Who am I?(Book 1)

By catmasters

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I was shocked as a burst of light clashed around me and I was then in a white room. Did I only just die? It t... More

Hey there
Chapter 1:Him
Chapter 2:Shrine
Chapter 3:Second fight
Chapter 4:The sound
Chapter 5:Friends
Chapter 6: She finally speaks
Chapter 7: Y/N's conversation
Chapter 8: Day 4's gift
Chapter 9: Cross-bow powers
Chapter 10: Fluffy fluff scarf
Chapter 11: Flashbacks
Chapter 12: Nightmare
Chapter 13: Position
Chapter 14: Tell me what happened
Chapter 15: Boyfriend?
Chapter 16: Blades
Chapter 18: I had marks
Chapter 19: Yato im scared
Chapter 20: Missing?
Chapter 21: I'm sorry
Chapter 22: Training
Chapter 23: Talk freely
Chapter 24: 14 Febuary
Chapter 25: Rain
Chapter 26: Bruises
Chapter 27: Caring for the ill
Chapter 28: Flashback to everything
Chapter 29: New clothes
Chapter 30: Walking back
Chapter 31: Moonlight
Chapter 32: Meeting the Ma's
Chapter 33: Cherry Blossoms
Chapter 34: When it begins to snow
Chapter 35: 4 months
Chapter 36: Rough patch
Chapter 37: Catch me
Chapter 38: Daddy issues
Chapter 39: The date
Chapter 40:Troubled Yato
Chapter 42: Scard Battle
Chapter 43: Goodbye
Chapter 44: Alone
Chapter 45: Help
Chapter 46: Yatos father
Chapter 47: Drinking
Chapter 48: New hellos
Chapter 49: No use
Chapter 50: Bad company
Chapter 51: Kill them all
Chapter 52: Darkness
Chapter 53: Blited
Chapter 54: Master
Chapter 55: Realisation
Chapter 56: Skip the medication
Chapter 57: The plan
Chapter 58: Yato
Me: Behind the scenes
Book 2?

Chapter 17: What is a phantom?

252 14 0
By catmasters

Yato hasn't asked about my flashback. I'm glad he hasn't. We are now walking to Kofuko and Daikokus shrine/house. Yato walked in and smiled as Kofuko hugged him and then hugged me. She looked at me and then smirked at me. I remember what she said the last time I was here. Me and Yato? No thank you. "Yato, get out of my house!" Shouted Daikoku throwing pans at him. "Oh, calm yourself." Said Kofuko and jumped on him. He calmed down and stared angrily at Yato.

"So,why did you say we had to come?" Yato asked Kofuko. She sat down and so did we. "There are more phantoms in the area now." She said. More phantoms? I wonder why? What even are phantoms? Yato? Yato? "Yes,Y/N?" Asked Yato and looked at me. What's a phantom? Yato looked at Kofuko. "She doesn't know what a phantom is." He said and she smiled at him. "Well you see Y/N,phantoms are people who have had possessed souls because of what they've done in their lives. Such as killing,hurting or stole because of greed and other phantoms. These phantoms have usually gone through a lot in their passed lives and so they become what they are now." She explained to me. Does that mean that anything to do with killing has had a possessed soul? Does what I did in my passed life count? What does that make me?

I was lost in my thoughts and forgot to nod at Kofuko because, she just stared at me waiting to know if I got all of what she said. I nod and Yato looked at me and laughed. "It seems that when she doesn't speak she just goes to her head. Does the world not matter to you?" Yato laughed and rubbed my head. Kofuko smiled happiley. "I guess this whole phantom deal is our job, Y/N." Said Yato and smiled. I nod and smiled. But does this mean I'm going to be killing my own kind? This is so confusing to me.

Yatos POV

I'm worried about her. She seems so distant from me ever since last night. Well we did have an argument and then she passed out but, she never told me about her dream. Did something happen that I need to know about?

"Do you guys want to stay over?" Asked Kofuko. "Yato is not allowed!" Shouted Daikoku and Kofuko just patted his arm to calm down. "Yes please!" I Shouted just to annoy him further. Y/N laughed at us. She has such a beautiful laugh, it felt like she hasn't laughed in a while. But every time she laughed it was worth it. She really is amazing. "Well then I'll make some food for everyone." Said Daikoku and Kofuko went to help him.

I was left with Y/N looking down at her arms. Is she okay? I put my hand lightly on her shoulder. "Hey,don't you wanna go bath?" I asked and she slowly nodded and stood up. As she was about to walk away I grabbed her hand. "Are you okay?" I asked her. Y/N nodded fast and I let go. She's not okay. I lay down on the floor and just thought of what was wrong with her.

Your POV

I was bathing  when I accidently fell asleep.

Your dream

I woke up to my roomate in bed alone. "Sup babe. You must be her roomate. You're really hot." A voice said behind me. I turned around and the guy she was with was leaning on the bathroom door frame. I looked away since he was shirtless. "Hey. You don't talk much do you?" He asked and he walked closer to me. "Don't be scared honey." He said and grabbed my waist from behind me. I gasped and he kissed my neck. "Get away of me you creep!" I screamed and slapped him across the face. He looked angry and he walked to me getting a fist ready. For some reason I couldn't breath.
End of flashback

I couldn't breath. I felt cold and helpless. I opened my eyes and began to cough. I must've gone under the water.

Yatos POV

Where is Y/N. Surely she has to be done bathing by now. It's been 30 minuets. I stood up and went to the bathroom. Since there was no door I waited outside. "Y/N?" I asked. No reply. "Y/N!" I shouted still no reply. I heard coughing from the inside. Y/N what's wrong? I don't know why but, I walked inside quickly and looked down at her. I saw nothing but her face. "Y/N, are you okay?" I asked. She gasped. "Don't look you perve!" She screamed and splashed water on me. I ran outside and waited for her again. What happened in there?

A few mineuts later Y/N walked out with a red face. I laughed and she looked at me. I straightend my face. "Sorry. Umm...are you okay?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. She's not okay. "Y/N. I can see through your lies. Tell me." I said. Y/N looked shocked and she laughed. Yato i'm okay. Really. I heard in my head. She's lieing to me. She may look fine but, I can feel that she needs to tell me something. "Y/N." I said. She looked down. Yato...it's okay. I heard again. She started walking away but I grabbed her hand and turned her into my chest. A sob escaped her mouth. I gathered up the pain that she's been holding in. I'm going to make sure she's okay. Properly for once.


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