Hunter Academy - Book 1

Por TinaJones279

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Jessica Matthews is a young college student, about to start her final year at Mizzou. After a night out with... Más

A Night Out With Friends
New Introduction
Chapter 36


3K 199 25
Por TinaJones279

A/N: Small smut warning.  


"Oh god, yes, just like that," I say, holding his head so he can't move. No way I want that talented tongue doing anything other than what it's currently doing. My back arches when he sucks my clit into his mouth. I'm about to explode, then nothing.

Wait. What? Where did he go? I sit up in the bed and look around. He's nowhere to be seen. It's like he just disappeared. I get up and pad to the bathroom, switching on the light. Nope. Not here. I make my way back into the bedroom, walking into the hallway toward the kitchen. When I round the corner, I'm stopped dead in my tracks.

What I see has me gasping for breath in fear. All thoughts flee my brain, and my throat is suddenly dry. That face. I know that face, those unnatural red shadows, those red eyes. She has Memaw pressed up against the front of her, one clawed hand wrapped around Memaw's throat, choking her.

I have no idea what to do, but I know I need to do something without provoking her into harming Memaw. I hold my hands out, like I'm calming an animal, and take a tentative step forward, never taking my eyes off hers.

I clear my throat. "Please," I croak out, and clear my throat again, swallowing some spit, hoping it will help lubricate my throat. "Please," my voice is a little stronger. "Please don't hurt her," I give her a pleading look, "she's all I have. I can't lose her." Tears start falling from my eyes, unbidden by me. She tightens her hold around Memaw's throat, causing Memaw's face to start to turn red from lack of oxygen.

I start panicking. I hold me hands out again, pleading with my eyes. "Please don't do this.. Please." I'm inching my way toward them, when she twists her hand, snapping Memaw's neck, letting her drop lifelessly to the ground, and disappears.

I scream as I run over to Memaw, picking her head up to lay in my lap. "No! Memaw, nooooo!"

I draw in a desperate breath as I sit up in bed and look around for my phone. She has to be okay. She has to be. I can't lose my rock. I dial Memaw's number, uncaring about what time it might be.

*ring* *ring* *ring*

Come on!

*ring* *ring* *ring*

"Hello?" I hear her beautiful, tired voice say.

"Oh, thank god!" I'm practically sobbing. My dream felt so real, the loss of her so deep I don't think I will ever be able to claw my way out.

"Jessie? Baby? What's wrong? Are you okay?

"Oh, god, Memaw," I say in between sobs, "I had a nightmare so real. She had had you by the throat and snapped your neck." I crying uncontrollably at this point, it takes me a few minutes for her words to get through.

"Jessica Anne Matthews!" This finally gets through to me. My full name is reserved for the IRS and my mother. I shudder even thinking about her. I take a couple of deep breaths to get my crying under control enough to at least talk. "Are you listening now?"

"Yes," I hiccough.

"It was a dream?"

"No, Memaw. It was a nightmare. And not the first one I've had recently, but this one was so real. She was this real, beautiful woman, but there was red on her face instead of normal shadows. Her eyes and hair were red, too." I go on to explain my dream, obviously leaving the first part out.

"Okay, Jessie, okay. When did you start having nightmares? Is it always the same?"

"About a week ago. It's not always the same scenario, but they always have her in them, and they seem to revolve around causing me fear. I had one where a swarm of butterflies was after me, after she waved her hand and sent them my way. There was one where I was in a car accident, and couldn't get my seat belt undone before the car blew up, as I saw her watching my struggle."

"Okay, I get the gist of it. Why haven't you said anything until now?"

"Because they're just nightmares."

"But you never have nightmares, baby."

"I know. I don't know why they are starting now. You would think if I was going to start having them, it would have been after Kriss. But here they are. With a vengeance and unrelenting," I say with a sigh, my tears finally done falling. 

"Okay, Jessie. Why don't you have a relaxing bath, and we will talk more tomorrow. I'm correct in assuming you won't be getting anymore sleep tonight?"

"Yeah. You're right. I'm too wound up. Okay, Memaw, I will call you tomorrow. Love you."

"Love you, too, Baby."

I disconnect the call and lay my phone on the bedside table. As I draw in a big breath, I swipe my hand across my face, wiping away any remaining tears. Sighing, I get up, grab my Kindle, and make my way to the bathroom. If I'm going to be awake, I might as well catch up on Legon's adventures.


After my bath, I dress in a pair of black yoga pants and white tank top. I go to the kitchen and scramble some eggs and sausage together, making myself a breakfast burrito, with a spicy salsa. I grab a glass of milk and head to the kitchen table. Seating myself and arranging my breakfast, I open up my laptop, starting to eat as it warms up. This is just what I needed. Something spicy to wake up my body and mind. I bring up Google and type into the search bar. I'm looking for information about the meaning of dreams.

After a little while, I haven't found any useful information. I rake my fingers through my hair. This is frustrating. Abandoning my plan to find out more, I shut down the laptop and grab my phone.

Me: Hey Cara! Do you and Belle want to go shopping with me? We can go to the Plaza and then grab lunch.

As I wait for a response, I head to my bedroom to get dressed for the day. I go to the closet and grab a pair of black leggings and a long gray flannel shirt that reaches me mid-thigh. I lean down and grab my pair of brown riding boots that hit my knees. As I have my clothes in hand, and walk back into the room, my phone chimes an incoming text. I lay my clothes on the bed and put my pin in my phone.

Cara: We would love to! Can we go to Chubby's to eat? I haven't had a burger there in forever!

I laugh. I haven't either. I am a sucker for a good burger and have been in search of the best one in the city for awhile. Chubby's ranks among the top I have found.

Me: Ummm yeah! How about we meet up at Macy's at noon? We can shop for a bit, then have lunch.

Cara: Sounds like a plan. See you then! Muahs!

Me: Potassium

Ha! We've been saying "potassium" instead of "K" for quite awhile. 

Since I had a bath earlier this morning, I do nothing but wet my hair in the sink so I can do something with it. I wrap it up in a towel, and get dressed. Heading back to my room and vanity, I apply light make-up. Just a little gray eye-liner and black mascara. I take my short hair out of the towel and apply some mousse. Grabbing my hairbrush, I brush it forward then tuck it to the side a little. I tilt my head around, getting a look from different angles. Satisfied with how I look, I get up and grab a black infinity scarf and wrap it around my neck.

Purse. Wallet. Keys. Phone. I do a mental check to make sure I have everything I need to go out. I have it all, I walk out the door, locking it behind me.


I actually find a decent parking spot in the busy shopping district. I make my way to Macy's and as I get out of the car, locking it with the keyfob, I send a text to Cara to let her know I'm here and will be arriving at the store shortly. As I make my way down the sidewalk, I look around me. I love people watching. 

"What do you want to do tonight?"

"I can't imagine what he was thinking!"

"I got my test results back..."

I shake my head in an attempt to block the outside conversation, when words, in a panicked, high male voice reach my ears.

"Get away from me!"

I look around trying to find the source of the voice. I don't see anything. Waiting at the crosswalk for the little walking man to appear, I hear the voice again.

"Please get away!"

It's no longer panicked, but bordering on terrified. I look around again. All I see are people walking around, minding their own business. It doesn't seem as if anyone is hearing the voice. I shake my head. Maybe it's just me. I look up, and can finally cross the street.

I make my way into Macy's, looking for Cara and Belle.  I spot them in the petite section, no doubt to look at clothes for Cara. I head in their direction. 

"Hey, girls!" I say, "What's up?". Cara holds a sweater up against the front of her. It's green and fluffy and hangs off the shoulder.

"What do you think?" she asks me. I take a look at her. With her red hair, the green is beautiful against her skin.

"I love it! It really looks good with your skin tone."

She places it over her arm with the intention of a possible buy.

"I need to get some new pants. I've lost so much weight, nothing fits anymore," I tell them.

"Let's go to the tall section," Belle says. We make our way in that direction. I end up trying on 5 pairs of jeans, a couple of pairs of slacks and some yoga pants. I chose 2 of the jeans, one of the slacks and none of the yoga pants. I figured the yoga pants I have should be sufficient, since they are stretchy.

We browse a little while longer, both Cara and Belle choosing a few things. After we all pay for our things, we head out to go to Chubby's. As we are walking up the street, I hear that same male voice.

"Get the fuck away from me! I'm fucking serious!"

"Do you hear that?" I nudge Belle. She looks at me in confusion.

"Hear what?"

"Please don't. Please."

"That!" I say, "Someone's pleading."

I look around and notice a scrawny, crack-head looking guy. He's skinny and greasy, wearing worn out clothing. He's waving his arms around his head, in an effort to ward something away. Belle looks toward where my eyes are watching this man. He isn't paying attention to his surroundings.

"Is that what you're talking about?" she asks, pointing to the man.

"Yes. I could hear him as I was coming to the store earlier. I couldn't see him, though."

"He looks scary."

"Yeah, now that I can see him, you're right." He's still waving his arms around, like he's trying to ward off something that's attacking him. I take a look around. Everyone seems to be going about their business, not noticing the meltdown that's happening right in front of them. I look at Belle, and she has a look of horror on her face, looking toward the street. I turn my head to see what she's looking at. There's a bus barreling down the street. I look at Cara, and she's reaching for the man, to stop him from going out in front of the bus. She just misses his arm, as he falls into the street, warding off an imaginary foe. I have to look away, as the bus can't stop in time, my eyes barely registering the squeal of the bus's brakes, with a sickening thud of his body meeting the front of the bus.

What the fuck just happened?!?

A/N: Sorry! I know! It's a cliffy! My hope is to have another by Wednesday. It will be from one the guys' POV. We need to learn a little more about the red-face person. I'm over 1k views for my story so far, and I couldn't be more proud (insert Chandler Bing voice here). All votes and comments are much appreciated. Thank you all for taking your time to read my story.

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