go see his dad and I feel like we are missing someone. I think for a second then I realize it's Zacks other kid Casey who is probably about 15 now.

Just as I'm about to ask Zack I see her walk in and see her face light up as she sees me. She runs up to me sliding her phone in her back pocket hugging me tight.

"Omg Dylan I've missed you." Me and Casey are like sisters Zack got his now wife pregnant with Casey in high school. Since I stayed over here so much though I always helped watching her I used to take her to the park and stuff when I'd get home from school if she was still here.

She's definitely grown up a lot last time I saw her she was 13. Now she is a few inches taller and definitely had her glow up. She bleached her hair blonde and cut it just above her shoulders. She's wearing a black choker with a panic! sweatshirt ripped jeans and vans. Her hair is just brushed out looking adorable and she had light makeup on.

Tyler comes over rustling her hair around "what's up punk." He laughs and she fake gags "please never say that again Tyler you sound like my dad."

He laughs pulling her into his chest hugging her tight as she pushes away. "Noooo loooveeee meeeee." Tyler yells as she runs away to her dad. "Daaaddddyyyy Tyler is harassing me again." She calls out making Zack laugh.

"Tyler leave the poor girl alone." I laugh and she wraps her arms around her dad putting her head against his back. I literally want a kid now and I want her to act like that and love her dad to pieces.

I shake my head snapping myself out of my daze and walk into the living room sitting in a chair. I look over and Tyler is rocking Carson who is asleep and Ellie is laying against his arm. I take a pic saving it to my memories then send it to Josh who immediately opens it then runs in the room aweing. Ellie blushes and Tyler kisses the side of her head.

Casey comes in standing infront of Tyler "dad wants Carson so he can eat." She whispers as Tyler hands her Carson. She bounces him a few times walking over to Zack who takes the baby from her arms.

Tyler lifts his arm up and Ellie's head falls against his chest then he kisses her head wrapping his arm around her shoulder. I hear and see about a million cameras going off.

Ellie blushes and we all start dying. Josh comes over to me picking me up taking my place in the chair and setting me in his lap. I kiss him and lean against his chest.

The rest of the day is all of us sitting in the living room eating and telling stories. Laughing and passing around babies. Every time Tyler gets Carson Ellie melts probably thinking about there future. Zack and Tyler end up doing a rap battle then just singing because both of them have singing careers and wanted to know who was better. Of course me Ellie and Josh picked Tyler because we were the ones going home with him and didn't want a pissy tyjo.

At 9:30 we all say our goodbyes and start the long hour and a half drive home this time with Tyler and Ellie in the front and me and Josh in the back.

We get home take turns showering then all say our goodnights going to bed.

Me and Josh cuddle up talking about the baby then let our dreams take us away.

CUTE FILLER HOPE YOU ENJOYED just wanted to finally get Ellie to meet them remember if u want to read how Ellie took the whole meeting the family though go read nikki_youngblood HERS IS CALLED tear in my heart|twenty one pilots


WORD COUNT ~~~4,351

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