The Last Rouge

By girlywriter33

232K 9K 293

Evea's life has been a series of very unfortunate events. She has faced many terrors; abuse, the death of a f... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Suprise chapter Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Thank You
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Authors Note
Happy New Year
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Thank You
Upcoming New Story

Chapter Eighteen

6.4K 258 9
By girlywriter33

The tears are still falling down my face as Maddi walks into the room. It takes her a second to realize that I'm crying, but once she does Maddi runs over to me.

"I'm guessing that it didn't go as planned ?" She says trying to brighten the mood.

I shake my head, still pondering how it all happened. How could I just lose control and kill someone like I did. Sure he made me really angry, but I never had felt like that before.

Maddi climbs onto the bed and sits next to me. She wraps her arms around me, trying her best to comfort me. It is at that moment that it happens. I get a flashback. I am completely terrified by the images replaying in mind. His charred skin and screams of agony will forever embedded in my mind.

As my vision clears and I hear Maddi gasp. I must have shared my vision somehow. She looks at me trying to figure out if what she saw was true.

"Evea, it's okay, I know you didn't mean to kill him." She says, calming me down.

I let out a breath that I never knew I was holding. The thought of her believing that I had killed someone in cold blood haunted me, even through it is a stupid fear. She is the only one that I can trust right now and if she thought lowly of me I'm not sure what I would do.

" Also you shouldn't beat yourself up about it." She says.

" Ok." I reply,"Oh and thank you."

" No problem, what are friends for?" She says while giggling.

And of course in this happy moment. A light flashes and she appears. I can't help but roll my eyes and she notices.

" Ah, Evea you have changed so much since I first meant you. You were once so nice and respectful, but now you are just so... disrespectful. It's such a shame that all your magic will go to waste." She says like a mother scolding a child.

" What?" I question, she can't kill me can she?

I notice her hand start to shine and I start to panic. Then time stops. Everything around me freezes. I turn in a circle and notice that the clock on the wall stopped moving. I stopped time.

I almost have a heart attack when a cold hand touches my shoulder. I quickly spin around, coming face to face with a man dressed in all black.

His skin was light, contrasting well with his ink black hair. His eyes were an unforgettable blue.

" It's not her you know." He says.

" What?"I ask the mysterious man.

" That's not the real Moon Goddess." He says, his chilling eyes looking straight into mine.

" Wait , what?" I ask literally confused.

"That is not Luna." He says agitated.

" Then who is it." I ask even if I don't truly trust him.

" I'm not sure, but it's definitely not my wife." He says looking back towards her.

And then it hits me, this is Nix, the god of vampires. Luna and Nix have a love-hate relationship, which is part of the reason for the rift between vampires and werewolves. They were married before they both became gods and they never truly split up.

They started out as teenagers in a village, Nix was sent to become an apprentice for a blacksmith and Luna was from a respected family in the town. It was love at first sight and nothing could have prevented it. However it was a forbidden love and Luna's family did not approve of her courting such a low class boy and tried to stop it, but the two could not be separated. Seeing her fathers persistence to marry her off Luna confided to Nix and in an instant they were married. The marriage was kept a secret from everyone. Her unknowing father, on a last resort, hired an assassin to kill the boy. Only a month after they married Nix was killed by what seemed to be a snake bite on his neck. Luna was devastated and went to the temple were his body was being kept and wept, praying to every god she knew trying to get her husband back. One god grated her wishes, the goddess of the sky ,Caelum. She gave her a piece of her, the moon and as the magic entered the girl it changed her. Her hair lightened and all her blemishes disappeared. Her gown changed, turning her into an elegant being. The only thing that stayed the same was her violet eyes. But Luna did not notice for her focus was on her love in front of her. This single thought led the magic to her tears and as magic is a type of matter that is always seeking a way to spread, it gathered in a single teardrop. The tear held the moon as it dropped onto the holes in Nix's neck. He instantly began to change, his once tanned skin turned a snow white and his brown hair turned ink black, but his eyes stayed a chilling, yet beautiful blue. He suddenly sucked in a breath and Luna was brought out of her sad trance. They both stared at each other's changes and smiled for they had each other again. However they would soon find that their appearances were not the only things that changed.

Only a day later Nix began to feel ill. It was not a true sickness that effected him, it was hunger, more peculiarly it was a hunger for blood. At the same time he was craving vengeance for his death.

After making sure Nix was safe in their safe house, Luna made her way home. When she entered the home, she ran to her parents crying about her beloveds death. Her parents noticed her change yet ignored it because it was not uncommon for such a strange thing to happen.The family comforted her and all was well.

Nix began to plan his revenge, for he knew who had truly killed him. Nix did not have the same kind demeanor as he once had, it turned cold with his blood. He waited until midnight and then broke into Luna's house. The family were in their beds fast asleep and Nix crept towards her father and attacked him. As he did fangs grew from his gums and he plunged them into his neck. The father was screaming, waking the whole family. When Luna saw Nix draining her father she felt betrayed, for he never told her that her father was behind his death. The tears made Nix realized what he was doing and stopped. Upon seeing the tears on Luna's face he ran, unable to deal with causing  his love pain.

Caelum noticed the mess that she had created and pulled Luna into the sky. It was then that she gifted her with the power over wolves, for the older goddess had noticed how she had shown love towards one that would be forbidden and realized that she would be able to perceive true love, or in other words mates.

Nix on the other hand was left to roam the earth, feeling the regret of what he had done resting on his shoulders. He eventually lost it and used his immortal power into transforming others into his kind. It wasn't until Luna interfered that he stopped. However by then the damage was done and the new species spread all over the earth.

Both of them did not realize that they had missed each other until that point. However Luna was unable to forgive him for what he had done.This created their relationship.

How do I know this, because it is the first story every pup hears and it is embedded into our minds.

"Why would someone impersonate the moon goddess?" I ask him.

" Because Luna has power over everyone." He says casually.

" How could someone gain that much power?" I ask, still confused.

" Their are many powerful beings in this world, the one that is doing this is one of the most powerful sorceress I have ever seen. My power alone cannot stand against hers, but yours can. So Evea it is up to you to save us all, werewolves, vampires, and gods from her. I can see that you will escape her today, but the rest of the future is unclear." Nix says.

He flinches and let's out a grunt.

" She is fighting the spell I must go." He says while straining against something.

He vanishes through the shadows. I barely have time to think about what just happened when time returns. And then I realize that I haven't moved and the beam hits me.

I hear a scream from Maddi as the world goes dark.

Wow, what a cliff hanger. Anyways I found this chapter extremely hard to write, that's what took so long. I could have gone so many different ways and as I wrote them this one stuck out. I also wanted to give a bigger view into the moon goddess's history.

Also I have to questions;

Question 1
Do you like we're I'm going with the story?

Question 2
How can I improve?

Question 3
Am I the only one that is picturing Damon from the vampire diaries as Nix?

Anyways, thanks for reading and brightening my day,

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