Chapter 18

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So I decided to have a Sunday upload. I was bored to death today, so I decided to treat myself and you guys a chapter.

So I hope you enjoy it:D

Dixie's (P.O.V)

"Dixie honey, are you coming inside?" I heard Josh’s mother, Gabby’s faint voice coming from the pack house. I took one last deep fresh air and ran from the forest to the house.

This has been happening for the past two weeks now. Every night after dinner I would help the ladies cook and clean and after we are all done, I walk outside of the house and explore the forest with my walking feet.

I feel free whenever I spend most of the nights in the forest just looking at the tall tress and the shadows of the animals walking around. It made me feel in peace and most of all happy. I feel like I could actually breathe and live again after a very long time.

Basically this is the easiest way to avoid Josh these days. I try my very best to stay distant from him, but somehow it's really hard most of the times. During the pack meetings, my soul lingers to be with him and stand by his side for the rest of my life. But I always regain my conscious and remember the ought that I made with him in his office.

The funny thing about him is that he still does not seem to get over the fact that he is unwanted. I may act like a bitch sometimes when he comes over and just sits beside me to calm down his wolf’s longing side, but I just look around the room other than him pretending that he doesn’t exist.

Most of the pack members have scolded me a lot for acting this way, but hey I am just following the rules of our deal that we both made.

I finally reached the pack house after few minutes of running. Tonight I was so deep in thoughts about how to ignore Josh and find better ways to control my longing feelings that I didn’t realize I had walked way further in the forest than I was suppose to.

Gabby smiled warmly at me and took hold of my hand once I entered the pack house.

“Lost in your thoughts again?” She asked softly. I nodded my head apologizing. She shook her head and hugged me tightly in her embrace. Her behaviors sometimes surprised me. Actually all of these people’s behaviors surprised me for the past few weeks.

“Josh needs you really badly my dear. He seems too lost these days; it's like he doesn’t know what his doing anymore. He needs you and we all need you as our Luna.” She whispered in my ear calmly. I pulled away and looked at her in the eye.

“If you guys really want me to be your alpha female; the girl who can’t shift and really is considered as a disgrace in this pack, then why the hell you guys treated Jenna like shit.” She averted her gaze downwards with shame.

Damn it, I didn’t want to make her feel bad. But she deserves it. 

“I was too blind in power and fame that I forgot what she would go through after dealing with all those torturous days we made her go through. I know I am a shameful person to even consider as a mother, but I’ve seen what Josh is going through. And I don’t really want to go through the pain of losing another child of mine.” She looked up with tears in her eyes.

“But still, at least you could’ve made Celeb just look past all the things that he thought was wrong with her. As a mother, you should’ve tired to understand what your daughter was going through. And for god’s sake, she was your first born, the most special child ever. Still you didn’t do anything as she died in my arms with a sad smile lingering on her lips.” I whispered looking at her crying face now.

Broken Souls (Second book of Soul Series) Completed *EDITED*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora