Chapter 5

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Hey people<3

So here is another chapter, and I hope you like it.

By the way, this is Dixie's picture--------------------------->

Dixie's (P.O.V)

"Please don't inject one of those needles again." I begged him with pleading eyes which grew his little smirk on his lips even wider.

He came even close to me until I felt his breath fanning my face. I whimpered pulling myself backwards toward the cold wall.

“Just relax sweetheart. It will only last for five hours, and then you’ll feel absolutely fine like nothing has happened.” He whispered humorously enjoying my fear.

I closed my eyes shut to stop the tears and let out a long sigh ready for him to inject the needle that basically ate my soul piece by piece everyday. I was already feeling it; the emptiness of my soul. It was like I was utterly incomplete and my body was waiting for something or maybe someone to complete it once again.

He slowly injected the needle in my upper arm and chuckled darkly. I always ask him why in the hell did he kidnap me when he had something against Josh. But his answer was ‘sweetheart you will find out very soon.’

By now I think he was faking all those hard cruel feelings toward Josh, because no matter how many times I ask him he still goes with the same stupid response: ‘you will find out soon sweetheart.’

He slowly got up from his kneeling position and headed towards the door, once again leaving me in this cold dark empty room.

Then the pain started occurring soon enough. I clutched my chest tightly and let out deep slow breaths. I snapped my eyes shut and squeezed them hard. I felt like a jagged bullet has just passed through my already damaged little heart. I clutched my chest even harder bringing my head in between my legs, and let out loud painful screams.

I let out a sharp breath out and opened my watery eyes praying to God to stop this pain. Having no other choice to weaken the pain, I let all my tears out and cried desperately for help. Even the cold and numbness of the wall wasn’t helping enough to cool off the hot temperature of my body.

Whenever the cold hearted bastard injected me with those two different needles, I felt hot and sweat always dripped from my body soaking up my muddy and dusty clothes.

My cheeks were already wet with all the hot tears streaming down my face like a river. I knew that I had already lost my healing power since it all connected to my soul and that’s where my special talent came from.

I had nothing to heal myself or help myself with. I felt just as useless as the Sky Pack made me feel like.

At few first days, my power was the one thing that decreased the pain. But after losing it completely, I had no other choice but to scream again and again until the pain disappeared from my body by itself.

Or sometimes I screamed and screamed till I felt numbness taking over my body and leaving like a corpse.

Also my confidence didn’t work either. At first I always used to piss him off by my powerful and hurtful words which brought any person to shame. But that bastard started injecting many different types of needles in my body which eventually stopped me from abusing him verbally again.

I crumpled down on the floor from my sitting position. All hopes were gone. I know Josh would never waste his time to come and save me, and also I couldn’t wish for Samuel to come and risk his neck for me.

I placed my hot forehead on the dirty cool floor. I stunk horribly, and these ruthless people didn’t even let me shower. I still don’t know for how long I have been lying in this cold dungeon. I was here maybe for almost a month or months. I don’t really know and don’t care anymore.

Broken Souls (Second book of Soul Series) Completed *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now