Who am I?(Book 1)

By catmasters

16K 699 50

I was shocked as a burst of light clashed around me and I was then in a white room. Did I only just die? It t... More

Hey there
Chapter 1:Him
Chapter 2:Shrine
Chapter 3:Second fight
Chapter 4:The sound
Chapter 5:Friends
Chapter 6: She finally speaks
Chapter 7: Y/N's conversation
Chapter 8: Day 4's gift
Chapter 9: Cross-bow powers
Chapter 10: Fluffy fluff scarf
Chapter 11: Flashbacks
Chapter 12: Nightmare
Chapter 13: Position
Chapter 14: Tell me what happened
Chapter 15: Boyfriend?
Chapter 16: Blades
Chapter 17: What is a phantom?
Chapter 18: I had marks
Chapter 19: Yato im scared
Chapter 20: Missing?
Chapter 21: I'm sorry
Chapter 22: Training
Chapter 23: Talk freely
Chapter 24: 14 Febuary
Chapter 25: Rain
Chapter 26: Bruises
Chapter 27: Caring for the ill
Chapter 28: Flashback to everything
Chapter 29: New clothes
Chapter 30: Walking back
Chapter 31: Moonlight
Chapter 32: Meeting the Ma's
Chapter 33: Cherry Blossoms
Chapter 35: 4 months
Chapter 36: Rough patch
Chapter 37: Catch me
Chapter 38: Daddy issues
Chapter 39: The date
Chapter 40:Troubled Yato
Chapter 42: Scard Battle
Chapter 43: Goodbye
Chapter 44: Alone
Chapter 45: Help
Chapter 46: Yatos father
Chapter 47: Drinking
Chapter 48: New hellos
Chapter 49: No use
Chapter 50: Bad company
Chapter 51: Kill them all
Chapter 52: Darkness
Chapter 53: Blited
Chapter 54: Master
Chapter 55: Realisation
Chapter 56: Skip the medication
Chapter 57: The plan
Chapter 58: Yato
Me: Behind the scenes
Book 2?

Chapter 34: When it begins to snow

146 8 0
By catmasters

1 week later...

Yato and I snuggled close and rested our head near each other. "Goodnight, Y/N." Yato said and held me close. "Goodnight." I said and closed my eyes. After a few minuets of not sleeping I opened my eyes and saw the most amazing thing. Snow was falling down making the ground cold with the icy particles. "Wow." I whispered and smiled at the scene. My eyes soon getting weary I closed them and fell asleep.


I quickly got out of the hospital bed panicing. How am I not dead? I pulled the tubes out of my body and grabbed my bag. I don't want to die here so i'm leaving. I ran down the stairs with my hospital robe on and made my way to the front doors without anyone seeing. I caught my breath and quickly ran through the doors running as fast as my feet could carry. The school. Maybe I need to go there for safety. Just a few more minuets till I get there. Already out of breath and with me triping over the uneven cement didn't really go well. I kay on the ground unable to get up. "Whos that?" Asked someone. Foot steps nearing to my shaking body. "Oh its just her." Someone said and kicked my stomach. I knew who it was. "Get up!" She shouted and kicked me again. "Look at this loser." Said someone else. They laughed at me as my tears slipped from my eyes. "Please leave me alone." I cried and they kicked me once more. "As you wish." Someone said. The next thing I know i'm up in the air. "Go home." She said and they dropped me in  a dumpster. I cried my eyes out as they laughed. "Please. Please. Get me out of here." I whispered. Snow started falling from the sky making my body shake even more. "Please!" I screamed. "Shut the hell up!" Someone screamed and looked in the dumpster. My blurry eyes couldn't see who it was. "Please help me." I said and they laughed. "Sure,sweet heart." They said and I smiled. I'm finally saved. Silence grew and before I knew what happened pain went through my body. I looked down and saw my stomch bleeding. "Their I put you out of your misery." They said and took a long blade out of my stomach. "No!" I screamed and cried. I held presure over my wound and watched as the snow surounded me. The pain was getting to me and I couldn't take it. I screamed from the top of my lungs soon losing my voice. Still crying it began to get harder to breath. Struggling to breath and soon my last tear fell from my eyes.

End of flashback

Yatos POV

Y/N was shaking. I opened my eyes to see her crying. "Oh no." I whsipered and shook her. "Y/N. Wake up. Its just a dream." I said. She didn't wake up. There was a pain running through my body and I couldn't breath. "Y/N. Wake up!" Shouted. She opened her eyes and coughed. I could breath again and she grabbed onto me. I stoked her hair. "Y/N. Its okay now." I said softly. "I think I died. Yato. Please make it stop." She cried as her nails dug into my skin. "Shh. Y/N calm down." I said hugging her. "I died in a dumpster. Yato is that how I died?" She asked still crying. It wasn't. "No." I said and the hurt went trough my body. "So, it was worse than that?" She asked shaking. A tear rolled down my face. "Yes." I said and she sniffled. "No." She said and started punching me. "Tell me how!" She screamed. "I can't." I said. "Jerk!" She screamed. She punched me harder. "Y/N. I can't tell you. I'm sorry." I said and now I was crying with her.

She calmed down and rested her head on my chest. "Please. Don't cry for me Yato." She whispered and rubbed my tears. I grabbed her hands and held them against my chest. I pulled her close to me and she cried into my chest. Hugging me tightly she fell asleep from all the tears. "I'm sorry,Y/N." I whispered and lay back with her ontop of me in my arms. I kissed the top of her head and held her close to me body. I closed my eyes and slept only hoping for the best.


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