Chapter 2

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Hey guys<3

Thank you for your lovely comments about the first chapter. Again, I will write Jenna's parents pov, but I am not sure about Celeb's.

So I hope you enjoy this chapter:D

Dixie's (P.O.V)

As I was making my way out of the Sky's property, I kept on thinking to myself if I was doing the right thing by leaving Jenna's memories and my old life behind so quickly.

But as my mind crossed to Josh; to that rude insensible filthy dog, I immediately knew I was making the right decision.

For now, I have been almost walking for almost thirty minutes trying to look for a bus station. Unfortunately for poor me, there wasn’t any bus stops near by since all the rich people lived here with their expensive cars not needing to take the trashy bus.

I let out a tired sigh and took a water bottle out of my bag. Sitting down on the sidewalk like Indian style, I brought the water near my thirsty demanding mouth. Drinking my cold water, I satisfying my thirst and let out a happy sigh.

Looking around the street, almost every light in every house was out barely leaving any light for anyone to see. Not a sound of single creature or object could be heard. Suddenly out of no where, light footsteps appeard. By each passing second, it got louder hinting whatever or who ever it was, it was definitely coming toward me. Pushing my glasses near my eyes, I finally saw the mysterious creature's figure.

My eyes widened when I realized it was a figure of a handsome boy probably near my age. I blinked a few times making sure if he was real, but as he got closer I was absolutely sure.

Not trying to make my slight frightened actions obvious, I stood up and started walking in a very normal pace; even though I wanted to run like a maniac and get away from this stranger as fast as I could. It just almost felt scary standing alone in a deserted street with a stranger approaching you. It always freaked me out a little bit whenever I was left alone with someone I barely knew.

“Hey wait up.” He suddenly called, his voice echoeing around the empty street. I stopped on my tracks and turned around with a small fake smile plastered on my face. Trying to sense with my unsensitive and almost useless nose, I tried to sniff if he was a wolf. But he smelled just like an ordinary human brigning my speeding heart down, which I realized was beating like a wild and excited dog .

He slowly jogged toward me and reached to where I was standing in a few strides. He was dressed very nicely with his expensive brand name clothings, suddenly bringing a relief within me that maybe he might be a decent boy who might be looking for directions instead of some creep trying to stalk me.

“Yes?” I asked calmly with a real small smile now. He flashed a charming smile making him look extremely handsome as he brushed his hands through his thick looking hair.

If he did that some other girl, he already had stolen her heart. But to me to be honest, right now my full mind and soul was aching for Josh who didn’t even seem to care about me at all.

“My name is Rock.” He said holding out his hand for me to shake.

I didn’t take his hand but looked at him curiously. “Hi Rock, how can I help you?” I asked like professionals. If Jenna was here, she would’ve laughed her ass off. I just wish she was here…..

“Well you see I am a little bit lost in here. If you don’t mind helping me……and my boys.” He said coming closer to me at a point where he left no gap between us. I quickly stepped back and glared at his inappropriate action.

Broken Souls (Second book of Soul Series) Completed *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now