Austin and Ally- Love Comes A...

By 1babyt

538K 6.4K 980

Austin and Ally have been friends for a while. She writes him songs he sings them, and they have two other fr... More

Austin and Ally- Love Comes Around
The Truth
Flirting, jealously and hurt.
The Beach
break up
Together again.
Happy Ending
Weekend news and Tour?
Goodbye and Realization.
Doctor's appointment.
To tell or not to tell.
Coming home and Surprises.
Baby News.
My baby.
What is wrong with Austin?
Baby's room.
Truly Happy.
Cheating on me.
What is going on?
The scare.
Moving out.
Moving in, Again?
Pregnancy Brain.
Brooke? Alex? Auslly?
Day at the mall.
Something is wrong.
Baby is coming.
The Baby.
Meeting Aubrey.
Bringing Aubrey home.
Day alone.
The start of summer
Alex is staying over.
I can't do this.
What just happened?
Not what I pictured.
I need you.
Truth time.
Relaxing Day.
Family Day.
First Day.
Everything is fine.
I need a break.
One room
Is there an us.
Night out.
Coming Home/ Reality check
Back to school
oh my god.
He won't find out.
This is wrong.
a month.
Happy family.
I want a baby.
what to do?
I need a favor.
What could go wrong?
Can't find out.
I'm free.
Birthday party.
I thought you loved me.
Might Not be So Bad.
day out
I want to take you out.
Do you know what you are asking?
steal your heart.
18th birthday.
Thanksgiving Nightmare.
I have to do something.
Getting gifts.
Welcome to paris
Show in Paris
Eiffel Tower.
Going Home.
Worried. (Chapter 100)
I don't know.
What is this?
Do i?
Do you want to know?
Two months?
The father is...
Reactions Part 2.
Austin's day.
I need to stop.
Ally's day.
Senior Trip.
Last Day.
Date Night.
Last Night as High School Students.
Meeting with Jimmy.
Ally's reaction.
Alex and Ausitn
Is this what you want?
Make it work.
Dont make me regret this.
Therapist- part 1
Therapist- part 2
Release Party
Opening tour and Goodbye
Six months.
Seven Months.
Date and Leaving Again.
You dont have to.
Love comes Around...

Phone call.

3K 24 4
By 1babyt

I am sitting on the couch waiting for Ally to come back. I decide to go see what is going on. Grabbing my crutches I head into the hall way. “Did you like what happened earlier?” I feel my face scrunch up, what happened earlier. “No, I did not like you kissing me. And I defiantly didn’t like you hitting on me.” I lose my temper. He kissed my girl. “You did what?!?” Ally turns and looks at me scared. Alex just looks down.

Ally comes over and helps me stand. I look at her and then at Alex. “Alex, You kissed my girl?” He looks up and bites his lip, “Well…” I turn to Ally. “Baby, what happened?” She looks down then back up, “he kissed me in our room.” I turn and hobble over to Alex. Pulling back my good arm I punch him square in the face. “You stay Away from my girl.” He looks at me shocked. “Austin man,” I shake my head, “Don’t, get out and stay away.”  Alex looks over both of us then turns and walks to Ally, Pulling her to him quickly he kisses her and Ally slaps him and he walks toward the door before I can get to him.

Once the door closes I turn and see Ally looking down. We head to the couch and she looks up worried. “Austin, I never…” “Shush, its okay baby. I get it. Can I find out what happened though?” I  see her looks down then sigh, “I was about to walk out but I turned and ran into Alex and we fell down. We stood up to leave and he was looking at me weird. I wondered what was wrong. He pushed me up against the door and kissed me. I pushed him away and he came at me again so I slapped him. I told him to leave but he didn’t. “ I hear this and want to scream.  I pull her to me and kiss her temple. “I love you so much Ally. I’m glad you pushed him away.” I smile down at her while she looks up worried, “That’s not it.” I raise my eyebrows and she moves away a little.

“We were in the pool he grabbed me by the waist and threw me. Then he kept dunking me and everything. We started to argue and he wouldn’t listen. He came and grabbed me and I kicked him then I felt him against me and kicked him again before leaving. Now that’s it.” Looking down I sigh, “I love you baby. I am sorry I gave him the chance.” She looks up at me and smiles a little, “I love you too baby.”  I pull her in for a sweet kiss. “How about we chill together?” She looks up at me with those adorable eyes and smiles, “I would love that.”

We have been watching movies and just snuggling and eating junk food. I am so happy we are just chilling and being together. I feel some movement and look down to see that she is trying to get comfortable. I put my good arm around her, “What’s up baby?” She looks up and smiles, “Just getting hungry.” I look down at my casts and sigh, “I would cook for you baby but I honestly don’t think I can.” She laughs and hugs me, “I got a better plan.” I look at her confused. She gets up and walks off.

After about twenty minutes she is back and has on clothes and a jacket and shoes. “where are you going?” she laughs while sitting back down, “I am gonna go get what we were suppose to eat the other night.” I look at her and smile. “Fine, but be careful. I don’t need both of us hurt.” Laughing she hugs me, “I will be back in half an hour and hour tops.” I nod and watch her leave the house.

I hope she is okay. God, please don’t let anything happen to her.

I am sitting on the television watching How I Met Your Mother waiting for my love to return.   Halfway in the second episode I hear the door open and turn to see my lovely girl standing there with food. She comes over and sits next to me putting the bags on the table. “Here is the Chinese food and the ice cream and I also got you a surprise.” I smile and look into the bags to find a blanket. I pull it out confused, ‘’ A blanket?” she laughs and pulls it from me and stands up. I look and see the blanket opening revealing pictures of my family.  

I see Ally pregnant and me with her kissing her cheek in the middle. I then see to the top of it Me and Aubrey the first day she was born. I then see Aubrey by herself smiling. I see Aubrey and ally at the park. I then see  All of us together in a happy family.

Turning to look at Ally I smile. She sits back down and I smile, “That was a great surprise.” She laughs and I kiss her cheek making her blush, “Did you like it?” I smile and bring her toward me, “I loved it.” We share a sweet kiss. We pull apart as she claps her hands, “Let’s eat.” We eat our food and watch some weird movie that has us laughing like crazy. I turn to her and kiss her cheek, “Thanks for making it seem like I am not injured.” She smiles and turns toward me, “Anything for you baby.”

We are watching another movie when all of a sudden Ally’s phone is going off. She stops kissing my neck and turns to look at her phone. I smirk, “Let it go.” She smiles and goes back to kissing my neck and playing with my hair. I pull her back in for a kiss and it starts to get heated when her phone goes off again. Sighing she gets off me and I sigh too. “Austin, I have to get it.” I nod and she grabs her phone and puts it on speaker.  “Hey Trish. What’s up?” I hear muffled noise and Trish speaks softly.

“Ally, It’s Aubrey.”

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