Broken Souls (Second book of...

By zebra123

93.9K 1.9K 342

Jenna Sky dies, and leaves the Sky pack scared and heart broken. Dixie, being Jenna's best friend, cannot bea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (Last Chapter)

Chapter 4

4.7K 86 19
By zebra123

Hey guys<3

So here is the next chapter and I hope you like it:D

Also here is Josh's picture. Is he hot or hot? LOL---------------------------------->

Dixie's (P.O.V)

My muscles slowly relaxed as the pain started decreasing. I let out a happy sigh and leaned against the hard wall.

The cold wall was actually helping a lot since my whole body was covered in sweat. I once again let out a sigh and thought if Josh actually felt my pain through the bond.

But again, he must be an expert in ignoring the pain since that’s what the beta had done when Jenna was alive.

Suddenly an idea popped in my head. I raised both of my hands and placed them on top of my chest. Closing my eyes, I concentrated on my energy and soon enough the yellow light appeared.

Slowly I felt like I was being sent to heaven because this healing power really did the job. The pain from the needle had already vanished, but as I healed my chest, it just brought a sudden relaxed pleasure.

After a while I removed my hands from my chest and closed my eyes for some sleep because I knew that sooner or later, I have to face them once again.

 Josh’s (P.O.V)

“Josh?” I heard a faint voice calling me as I slowly opened my eyes and stared at my worried looking family.

I slowly sat up and was immediately surprised when I saw the whole pack standing in my room; well literally since most of them were standing in the hallway waiting to see what was going to happen.

“Oh thank god your okay, you had us all worried son.” Mother said hugging me tightly in her warm embrace. I hugged her back and sniffed her warm motherly scent which always relaxed me when I was tensed.

“I am okay.” I said as I pulled away from her warm embrace. She stared at me sadly making me nervous all the sudden.

“What’s wrong?” I asked confused. She let out a sigh and father immediately hugged her behind from the waist. A sudden jealousy appeared in my chest when I saw how love was radiating from each of them to one another.

It started to freak me out. I let out a deep breath and closed my eyes to fade away the stupid feeling of jealousy.

“What’s wrong?” I asked clearing my throat and opening my eyes. They all started back at me with their sad faces which immediately angered me.

“What the hell happened?” I asked again raising my voice.

“Chill up brother. We’re worried because you’ve been out for 5 hours.” I heard Bella’s annoyed voice yet nervous from behind.

I started at them shocked not being able to believe Bella’s words. I have been out for five freaking hours?

Damn right! My wolf answered.

I got out of the bed angrily shrugging all those shitty feelings about a mate who doesn’t deserve to be the Luna of this strong pack. She didn’t even have the strength to protect her, so let alone standing by my side and helping me.

“Where are you going?” Father’s voice boomed making me stop on my tracks. I turned around putting my hands on my waist.

“Father, we shouldn’t worry about these kinds of weak feelings about our mates who cannot even shift into a wolf, hell even be a disgrace to this pack.” I said and suddenly his face flushed into guilt making me curious. Since when did he feel guilty? He had always been ruthless about those people, teaching the same feelings and reactions to both of his children.

“Look we don’t want you to end up like Celeb sweetheart. Just go and bring her, then you can both rule this pack even though we all know that she might not be capable of ruling this pack and doesn’t have enough strength. But still she’s your mate and she’s bound to be by your side for eternity.

“We all finally realized our mistake. We can’t do anything against the nature because otherwise we will face the consequences, which we already have when we lost your older sister.” Mother said letting out a tired sigh.

So now they all were feeling guilty about Jenna’s death? I mean like I do too since I was her little brother who she loved to death. But still we couldn’t just feel all guilty and weak just because of her death.

“You never felt guilty before mother, so why now?” Her face flushed red with embarrassment and immediately I felt guilty for saying such an impulsive statement.

I stepped closer to her and held both of her hands. She looked at me softly with a hint of fear in her warm silver eyes, just like Jenna’s.

“Look mother, I know that Jenna’s death has been very difficult for all of you but we can’t just all back off and let regret eat us up. We are a strong pack and we should all just stand together and just pass that horrible incident. So please just listen to what I have to say for this pack for once.” Father dragged her away before she could have the chance to say something, which relived me actually because I wasn’t really ready to listen to her lecture.

Slowly, all the pack members made their ways down to the living rooms, or bedrooms sparing some air to breath in.

As I looked around, I couldn’t spot Celeb. Where the hell was this guy these days?

I left my room and walked toward his. His door was slightly open showing little pieces of what seemed like traveling bags?

I immediately opened the door to the full length, and saw the next thing that blew my mind right away. Celeb was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking all skinny, unshaved and basically like a homeless guy who just lost his house and family. I walked inside his room and he immediately looked at me.

He had deep lines under his eyes showing that he sure had trouble sleeping lately. But how come a guy like Celeb who always cared about his looks and style would look like this?

Could Jenna’s death have done this to him? I mean like does a mate mean this much that once they leave you or die, they would turn you into a compete ghost?

“Josh.” He said in a respectable tone showing respect to his alpha. I nodded my head in return and sat beside him.

“What’s with the bags?” I asked and he just shrugged his shoulders in response.

“I decided to leave this pack.” He said shocking the hell out of me.

“What do you mean leaving the pack?” I asked in disbelieve. He stared at me like he was in urge of tears. He looked so weak.

“My wolf left me Josh, and he’s not coming back because I let my own mate die with my own bare hands, literally.” He said as his head bend down lowly in shame.

I let out a sigh and placed my hand on his shoulder. “Look buddy, you’re making a rapid decision here. Just don’t work for sometimes and when you feel all better, just come back.” He suddenly stared at me sharply kind of worrying me.

“My mate Josh, your older sister just died. Don’t you feel any remorse for that? I am actually a disgrace in this pack because I let one of the pack member die and make all the others feel guilty for her death okay. Whatever I do to try to forget her face for a second, it just comes rushing back at me. I can’t help but feel so blameworthy that sometimes I want to kill myself and release myself from all this guilt and regret.” He said letting out a frustrated sigh as his voice quivered with sadness.

He got up from his place and walked toward his bags. He bent down and picked each one of them carefully.

“Look I waited for you to get better so that I could tell you my decision. So it seems like you’re feeling absolutely fine, and I guess it’s time for me to leave.” Saying that, he started walking toward the door.

“Wait.” I called out getting up form my place as well.

“Just don’t leave already man. Dixie just left few days ago and I don’t want another pack member to leave the pack when I feel like we might need help around this place.” He stared at me shocked processing all my words.

“Dixie left the pack?” He asked randomly pointing to a direction. I nodded my head not knowing how to respond to his sudden reaction.

“And you let her?” He questioned once again just as shock. I nodded my head hesitantly.

He let out a frustrated sigh and rubbed his tired eyes. “You have to go and get her back Josh.” He said now fully  shocking the hell out of me. Where was my best friend?

“What?” I asked in a mistrust tone. He stared at me seriously.

“Go and get her before something happens to her, and I seriously don’t want you to experience what I am going through. It’s not too late now and I am pretty sure she will forgive you because that was the expression of Jenna whenever I looked at her sometimes. She wanted me to go to her, apologize and take her back like a right and proper mate.

“So please don’t let yourself do the same mistakes that I did. And I am saying that because I love you like a brother and I don’t want you to suffer.” With that he slowly walked out of his room.

Anger suddenly aroused within me almost making me want to go and rip his thick head off.

“Wait!” I yelled in anger making him stop. I walked toward him furiously.

“What makes you think that Dixie, a loser could rule this pack and be my Luna huh?” I asked as we were face to face.

He chuckled humorously and shook his head in which seemed like disappointment.

“When you come to learn to know that finally losing your mate forever and would never have the slightest chance to have her back in your life again, it will ruin you completely. All those shifting shit would not matter anymore. Trust me pal, I am talking from personal experience.” I stared at the guy in front of me still don’t know how to respond to his senseless answers.

“Where are you going to live exactly?” I asked randomly. He shrugged his shoulder.

“I am a human now Josh, just like Jenna used to be. Well sort of like her, and I decided to go to a town where humans exist. And I will spend the rest of my life there until I die. So please don’t send anyone looking for me because I won’t come back.” With those final words, he left the house leaving me shocked and mainly heart broken for losing yet another valuable pack member. 


Okay so that was chapter four. I know you must hate Josh, cause he is a total douche. But he's Josh, and I don't think anyone's words would change him.

Anyways, so I hope you like it and please vote...................................................


And leave a comment<3.......................................................................................

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