The Gilbert Twins: Back From...

By stvckinmyhead

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Originally - Gilbert Twins: Forever A Blood Bag ✨✨✨✨✨ Waking up from being sacrificed, now Kat's biggest task... More

Chapter 1: Recap
Chapter 2: Not My Funeral?
Chapter 3: Letter's To A Friend - Part 1
Chapter 4: Letter's To A Friend - Part 2
Chapter 5: Just Let Me Hear Your Voice
Chapter 6: We're In Werewolf Territory On A Full Moon? How Smart(!)
Chapter 7: Such Neat Handwriting For A Psychopath
Chapter 8: I Can Do Far Better Than A CRAPPY SUBSTITUTE!
Chapter 9: I Told You I'd See You In Hell
Chapter 10: Nice Catch...
Chapter 11: Do I Really Want To Do This Again?
Chapter 12: I'll Be The B!**h Because You Clearly Can't
Chapter 13: Backstabbing B!**h
Chapter 14: Nobody's Safe
Chapter 15: I Knew You Cared...
Chapter 16: Everything I Was Promised...
Chapter 17: Bottle It Up
Chapter 18: Im So Sorry, Elena...
Chapter 19: I Always Wanted To Be Cremated
Chapter 20: He Didn't Do It!
Chapter 22: Who Knew Blood Ran So Deep...
Chapter 23: Well, I Didn't Need To See That...
Chapter 24: Don't Go Ric...
Chapter 25: If I Die, You Die?
Chapter 26: How Peaceful...

Chapter 21: It's MY Fault!

2K 66 0
By stvckinmyhead



E- Did you find it?

K- Yes, and no one was in so you could have easily done it.

E- And risk running into-- (She Cut Herself Off)

K- I won't come over if you still can't handle it, Elena. I'm perfectly content with probing Matty over the details of whatever happens if I make you uncomfortable.

E- No, i-its fine, really. But, uh, I mainly called to say I'm with Matt at the grill, I was gonna stay with him until he got off so if you go home then you can just drop the book off and meet us here?

K- I'd love to. (My Lips Twitched)

E- ...Great, bye.


I couldn't help but smile as she hung up, at least we're making progress...I slipped my phone back into my pocket and moved towards the boarding house exit, only stopped by movement in the corner of my eye. "Hi," I greeted quietly when I saw Stefan.

"Hey," he put his glass down, still holding a blood bag.

"I'm sorry" I just interrupted your meal, "I was told that no one would be home, otherwise I would have..." I looked at the blood bag for a moment then back at him.

"I just got home" he put me out of my misery of finding a way to finish that sentence.

"I just came by to pick up this book that you found, on my ancestor Samantha" I reasoned my sudden appearance as he moved away from the table slightly.

"That's fine" he flashed a quick smile.

"Uh--how are you doing? I heard you were--" he cut me off.

"Yeah, I'm, uh--I'm ok. Did you get everything you need?" he moved to his previous position.

"Yeah" I nodded..."--Well, if there's anything I can do to help..." I trailed off before turning to leave again.

"You don't have to read that, you know" his voice stopped me, I turned back again. "I can just tell you what happened."

"That would be easier than asking Elena" I agreed.

"Samantha Gilbert was committed to an insane asylum. She tried to give herself a lobotomy with a, uh, knitting needle. And bled to death on the floor of her cell. If the same thing is happening to Alaric, then there's--...there's nothing you can do" well that's miserable.

"So, he's dead no matter what?" I asked the room, "Ok, well--" I coughed slightly, "I'm gonna let you get back to, um, your snack" I motioned to the blood bag and turned again, this time leaving was successful.


"Come on, Care. Pick up" I muttered while pacing my bedroom.


C- Hey, what's going on?

K- Bonnie's not returning any of my calls.

C- Sorry. She's still mad. And, seriously, Abby's transition has been a little rough, so she's got a lot on her mind.

K- I know, I get it, but...Something really terrible is happening to Ric, and we really need her help.

C- What happened?

K- The ring that brings him back from supernaturally caused death is messing with him, it's turning him evil and the only way I know how to fix it is through a witch, would Bonnie help?

C- I can ask her I guess.

K- Thanks, Care. (I Sighed In Relief)

C- Besides that, how's Mystic Falls?

K- Well besides--Elena and I are sort of on speaking terms I guess, Damon's officially spoke three sentences to me and it's officially super awkward between Stefan and I--who was forced to feed on a human by Damon last night. Not much really(!)

C- On the bright side, Elena's coming around.

K- But not enough, which I get, we talk the odd sentence that has barely anything to do with each other, if we're in the same room then it's normally silent, and she's throwing herself into the Alaric situation and hanging out with Matty to distract herself from actually thinking.

C- It'll get better. (She Promised)

K- I hope...Call me later, bye Care.

C- Bye, Kat.


I sighed as I walked into Elena's room and placed the book on her bedside table, after leaving I looked through my phone again and sent a text:

'Can't come to the grill, I'll be home while I wait for Care to call back. Is that okay?'

Her reply was instantaneous:

'Of course, see you later'


I glanced at the wall clock as Ric read over something he'd wrote down, only two hours before Matty's off work, so that means two and a half hours until Elena's home. "Listen, I want you to have this" Ric's words pulled me from my thoughts as he pushed the notepad towards me, "This is a list of my bank accounts, passwords, where to find my will and how to contact my family just in case this doesn't go my way."

"No, no, no, don't even think like that" I pushed it back in denial.

"Kat, I need to know that you, Elena and Jeremy are gonna be ok" he slid it across again.

"We're, all going to be fine" my phone's ringing halted any more of my words. As I saw Care's picture flash on screen I stood from my chair and positioned myself away from Ric.


K- Care?

C- So, Abby thinks Bonnie can reverse the damage with a spell. I guess the same thing happens with witches who become obsessed with dark magic. They lose control and start acting out their darkest impulses.

K- Thank you so much.

C- Look, I'm going to hang back here with Abby, but Bonnie's leaving now, so if--Um, hold on...

B-.....--I need a personal effect of Alaric's. Something he wore before he started wearing the ring.

K- Ok-uh--yeah, I'll get it. Um--Bonnie--I know you probably don't want to hear it but I'm honestly so thankful for this, and so sorry for what happened to your Mom because of me--if I could change it I would.

B-...Be ready to do the spell as soon as I get there. We have to work fast. (She Sounded As Though Everything I Just Said Was Ignored, I Wouldn't Be Suprised If It Was)

K- You got it...(I Felt It Leave As A Whisper)

B-...I'll see you soon.


And then she's gone, "Good news, bad news?" Alaric pulled me from overthinking it.

"There might be a spell to help" I walked back to the table.

"Well, it's worth a try" it's like you read my mind, Ric.

"But, she needs something that you wore before you put on the ring. Something personal" I passed along the part of the spell we really only needed to provide for.

"Well, there's, uh..." he trailed off as Meredith walked back in and moved by his side. "There's my wedding ring. It's at the loft."

"That'll do" I agreed, trying to push back the thought of Isobel--She's a b!**h that made me care for her just before leaving me, how cruel...

As he moved to stand Meredith gently pushed him back down, "I think it's better if you stay here with me."

"Oh, you and your tranquilizers" was Ric's retort--"It's in the dresser by the kitchen. It's in, uh, an aspirin bottle. Probably covered in cobwebs" wait, I'm going?

"Ok," I nodded and moved to leave, thankful no more flirting would scar my 'innocent' little eyes.


"Missed you at the house" I frowned at Stefan's sudden appearance, is this how he felt this morning? "Alaric told me you'd be here."

"Why are you here, Stefan? You made it perfectly clear this morning, that you don't want to be around me" I walked towards Ric's door and pulled the key from my jacket pocket.

"I'm not trying to hurt you, Kat" I opened the door, but his words stopped me from passing over the threshold. "I just can't be who you want me to be right now. I'm not in control."

"So, then what are you doing here?" I opened the door further for him to enter also.

"Well, I, uh, did a little more digging, on Samantha Gilbert" he closed the door behind us as I headed in the kitchen's direction. "Founding families were always pretty good about destroying their records, but I found a couple of newspaper articles" he switched the light on and walked towards me, "Seems she killed two people while she was in the institution. A nurse, and a guard."

"So she was a psychopath, I get it. This morning's description was enough to assure me of that" I turned away from him.

"She was under suicide watch. No personal effects. No jewelry" that, made me turn back to him.

"Wait, so, you're saying that the violent behavior can still happen even if the person isn't wearing the ring?" I frowned as he nodded, "Well, we gotta hope Bonnie can fix him before anything happens" I pulled open a drawer and sifted through it while speaking.

"What if Bonnie's spell doesn't work, what are you gonna do with him?" you know you could help, don't you Stefan(?) But noooo, let's just be a negative Nancy(!)

"I'm not gonna do anything, Stefan. I'm gonna keep looking until we find something that will help him" I moved onto another draw.

"You don't know how long this has been going on. It might be too late" nothing in that draw.

"It's my family's ring that's doing this to him" I moved onto another draw, "That mean's it's my responsibility to fix it" and Elena's, but I can't be bothered bringing that into the conversation.

"You can't put that on yourself" why won't this draw open? "Not everyone is your responsibility. Not everyone can be saved."

I scoffed and gave him my full attention, "Are we talking about Alaric here? Or are we talking about you? Are we talking about your problem and how you don't want to let it all in, let me in because you can't handle your little emotions anymore? Becuase if that's what we're talking about then you are, my responsibility."

"Why? Because you love me?" he mocked.

"No, because it's my fault you went blood crazy and turned it off...It's because of me Damon was bitten while trying to save Care and Tyler because he felt guilty and was trying to save me from the ritual and becoming a vampire. It's my fault Klaus turned into a hybrid and became the cure to save Damon, meaning you had to leave with him. It's my fault he came back because I wasn't dead, a fact he punished you for by making you turn it off and kill people. No matter what you say, Stefan, it's my fault you feel all of this guilt. Which means it's my responsibility to help you, whether you like it or not" he just gave me a hard look when I was finished, silence wrapping around us. He pulled open the jammed drawer and it honestly made me feel a little sick..."--Are these his trophies?"

"Pictures of his victims, a more modern way to remember than most options" he pulled the draw out and set it on the dining table. I lifted some paged out before coming across a large brown envelope for Jeremy.

I pulled it out and opened it, frowning at the stacks of paper inside. " 'Jeremy, if anything happens to me, carry on my work. You have the other ring, let the ring make you strong. The council must be cleansed before the work can begin'." I read a silly note clipped to the stacks of pages before handing said pages to Stefan.

"It's the founder's council roster. Looks like some sort of hit list" he referred to the highlighted names of dead members.

"No, Alaric didn't write this" I refused.

"Who else would have written it, Kat?" he pointed out and I ripped up the stupid note to Jer before looking through the draw again, successfully finding the ring in the aspirin bottle.

"I have to get back" I rushed.

"I'll come with you" he agreed.

"No, don't bother" I refused and walked towards the front door, he blocked my exit.

"Alaric's unstable and could flip at any moment, I'm coming whether you like it or not" I rolled my eyes when he threw my words back in my face.


Walking into complete silence made me weary, Stefan pulled on my arm slightly. I watched as he left me to inspect the kitchen, and with nothing else to do, I closed the front door just in time for Ric to walk down the stairs. "Hey, there" he greeted while holding a towel.

"Hey. Where's Meredith?" I winked and removed my jacket.

"Oh, she got called into the hospital for a last minute surgery, but she'll be back later" I nodded to the explanation, not believing it for a second.

"Elena back yet?" I hung the jacket on a hook.

"No" he shook his head, "Not yet."

"What happened?" I questioned the towel.

"Oh, I--...I broke a coffee cup and sliced my hand open trying to pick up the pieces. But I-I'll live. Did Stefan catch up with you?" now, to or to not tell the truth, that is the question.

"...No" I shook my head nonchalantly, an admittance which made Ric move down a few more steps.

"Did you get my ring?" it sounds so much like him, it's hard to believe it isn't.

"No, it might have been in a locked drawer but I was too tired to check it. Check again tomorrow?" I questioned.

"Yeah. My place is a disaster anyway, only I could probably spot it" few more steps closer, aaaand he's in front of me. "I'll go over tomorrow" he looked down, my eyes followed to see a bloody knife, we looked at each other. He moved as though he would attack me before Stefan whooshed behind him and firmly tightened his arm around Ric's neck.

"--Don't kill him" I warned as Ric groaned in pain.

"I'm trying not to" Stefan forced out as he moved Ric to the floor, more and more pressure until the psychotic vampire hunter was out cold. Stefan stood after a few heaved breaths and looked upstairs in panic. "Kat, I need you to come upstairs with me."

"Why?" I frowned.

"I'm gonna need your help" was all he said before walking ahead, I tried to stay on his tail before he stopped in front of Elena and Jeremy's joint bathroom and kicked the locked door open.

"Meredith?" I rushed to her after turning the light on, realizing why Stefan needed my help. There's too much blood. I looked up at him, watching as the vampire eyes were out, and the hunger swirled around in them, but then they vanished. Stefan bit his wrist and kneeled on the free side of her before forcing the magic blood down her gullet. "You're gonna be okay" I reassured as I held her weak head upright so the blood would go down properly.

I flashed Stefan a smile and he seemed to nod, then the blood must have hit him as he jumped back and ran away. Guess I gotta play nurse now.


"Here" I handed Elena the mug of coffee.

"Thanks" she nodded before leaving to give it to Alaric, guess it's gonna take a little more time to receive a smile.

"Hey," Bonnie's voice startled me as I finished with my own coffee. "You ok?" she walked further into the kitchen.

"Yeah, always" I nodded unconvincingly.

"Abby says that all the dying and coming back to life might have chipped away at Alaric's psyche, making it easier for the darkness to take hold. These herbs are the binding element of the spell" she placed a jar filled with green plants onto the counter top, "He needs to take them twice a day. I'll get you more" I gave them a small once over before putting them back..."--Abby and I are going to work on the garden" Bonnie grinned.

"That's great, I'm happy you got your Mom back" I grinned back, "Is she doing okay?"

"The transition's been hard, but I think she'll be ok. Eventually" she forced a smile that came so naturally before, "I'm going to go back and stay with her for a while. It'll give us a chance to work things through."

"Great...Look, Bonnie--...I know you probably don't want to hear it, but I'm so sorry. I-I didn't--I didn't mean for this to happen. I'd easily go back and risk my life all over again if it saved your Mom. If there's anything that I can do to make it better, I--" my rambling was cut off as Bonnie pulled me into a hug.

"I know" she nodded against my neck.

"Please say that you forgive me" I know it's selfish but I need it, I hate feeling this guilt over it.

"Course I do" her words allowed the brightest smile to take over my face, a single tear falling as the guilt was lifted away. (Savages By Marina & The Diamonds)


See yall next week where Kat helps kill a guy, yup, that's all you need to know...--Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment, if you so desire that is...

Thanks for reading x

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