Chapter 22

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Hey guys, I am so sorry for the delay.

This chapter is extremely short, showing that Josh and Dixie are finally together. But on the next chapter I will promise you that I will write more about their lives and what will happen in the future.

So without further a due, I presnet you the next chapter of Broken Souls, lol.

Dixie's (P.O.V)

"This feels almost like a dream." I heard his deep hoarse voice as I traced his long beautiful tattoo with the tip of my finger. Now finally I was able to see what his long tattoo was.

A long exquisite dragon’s tail was tattooed from the tip of his shoulder down to his strong forearm. It was painted into breathtaking colors almost taking my breath away.

Letting out a small laugh of happiness, I kissed his muscular chest and looked up into his brown eyes.

"Well last night you definitely proved this wasn't a dream at all." He smiled proudly as I confessed the feelings I felt and pulled my small figure up till we both were face to face.

"But it still feels like a dream." He whispered placing a small kiss on my lips. Closing my eyes briefly, I let the feeling of his love deepen.

“Well I can always show you this isn’t a dream you think you’re having. I can prove that this is real.” I said trying not to show any trace of amusement in my voice. He growled lustfully and instantly he was on top of me.

A loud happy laugh escaped my lips as I saw his eagerness and felt his excitement. As I looked up at him, I noticed he had his eyes closed the whole time while I was laughing. It looked like he was almost in peace listening to the sound of my laughter.

Finally as my laughter died, he opened his eyes and smiled warmly down at me. Leaning up, I immediately captured his plump lips and kissed him slowly taking my time to ravish his wonderful lips.

He parted my lips with his sinful tongue and immediately got down to work. A soft moan left my lips as I felt his tongue licking the roof of my mouth- if it was even possible. As the kiss deepened, I soon got breathless and dizzy. His kisses always seemed to make me dizzy.

 My body was shivering with excitement and I was again having the same feeling of desire just like the previous night.

He left my mouth and kissed my cheek softly with his sore lips. I stared at him with awe as he stared back with love and sweetness.

“You know….” He trailed all of suddenly his face changing from sweet to mischievous.

“Uhuh.” I asked innocently like having no clue, but actually already knowing what he was trying to get at.

“ can always try to show me that this isn’t a dream. Make your man happy and prove to him that this angel lying under him is for real.” His words wanted me to slap his arm playfully with scold, but at the same time float in the sky happily. I never realized he thought of me as his angel.

“Don’t you think I showed you enough last night?” He immediately shook his head disagreeing like a child. Smiling at his adorable reaction, I pinched his cheeks softly enjoying the movement of my muscles.

He growled teasingly and suddenly leaned close to my ear, breathing softly sending my body almost  frenzy.

“I don’t think it will ever be enough for you to show me that this isn’t a dream that I think I am having.” His hot breath fanning my bare flesh suddenly made all my private parts itch for him.

The bond of us was finally one hundred percent complete and due to that, every little touch of his drove me crazier than ever.

“Really?” I asked with a smile playing on my lips. He smiled back and caressed my cheek.

“Uhuh” he responded with the an innocent face.

“Well then I guess I have to try much harder to show you this is reality and not some dream that you think you are having.” His eyes immediately turned a shade darker showing he was having difficulty managing the innocent face.

“I guess you have to.” He growled lowly trying to maintain his lust in control along with making my whole body shiver with pleasure.

He brought my face closer to his and smashed his pink delicious lips against mine once again sending me to the dreams of heaven.


“I didn’t know you two were mates?” Roxy asked sounding a little shocked. I shrugged my shoulders not knowing how to respond to her question.

“You two look really cute, but at the same time very unique due to your sizes and personalities.” She said laughing a little. I cracked a small smile and looked at Josh who was staring at me lovingly, swelling my heart.

“Well that’s fate. You can’t do anything against it right.” She nodded her head agreeing.

“But I don’t complain. In fact I feel blessed to have her as my mate. She’s wise, kind, loyal and don’t forget, extremely gorgeous.”  Immediately a blush crept upon my cheeks as I looked down shyly hearing his sweet words.

No one had described with that kind of description before.

I felt my chin being lifted, and I was instantly faced with his utterly handsome face. He brought my chin closer to his lips and placed a soft peck.

Immediately my eyes snapped shut by its own accord, and I let the feeling of love engorge inside my soul. I was suddenly pulled from my spot to his warm inviting lap as he deepened the kiss with more passion and intensity.

At the moment, I didn’t care if his friend was staring at his disgustingly or happily, or even the other pack members that were so happy hearing the news about us getting back together.

All I cared about was sitting in my man’s lap and kissing his most luscious lips like it was our last kiss.


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