Chapter 11

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Hey people:D

Happy Sunday, so I decided to upload another chapter just for today. 

So I hope you enjoy it.

Dixie's (P.O.V)

"Here drink your water." Nora said as she tried to make me sip a glass of water. She was one of the pack members, and a very trusted one. I shook my head and looked the other way. I guess they were trying to be nice to me so that I could forgive them and just forget all the stuff that they had done to Jenna.

"Sheila told me that you haven't drunk anything since morning." She pleaded with a soft voice as she brought the glass of water near my mouth again. I looked at her with surprise.

Since when were they so desperate and worried about my health?

She let out a sigh and placed the glass on the night stand. She sat on the bed and took my hands in hers. Her reaction made me raise my brows at her. This was kind of scaring me a bit.

“Look Dixie, I know that you hate us for what we did to Jenna. Trust me, we are all ashamed and feel guilty every single for being such cruel pack and family that didn’t even bother to help one of our helpless child. But please we all know that you are Josh’s mate and we want to have a healthy and friendly relationship with our future Luna.” She poured all her feeling to me, but still I didn’t give a shit about her feelings and emotions.

“What made you think that I would become the future Luna of this pack and rule a brutal pack with heartless members in it?” I questioned her and suddenly her eyes widened in shock. She gulped down and tucked a few strands behind her ear out of nervousness.

“Look Dixie, I know that you are really angry with all of us but that doesn’t give you the right to say anything about this pack.” She said softly but with a hint of hurt and seriousness.

“Why not?” I asked looking at her annoyed.

“The behaviors that you guys made toward Jenna were unbelievably cruel and brutal. Just because she couldn’t shift, that didn’t give you the right to treat her like trash.

What would you guys do to me if I accept to be in this pack and forgive all your mean behaviors? If your pack’s reputation gets questioned because I and why I can’t shift and you all get disrespected, would you treat me like hell once again?” She shook her head immediately.

“I don’t trust you anymore and nor the other pack members except the ones that were really supportive and nice to me.” I said and it was really clear seeing the hurt in her eyes.

I let out a sigh and turned my face around to stare at something to distract myself from getting madder and snapping at her again.

“We all are sorry Dixie and we hope that you put everything behind you and start a new beginning with all of us.” She said softly getting up off of the bed.

“Well then if you all are so sorry, then why aren’t all of you here to apologize together instead of you only apologizing from their behalf?” A playful smile formed on her lips and she looked down. I stared at her intently.

“They are actually kind of afraid that you would scream and I quote ‘chop their heads off’.” She said laughing softly.

Really chop their heads off? I might’ve actually ripped their hearts more likely than to just chop their heads off.

I snorted harshly and immediately her laughter died off. I know I was being a bitch, but they all deserved all this mean and pitiless behavior.

“I am tired. Leave the room at once.” I ordered her just like they used to do to Jenna and she immediately nodded her head and slowly walked out of the room.

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