Worlds Colliding (Supernatura...

By heartofice97

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Catty Winchester and her husband, the Angel, Castiel, along with the rest of the family, think that Sabrina W... More

character theme songs (main, recurring) & outfit links
chapter 1 - Keep Calm and Carry On
chapter 3 - The Foundry
chapter 4 - American Nightmare
chapter 5 - The One You've Been Waiting For
chapter 6 - Celebrating the Life of Ariel & Faith
chapter 7 - Rock Never Dies
chapter 8 - LOTUS
chapter 9 - First Blood
chapter 10 - Levi Has Some Regrets
chapter 11 - Regarding Amara
chapter 12 - Stuck in the Middle (With You)
chapter 13 - Family Feud
chapter 14 - The Raid
chapter 15 - Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell
chapter 16 - Ladies Drink Free
chapter 17 - The British Invasion
chapter 18 - The Memory Remains
chapter 19 - The Future
chapter 20 - Twigs & Twine & Brandon's Time
chapter 21 - There's Something About Octavia
chapter 22 - Who We Are
chapter 23 - All Along the Watchtower

chapter 2 - Mamma Mia

987 21 17
By heartofice97

Outfits in the external link 


From 11.21 "All in the Family", in Ariel and Faith's nursery, Sam and Octavia stood over the cribs with the two girls.

Sam looked at Octavia curiously. "You wanna give up your Grace?"

"Yeah," Octavia answered. "I do." Sam took a deep breath, taking a knee to the floor, taking out a small box, opening it to reveal an engagement ring. Octavia smiled, laughing lightly. "Yes."

Sam stood. "I haven't asked you the question yet."

Octavia shook her head. "Doesn't matter, Sam. My answer's yes."

Sam smiled, placing a hand on Octavia's cheek, kissing her passionately. They pulled away, only slightly, still in the embrace, smiling, crying in relief and happiness.

From 11.23 "Alpha and Omega", in the cemetery, the family was saying goodbye to Sabrina. Sam held the vial, looking at it for a moment. Octavia took out her Angel Sword, handing it to Castiel. Castiel took a deep breath, nodding, making a shallow cut over the base of Octavia's throat. Octavia's Angel Grace seeped out of the cut. Amara and Ness watched with tears in their eyes. Dean gazed off. Sam held the vial up to Octavia's Grace, allowing it to shimmy into the vial, closing it. Octavia took Ariel from Amara, holding Ariel's hand over the cut in her throat. Ariel looked at the cut curiously in confusion, and without realizing what she was doing, she healed Octavia.

From 11.22 "We Happy Few", in the warehouse, Castiel/Lucifer readied the spear to stake the Darkness, running toward her, yelling. The Darkness turned to glare at Castiel/Lucifer, one arm still raised toward Chuck in the air, holding her other arm toward Castiel/Lucifer, using magic to push him against a nearby beam, making him drop the spear and fall to the floor. Castiel/Lucifer started to glow with white light, the white light bursting from his eyes and mouth. He screamed in pain. The white light faded. He fell back into the beam, unknown if he was dead or alive.

From 11.23 "Alpha and Omega", in the warehouse, Sabrina and Catty knelt next to Castiel.

"Lucifer is gone," Castiel told them. Catty looked at him in relief. "The Darkness ripped him from my body."

"To where?" Catty asked.

"I don't know," Castiel told them.

From 12.01 "Keep Calm and Carry On", in the two houses, there were flashes of the ex-vessels, the dead bodies.

Crowley: (voice over from 12.01 Keep Calm and Carry On) "Lucifer's running. Because he's weak."

From 12.01 "Keep Calm and Carry On", in the house, Crowley faced off with the two Demons.

Demon 2 looked at Crowley. "Hell will never follow you."

Crowley let his Angel Blade slip into his hand, stabbing Demon 2 in the heart, killing him, making him flash with bright light.

From 11.23 "Alpha and Omega", in the garden, Chuck and the Darkness stood together, facing Sabrina.

"Sabrina, you gave me what I needed most," the Darkness told her. "I want to do the same for your family."

From 12.01 "Keep Calm and Carry On", in the garden, Sabrina was still unconscious on the ground. Mary stood over her, looking at Catty and Castiel.

Catty was completely in shock. "Mom?"

From 11.23 "Alpha and Omega", in the garden, Sabrina closed her eyes, letting herself glow with the souls that were inside of her, falling to her knees, looking up into the sky, arms raised on either side of her, releasing the souls into the sky in one long, long stream of bursting light that made her scream in agony.

From 11.23 "Alpha and Omega", in Octavia's Camaro, Octavia was driving. Ness was in the passenger seat. Amara was in the backseat with the babies. They saw the long, long stream of bursting light that exploded into the sky, swirling along the clouds. Ness, Amara and Octavia were in shock from seeing this, in awe. When they came to the conclusion that it had to have meant that Sabrina was dead, they were devastated.

From 11.23 "Alpha and Omega", in the control room, Ness, Amara and Octavia walked in, holding Aiden, Ariel and Faith by their carseats, putting them on the table.

Ness drew her gun, turning around, aiming at the person behind them. "Who the hell are you?"

Toni was the one standing in the doorway between the control room and the library, already having a gun drawn on Ness. Jamie stepped out of hiding from behind Amara, grabbing her from behind, aiming a gun at her head, making Ness and Octavia stop from any other movements.

"I'm Toni Bevel, Men of Letters, London Chapterhouse," Toni told them. "They sent me to take the Winchesters in."

"To take us in?" Ness repeated.

From 12.01 "Keep Calm and Carry On", in the basement of the farmhouse, Ness, Amara and Octavia were handcuffed, chained to chairs facing each other. They were barefoot and no longer hand their jackets on. Floor drains were underneath them. Toni, Watt and Barclay stood nearby.

"Ness, Amara, Octavia, this is Ms. Watt and Ms. Barclay," Toni told them. "They're here to ensure you behave."

"You can ask me any kind of question you want," Octavia told her. "The answer's gonna be the exact same. No."

Watt turned on the sink. A hose was attached to the faucet, capturing the water, re-routing it to three shower heads over Ness, Octavia and Amara, making the freezing water fall over them. Barclay and Watt walked closer, turning on two blow torches.

Watt crouched in front of them to look them in the eyes. "Are you really gonna make us do this?"

"Do your worst, bitch," Octavia told her.

Watt and Barclay burned the blow torches across the side of Ness and Octavia's feet, making Ness scream in pain. Octavia resisted making a sound, fighting through the pain. Amara winced at the sound and sight, looking down.

Barclay: (voice over from 12.01 Keep Calm and Carry On) "No one can take that much pain and not break. No one."

From 12.01 "Keep Calm and Carry On", on the road, Sabrina knelt next to Watt and Barclay. "You wouldn't tell me Aunt Ness, Aunt Ava and Amara were." She tilted her head. "Doesn't mean that I can't find out."

Sabrina put a hand to either of Watt and Barclay's heads, going through their minds to find the location.

From 12.01 "Keep Calm and Carry On", in the basement, Ness, Octavia and Amara were unconscious.

Toni: (voice over from 12.01 Keep Calm and Carry On) "We stop trying to break their bodies. We break their minds."

Later, Ness, Octavia and Amara were no longer chained up.

Amara groaned, dizzy and disoriented. "Oh, what the hell happened?"

"They drugged us," Ness answered.

As the drug started to take affect, they all heard a high-pitched ringing in their heads, holding their heads, groaning in pain. They saw visions, hallucinations, appear in fog clouds ahead of them, surprised, knowing that this was being caused by whatever drug they were given.

Amara heard the voices of her family blaming her for the things that the Darkness made her do, saying "It should've been you, it's your fault, just die," and her name over and over.

Amara punched the mirror, making it shatter, picking up a piece of glass. Octavia and Ness looked at Amara with incredible worry. Amara had tears in her eyes, overwhelmed with everything, the guilt, the pain, the drug, and the hallucinations, holding the glass to her throat. Octavia and Ness slowly walked toward Amara, trying to talk her down, calm her enough to stop her from killing herself.

Octavia looked at Amara. "You're stronger than this. You know you are. You just have to prove it to yourself. You have people who love you and don't want to lose you. We all need you and love you. You're not alone."

Amara had shaky hands. She slowly dropped the glass to the ground, starting to cry. "Mom... Aunt Ava..."

Ness walked closer instantly, pulling Amara into her arms, holding her tightly in the embrace.

From 12.01 "Keep Calm and Carry On", in the basement, Ness and Amara were sitting on the stairs of the basement. Amara was sleeping, lying her head on Ness' shoulder. Ness had her arm around her comfortingly. Octavia sat across from her on the stairs. 

"They'll find us," Ness told her. "They always do."

Octavia nodded. "I know."

Ness and Octavia smiled small smiles, looking from each other to the sleeping Amara next to them.



Ness' Mind Space

Night - Expensive Hotel Room 

Dean and Ness seemed to be in an expensive hotel room, lying under the covers on the bed.

Ness laid back on the bed, sighing, content. "Wow." She looked at Dean, smiling. "I missed you."

"I missed you, too," Dean told her. "For once, I actually got to save you, Ava and Amara. And you're always the one that's saving me, Ness."

Ness chuckled. "Yeah, well... I'm not used to being the damsel in distress."

Dean looked at her in amusement. "But you're saying that I am?"

Ness smiled, laughing quietly, shaking her head. "I didn't say that."

"I still don't know how I got a genius, gorgeous woman like you as my wife," Dean told her.

"Well, you know what they say, Dean," Ness told him. "Opposites attract. You're smoldering, but not so much in the genius area." 

Dean chuckled, rolling closer to kiss Ness. "Easy." Ness smiled. Dean turned serious. "Just a few questions."

"About?" Ness asked.

"Why they took you," Dean answered. "What did they ask you?"

Ness was confused.

§ Worlds Colliding (Supernatural) §

Night - Expensive Hotel Room

Dean and Ness were lying down, drinking wine.

"Hmm," Dean told her. "So they wanted to know everything about American hunters?"

"Yeah," Ness answered. "Uh, yeah, they did. Tortured the hell out of us to get answers, but we wouldn't say anything."

Dean smiled. "That's my girls."

Dean took a drink of wine.

Ness chuckled, placing the wine aside. "We're not just gonna talk all night, right?"

Ness rolled Dean onto the bed, kissing him deeply.



Lebanon, Kansas

Night - The Bunker - Control Room

Sam and Dean were sitting at the table, on their laptops, searching.

Catty was standing nearby, on the phone.

They were taking care of Aiden, Ariel and Faith.

Sabrina and Castiel were in Aldrich, Missouri, checking out the farmhouse where Toni and the other two Women of Letters had kept Ness, Octavia and Amara.

"I'm just saying, Catty, they're not here anymore," Castiel told her.

Sabrina sighed. "This chick knew that I could read her lackeys' minds, so she moved them elsewhere."

"Well, I haven't seen anything on traffic cams," Catty told them. "It's like they just disappeared. How about you? Any of the local beat cops see anybody that shouldn't be there?"

"It's pretty rural," Castiel told her. "Not a lot of beat cops. Levi is checking all the motels, abandoned buildings. No sign of Ness, Ava or Amara."

Catty closed her eyes, nodding. "All right." She opened her eyes, looking away. "I don't know. You know, check... real-estate offices. See if anybody bought a place or rented a place. I mean, these people had a freaking plane. Maybe they do things legit."

"Okay," Sabrina told her. "I'll have Levi check it out. I'm gonna see if I can follow the scent trail. We'll call you in the morning."

Sabrina walked away toward the farmhouse to catch a scent.

Castiel hung up, following her.

Dean looked between Sam and Catty, sighing.

"What?" Sam asked.

"So, here's the thing," Dean told them. He stood, starting to pace. "It's been kind of weird here with, you know, Mom being back. It's like we don't know how to act around each other, so we just kind of make this small talk and act normal, but it's--it's so not normal. I'm... I don't know what to say to her, you know? It's--it--it's like it's all just too much, and... I don't want to overwhelm her."

"Yeah," Sam agreed. "I don't either."

Mary walked in, wearing a bathrobe. "Any news on Ness, Octavia or Amara? Or does Octavia prefer to be called Ava?"

"Ava's fine with being called Octavia or Ava," Sam answered. "But we all mostly call her Ava. You know, even Levi calls her Ava."

Mary nodded in understanding. "Then, any news on Ness, Ava or Amara?"

"Um, so somewhere outsi..." Catty trailed off, walking toward the table, pulling a chair closer to her laptop. "Here." 

They sat down at the table next to Sam and Dean.

"Somewhere outside of Aldrich, Missouri," Sam explained. "Cas, Sow and Levi are going through it with a fine-toothed comb, and we've cracked every database we could."

"Every what?" Mary asked.

Catty nodded. "Right. No Internet your first time around."

"Our house didn't have an electric typewriter," Mary told them. Catty chuckled, looking away. "So... are you really afraid of overwhelming me?"

Catty was surprised, knowing that she had been listening, turning in her seat to face her. "Mom, look. We are... thrilled that you're back. I mean, we're so damn happy, we--we--we can't even stand it."

Mary smiled. "I just... it's just gonna take me a second to catch up, you know?"

"Yeah, we know," Dean answered. "Look, take--take all the time you need, all right?"

"It's... it is what it is," Catty told her.

"You mean Sabrina?" Mary asked. "You're afraid that I'm overwhelmed by my granddaughter being a supernatural creature? You're afraid that I might change my mind about her." Catty didn't answer, looking down. Mary took her by the hand. "Catty, I know that I don't know a lot about your daughter. But she's family. And I don't think she's a monster. She let the two women who attacked us live. That's proof that she is not just another thing that someone like us hunts. I trust her. And I trust you." 

Catty looked up, reassured, nodding, smiling a small smile. 

"Speaking of family..." Dean trailed off. "You know when you died, it changed Dad. I mean, he was Hell-bent on finding out what happened. The hunter life, it just took him over."

"I guess Dean and I were the same," Catty told her. "But Sammy?" She looked at Sam. "Sammy, he was different. He wanted out. He went to school." She looked at Mary. "He went to Stanford."

Mary looked at Sam in confusion. "You had a chance to get out? And you came back?"

"When Dad disappeared, we looked around, and something became very clear," Sam told her. "That the only thing we had in this world was family. And this is our family. Our family hunts, you know? It's what we do. I'm not saying that we want Aiden, Ariel and Faith involved. We want anything but. But how can we judge them for following in our footsteps if they choose to, when they have the powers to?"

Mary didn't know how to answer.

Catty sighed. "I wanted to say if you ever want to talk, I know what it's like to come back and not feel like you really fit."

"I just have so much about you three to catch up on," Mary told them. "Mother stuff. "You know, first tooth, first crush."

Dean nodded in agreement. "Yeah."

Mary chuckled. "I just have a lot of blanks to fill in."

Dean nodded, pulling out John's Journal. "Right, uh... Dad's journal." He handed it to Mary. "His writing, his words. Helped us fill in some blanks, answer some questions we didn't know we had. And, you know, it--it--it keeps him with us, sort of."

"Thank you," Mary told them.

"Mom," Catty told her. "For me... just, um... having you here fills in the biggest blank."

Mary smiled. 

They stood, each of them embracing, though they were all still very worried about their missing family.

Mary sighed. "It's not just my children that I need to catch up on. It's my grandchildren. Ness, Castiel... or Cas, as you call him, Ava. Sabrina and Amara. Ariel, Faith, Aiden. They're family, too. And so are Cas, Ness and Ava, even if it's by marriage."

"Well, Ava and I aren't married... yet," Sam told her. "I'm not sure that we're going to be. Not after everything that happened."

"Did Ava say yes to your proposal?" Mary asked.

"Yeah," Sam answered. "But that was before Ava gave up her Angel Grace to become Human and got kidnapped along with Ness and Amara."

Mary took Sam and Dean by the hands, knowing they were worried, looking at them reassuringly. "We're going to find them. They're going to be just fine."


Ness' Mind Space 

Night - Expensive Hotel Room

Dean and Ness were lying down together. Ness was lying her head on his chest.

"It's just surprising that for all our efforts, ours and all the hunters, monsters remain rampant in this country," Dean told her.

Ness sighed. "Yeah. We just, uh... we just have to keep plugging away, I guess."

"Do you ever think, and don't take this the wrong way, that some of the hunters may have been compromised?" Dean asked. "Or bought?"

Ness looked at him in confusion. "I mean... No. I--I don't, um..."

Ness looked around, knowing that Dean wasn't acting like himself and wondering how she got there, because she didn't remember being saved.

"Is everything all right?" Dean asked. Ness remembered all of the torture Toni, Watt and Barclay had delivered to Ness, Octavia and Amara. "Is everything all right?" Ness sat up, looking at Dean in confusion. "Is everything all right?"

Ness knew that this wasn't real, trying to pull out of the hallucination. "I shouldn't--I shouldn't be talking to you."



Night - Farm - Basement 

Ness, Octavia and Amara were chained to their chairs.

Ness woke up.

Toni was sitting nearby. "You'll have to admit, it was a good try."

Amara glared at her. "What did you do to her?"

"An hallucination created by potion and powerful spell work," Toni answered. Ness sighed, looking away. "Sadly, I can't do the spell again. Ness' brain would liquefy, which we don't want. Yet. So..." Toni stood, turning to the torture tools on the table. "I'll have to resort to less... pleasant methods." She picked up a knife and a wrench, looking them over, putting the wrench down, walking toward Amara with the knife. "Enhanced interrogation was never part of my job description." She ran the knife over Amara's neck. "But as it turns out... I'm a quick study." She looked at Ness and Octavia. "While you may be able to withstand my snapping apart your bodies joint by joint, can you watch it happen to Amara?"

Octavia glared at her. "Don't touch her."

Toni smirked, dragging the knife along Amara's jaw to her lip.

Amara cringed back, glaring at Toni. "Screw you."

Toni slit the knife across Amara's cheek, drawing blood.

Ness struggled angrily, protectively, looking at Toni hatefully. "Get away from her!"

Toni smirked, plunging the knife into Amara, making her groan a scream of pain.


Day Two

Lebanon, Kansas

Morning - The Bunker - Control Room

Sam, Dean and Catty were in the control room, feeding Aiden, Ariel and Faith.

Mary walked in, looking at the babies, smiling. "Oh. Aiden." Aiden smiled. "Ariel and Faith." Even though they were just born days ago, Ariel and Faith looked up at the sound of their names. "They're so scrumptious."

"Hey," Catty told her. "How'd you sleep?"

"I had dreams all night," Mary told them.

"Good dreams?" Sam asked.

"Stuff I'd forgotten about," Mary answered. "Funny stuff your dad did. He was a great father."

Dean smiled a small smile, remembering.


Aldrich, Missouri 

On the Road - Catty's Mustang 

Castiel was driving.

Sabrina was in the passenger seat. Her phone rang. She pulled it out, answering. "Hey, Levi. What do you got?"

Levi was standing outside of a farm by a tree. "I think I may have found Ness, Ava and Amara's location." Sabrina looked at Castiel. "It's a farm. It appears empty, but it was rented two weeks ago to a woman with an English accent."

"Did you have a look inside?" Sabrina asked.

"No," Levi answered. "No, it's--it's powerfully warded."

"Powerfully warded?" Sabrina repeated. "Okay, see, Levi, that... that was your headline right there."

Levi looked confused. "Are we still discussing the same thing?"

Sabrina looked at a loss for words, but amused, chuckling slightly. "Where are you?"

"I'll text you the address," Levi told her. "I'll see you soon, Sabrina."

"Yeah," Sabrina agreed. "We're on our way." She hung up, looking at Castiel. "You might wanna call Mom."


Lebanon, Kansas

The Bunker - Control Room

Sam, Dean, Catty and Mary were sitting at the table with the babies.

Catty hung up her phone, standing, looking at Mary. "Cas said Levi found Ness, Ava and Amara."

Mary stood. "I'll get my coat."

"Wait," Dean told her. "Uh, oh... okay. Why don't we take this one solo, okay? We just--we don't know what we're walking into here."

"We never know," Mary told them. "We're hunters."

Sam nodded in agreement. "Right. Um... Okay, we--we can't do our job if we're worried about you."

Mary smiled a small smile. "Sam. You won't have to be. I can handle myself."

"But someone needs to stay with Aiden, Ariel and Faith," Catty told her.

Mary looked at the babies, nodding, sighing. "Right. Of course. It's just that... I don't know Ness, Ava and Amara. But they're your family. They're my family. And I don't like it when someone messes with my family."

Dean managed a small smile. "Well, like you said. We'll find them. We'll bring them back. And then you can have a formal introduction." 

Catty looked at Sam. "Preferably with wedding bells in the background."

"Catty..." Sam trailed off.

Catty chuckled. 

"I'm with Catty on this one," Dean told them.

"Of course you are, Dean," Sam told him.

They chuckled.

Mary smiled. "Okay. Go get Ness, Amara and Ava. I'll be here with Ariel, Faith and Aiden."

Sam, Dean and Catty nodded, walking away, leaving.


Aldrich, Missouri

Farm - Basement 

Toni tossed water into Ness, Octavia and Amara's faces. "Hello, girls. Let's start again, shall we? Take our time. I've cleared my calendar." Octavia breathed heavily, looking at the torture tools on the table. "I would like names and locations of every hunter. The passcodes to each and every Men of Letters database held in the Bunker." Toni's phone rang. She turned away to answer. "Mick."

The man called Mick was on the road, finding Ms. Watt and Ms. Barclay unconscious in their car. "You've been a bad girl, Toni. You, Watt and Barclay. And I've come to fetch you."

"I have Ness Singer-Winchester and her daughter Amara Winchester, along with the former Angel Octavia," Toni told him. "They're close to breaking. Just leave me be."

"No can do," Mick told her. "You disobeyed orders."



Rowena was sitting at a table, having lunch with a man. "Sent me to the grandest boarding schools, but I was a wee imp and ran away for a lift in the arts. Mother didn't speak to me until I became a star."

"A star?" the man repeated. Rowena nodded. "Of?"

Rowena hesitated, looking a little nervous. "Uh, do you follow the Royal Ballet?"

The man shook his head. "Not a bit."

Rowena smiled in relief, chuckling, nodding. "The Royal Ballet."

"You know, it reminds me a lot of my story," the man told her. "I left school to work in a steel mill. I rose up through the ranks, and now I own half a dozen."

Rowena chuckled. "You're not serious."

The man smiled, nodding.

Crowley walked closer, posing as a waiter. "More wine, madam?"

Rowena was stunned to see him.

Crowley poured her some wine, smirking.

Rowena glared at him.


Outside - Alley 

Rowena and Crowley were arguing.

"You're like a boil that keeps coming back no matter how many times I have it lanced," Rowena told him.

"Let me guess," Crowley told her. "Your dinner date is loaded, single, and possibly in delicate health."

"What of it?" Rowena asked.

"Well, just a stab, but you probably don't want me to reveal that his snookums is 300 years old and a witch," Crowley told her. 

"Fergus, the man treats me like a queen," Rowena told him. "It's my chance to leave behind monsters and Demons and moldy hideouts. So help me, if you muck this up..."

"Oh, I wouldn't dream of it, Mummy," Crowley told her. "If you do me one tiny favor. Help me with Lucifer."

"Lucifer?" Rowena repeated.

Crowley nodded. "I have a score to settle."


Night - Rock Concert 

A rock band was playing the end of a song, gaining cheers and applause from the crowd.

The name Vince Vincente was on the wall above a skull.

The band huddled together, looking into the crowd.

"Let's hear it for Vince Vincente and the rest of the band," a man told them. Everyone cheered. "See you the next time around. Good night, Cleveland!"


Dressing Room

Vince was sitting at his table, drinking, looking at a picture of a woman.

A girl and one of the other band members walked in.

"Hey, Vinny, we're hitting the town tonight," the band man told him. "Come with us. Check out the wonders of Cleveland."

"Yeah, um... I'm good, thanks," Vince told him.

A man called from outside the room. "Tommy! Tommy, come on!"

Tommy looked out of the room. "Yeah. Hey, I'll catch up with you guys later." He looked at Vince. "Dude, you... you got to start living your life, man. You perform, you drink, you sleep, perform, drink."

"I--I get it," Vince told him. "I get it."

Vince took a drink, looking at the woman in the picture.

Tommy sighed, walking closer. "Look. Vince, it's been years since Jen died. All I mean, brother, is, don't you think she'd want more for you than just--"

"Get out of here, Tommy," Vince told him quietly. "Go see Cleveland."

Tommy sighed, walking out, leaving, closing the door behind him.

Vince took a drink. He started to hear a whooshing sound, looking around.

The lights started to flicker.

The picture of Jen in front of him fell over onto the table.

Vince gasped, sliding back in his chair. 


Hotel Room 

Vince walked into the room. He looked at a table nearby that held two pictures of Jen, looking down sadly.



Vince walked into the bathroom, turning the faucet on, washing his hands, closing his eyes.

The water from the tap seemed to turn into blood. 

Vince didn't notice, bringing his bloodstained hands to his face to rub it over his skin. He opened his eyes, seeing the blood over his face in the mirror, screaming.


The water was still running.

Vince was outside of the bathroom, peaking inside, seeing that the blood had turned back into water. He no longer had blood on his face, realizing that it had been a hallucination.

The lights started to flicker.

Vince walked over to the light switch, flipping it on and off to stop the lights from flickering.

The TV suddenly turned on, staticky. 

He heard a woman's voice. "Vince. Vince."

Vince picked up his phone, dialing a number. "Hello, front desk? Hello?"

Vince didn't seem to hear anything, throwing the phone into the wall, making it shatter and fall to the floor.

He heard the woman's voice. "Vince. Vince." Four pictures of Jen started to float, swirling around, lunging toward Vince. Vince ducked, backing away, closing the double doors in front of him so the pictures wouldn't hit him, locking the door. "Vince."  Vince gasped, turning around. "Vince."

Jen, in a long, pink nightgown, was standing by the door.

Vince was in shock, thinking that he was losing his mind. "No. Jen."

Jen walked closer. "Yes, Vince."

"How?" Vince asked. "Why?"

"I needed to say I'm sorry," Jen told him. "Swallowing those pills was selfish."

Vince had tears in his eyes. "I've had to live all those years knowing how I treated you."

"At the time, leaving you seemed fair since you left me so many times," Jen told him. 

Vince started to cry. "All I want is you."

"That can happen, Vince," Jen told him. 

"What can happen?" Vince asked.

"You and me together," Jen told him. 

"Are you a Ghost?" Vince asked.

"No," Jen answered. "I'm an Angel."

"Those are real?" Vince asked.

"Real and very powerful, Vince," Jen answered. "I can take away your pain. Bring you peace. You only have to do one easy thing."

"What?" Vince asked.

"Will you invite me in?" Jen asked.

"Yes," Vince answered.

Jen/Lucifer placed a hand on either side of his head, letting her eyes glow red, bringing him closer as if to kiss him. There was a blinding light as Lucifer infused himself into Vince, taking him as a vessel.



Rowena and Crowley were here.

Rowena was casting a spell over a crystal ball. "Ostende illum mihi quen quaero."

"What's the bloody hold-up?" Crowley asked. "He's the one and only Satan in the phone book."

"It's Witchcraft, not Google Maps," Rowena told him. "And normally I'd have a piece of hair or a belonging to lock on to. You don't even know what he looks like."

"He has an aura," Crowley told her. "Supreme evil.  Lock on to that. Do I have to do everything?" 

Rowena looked at him in annoyed, frustrated exasperation. "I can't believe I'm once again down some dank hole seeking the Devil. When does it end? It's exactly why I'm retiring to Boca Raton. With Ben."

"Ben, who makes oatmeal look fascinating," Crowley told her.

"He's successful, stable, and I'll outlive him," Rowena told him. 

Crowley nodded sarcastically, giving her a look.

The crystal ball began to glow purple and red.

Crowley walked closer. "Lucifer?"

"I think so," Rowena answered. "Yes. I'll give you the location."

"No, no, no," Crowley told her. "Not now. I just want to know who we're dealing with before we attack."

"By 'we', I presume you mean the Winchesters and their new pet Angel named Levi?" Rowena asked.

"I don't need them," Crowley told her. "Just you." Rowena gave him a look, sighing. "Look, it's obvious. We got to put Lucifer back in the Cage. You have 'The Book of the Damned' with the spell to do just that."

Rowena picked up the crystal ball, putting it into her bag, sighing. "I should've known." She gave him a look. "No, Fergus! I'll not be involved in that nonsense again."

Rowena started to walk away.

Crowley turned to face her. "Maybe I should tell Ben about you. Maybe just kill him." Rowena turned to face him. "Either way, it's bye-bye, Boca."

"You are a hateful snake," Rowena told him. Crowley smirked, stepping closer. "In any case, Lucifer can't be sent back to the Cage while he's in a vessel."

"He won't be," Crowley told her. "Not by the time we're ready."


Day Three

Aldrich, Missouri 

Farm - Basement 

Ness, Octavia and Amara were chained up.

Amara was cut up from being cut into and beaten.

Ness and Octavia were angry that they had hurt her.



Sabrina, Castiel and Levi were standing outside of the farm by Catty's Mustang.

Sam, Dean and Catty pulled up in the Impala, parking, getting out, walking closer.

"Where's all this warding you mentioned?" Catty asked.

"It's cloaked," Castiel told them. "It's very powerful." 

"It's Hybrid Warding, and Angel," Sabrina told them.

Levi sighed. "They were smart enough to make sure that Cas, Sabrina and I can't get inside."

"Levi, you sure there's anyone inside?" Sam asked.

"No," Levi answered. "The agent said the lease was handled long distance, but someone warded the house."

"We're gonna go have a closer look," Dean told them.

Sam and Dean walked toward the house.

Levi, Sabrina, Catty and Castiel exchanged a look.


Cleveland, Ohio

Hotel - Hallway 

Tommy walked up to room 909, knocking. "Dude, it's noon. Let me in." Vince/Lucifer opened the door. "Whoa. Look at you."


Hotel Room 

Tommy walked in.

Vince/Lucifer closed the door behind him.

"Pretty dressed up for rehearsal, don't you think?" Tommy asked.

Vince/Lucifer walked toward the table of alcohol, pouring himself a drink. "Rehearsal?"

"Brother, are you okay?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah," Vince/Lucifer answered. "I just can't make it to rehearsal."

Vince/Lucifer took a drink.

Tommy chuckled. "Yeah, you got better plans?"

"I do," Vince/Lucifer answered.

"Vince, I'm serious," Tommy told him.

Vince/Lucifer looked away. "So am I."

"All right," Tommy told him. "Look, stop screwing around."

Tommy put a hand on his arm.

Vince/Lucifer looked at his hand dangerously, looking at Tommy, letting his eyes glow red, backhand punching him in the face hard enough to make him fly through the door and break it down.



Tommy fell to the floor, sliding down the hallway.

Vince/Lucifer stood in the doorway, smirking. "I said I had plans."


Aldrich, Missouri

Farm - Outside

Sam and Dean walked up to the farm, carrying their guns, having it ready. They heard a thud in the distance, following the sound to two doors in the back that were chained closed. They backed away, accidentally stepping onto warding that was on the ground. 

"Son of a bitch," Dean told him.

The warding started to glow around Sam and Dean. White light enveloped them completely.


Inside - Basement 

Ness, Octavia and Amara were still chained up.

Toni opened the door.

Ness and Octavia looked up, breathing heavily.

Amara glared at Toni. "Screw yourself."

Toni, Watt and Barclay dragged in a chained up Sam and Dean, taking them downstairs.

"Sam?" Octavia asked worriedly.

Ness struggled. "Dean."

"Dad?" Amara asked. "Uncle Sam?"

Dean and Sam saw the bad shape that the three girls were in, very angry and worried, glaring at Toni, Watt and Barclay.


Hell - Throne Room 

Crowley was sitting on the throne, reading a Superman comic book.

Vince/Lucifer walked in, walking toward him. "They told me you'd be here. Really?" He leaned forward against the throne. "Get off my furniture, squatter."

Crowley closed his comic book, smirking. "Lucifer. Wearing Vince Vincente, second-tier star. I would've thought Bieber was more your style."

Vince/Lucifer glared at him, pointing to Crowley's head. "You're either mad or dim."

Vince/Lucifer backed away, turning around.

"I have a proposal," Crowley told him. Vince/Lucifer turned to face him. "I mean, why in Hell would you want to rule over a motley, witless crew of Demons? God's on sabbatical, again. You could reclaim Heaven. Now, that's real estate that's worth ruling. I can handle the branch office."

Vince/Lucifer pretended to think about it. "Hmm. Or... I could raise my hand, and smite you into oblivion."

Crowley shrugged.

Rowena walked out of the shadows, casting a spell on Vince/Lucifer. "Manete. Manete. Manete." Vince/Lucifer couldn't move. "Manete. Manete. Manete. Manete."

Crowley stood, walking closer. "Problem?"

Rowena continued her spell. "Manete. Manete. Manete."

"Mummy's little paralyzing spell," Crowley told him. "Trust me, it works."

"Trust me," Vince/Lucifer told him, letting his eyes flash red. "Not for long."

Crowley pulled out two orbs of clear liquid. "Oh..."

Vince/Lucifer scoffed. "Holy Water?" Rowena smirked. "Yeah? Ooh, ouch. Don't bore me."

"Well, actually, it's top-shelf sulfuric acid," Crowley told him. "Harmless to you, I know. But to your vessel? Not so much."

Crowley threw the acid onto Vince/Lucifer, making it burn into his skin and him scream in pain.


Farm - Basement 

Sam and Dean were standing with the chains on their arms hung over two hooks from the ceiling.

Toni pulled on a pair of the enchanted brass knuckles, walking toward Sam, punching him in the face with enhanced strength, making him groan in pain. "Passcodes." They didn't answer. "Not yet?" Sam spat out blood to the floor. Toni walked toward a table of torture implements. "Anything to add?"

"No," Sam answered. "No, we just came by for some tea and a beating."

"Really?" Toni asked. "I see." She took a drink of tea. "Well... the English are nothing if not patient."

Toni put the tea down.

Sam, Dean, Ness, Octavia and Amara looked at each other.

Toni walked toward Dean.


Hell - Throne Room 

Vince/Lucifer had his back to Rowena and Crowley, holding his hands over his burning face, groaning in pain, lowering his hands, revealing that his skin was burned through, eaten away at, a hole in his cheeks, his lips gone, revealing all of his teeth. 

Crowley looked at Rowena. "Now. His essence, send it back to the Cage."

Rowena casted a spell over a bowl at the table. "Wah tay, ay roh lah!"

Fire erupted from the bowl.

Nothing happened.

"Mother?" Crowley asked.

Rowena desperately tried to cast her paralysis spell. "Manete." Vince/Lucifer was still gaining control back over his body. Rowena ran over to Crowley's side, continuing the spell to no avail. "Manete! Manete!"

"It's not working," Crowley told her.

Rowena continued the spell. "Manete! Manete!"

Vince/Lucifer stood to face them, opening his eyes, letting them glow red. He started to illuminate bright white light. His fallen Angel wings appeared in shadows over the wall behind him, larger than any other Angel's. He let the light and the wings fade, holding his hands over his face, emanating them with white light to heal his burned skin, as though nothing had happened. He let the glow fade from his eyes, tilting his head. "Bad, bad Crowley."

Vince/Lucifer angrily took a step closer.

Crowley disappeared, leaving.

Rowena was incredulous that he would run and leave her with Lucifer. "Seriously?"

Vince/Lucifer held his hand toward Rowena, using magic to pull her closer, gripping her by the throat, tilting his head. "You spoil that boy."


Farm - Basement 

Ness, Octavia and Amara were still chained to their chairs.

Sam and Dean were still chained to the ceiling.

Sam looked at them worriedly. "Guys."

Amara managed a small smile. "Hey. Where's Aunt Catty?"

"Outside," Dean answered. "With a few others. You guys are in for a hell of a surprise."

"What?" Octavia asked.

"We'll tell you," Sam told them. "We'll tell you everything, okay?"

"First off, who's Angry Spice?" Dean asked.

"She, uh, she's--she's Men of Letters," Octavia answered. "Uh, British Men of Letters."

"Is that a thing?" Sam asked. "What the hell? Aren't we supposed to be on the same team?"

Toni, Watt and Barclay walked downstairs.

Amara sighed. "Oh, God."

"So, to recap," Toni told them. "You live in the Men of Letters Bunker, awash in the world's greatest collection of occult knowledge, and yet you know 'nothing'."

"Right," Dean told her. "What a waste."

Dean chuckled, coughing.

Toni looked at Sam and Dean. "It seems you two apes have never read a single book." She looked at Ness, Octavia and Amara. "You girls, on the other hand, I know you're just keeping what you know to yourselves. You were possessed by the Darkness, Amara. You remember everything that she remembers. You remember every thought and memory of a soul that she's consumed. Her knowledge is endless, and therefore, so is yours. And you, Octavia, a former Angel like yourself would know more than what you want me to believe." She looked at Ness. "And Vanessa."

"Ness," Ness told her in annoyance.

"We know that you're the genius of the hunter operation," Barclay told her. "That you've spent years researching everything that you could. If it wasn't for the fact that you're an American hunter, you could actually be a Woman of Letters." Ness rolled her eyes, sighing. "The Men of Letters has a long tradition of intellectual excellence." 

Watt picked up a knife pick. "In London, we've undertaken exhaustive studies of even the most arcane topics." She turned to face Dean with the torture tool. "For example, parts of the body most sensitive to intense pain." She gripped Dean by his chin, using the knife to point at his ear. "The eardrum." She used the knife to point at his jaw. "Decaying tooth." She looked between Sam and Dean. "Below the belt, of course." She looked at Sam, putting the knife up to her eye. "And my favorite. Under the eyelid. Did you know it's possible to die from pain?"

Octavia rolled her eyes, looking away.

They heard a gun cock, looking toward the sound.

Catty aimed a gun at Toni, Watt and Barclay. "Get the hell away from my family."

Amara looked at her in relief. "Aunt Catty."

Catty walked closer to the table, grabbing the keys to the chains, aiming the gun at Toni, Watt and Barclay, nodding to the knife in Watt's hand. "Drop it." Watt put the knife down. "Ground." The three Women of Letters didn't move. Catty used her gun to hit Toni in the head, punching Watt in the head with the enchanted brass knuckles, spinning to kick Barclay in the head, making them all fall, handing the keys to Sam, looking at Toni, Watt and Barclay. "That's the ground."

Sam fumbled with the keys to unlock her chains.

Barclay pushed Catty's gun aside, making it go off, standing, kneeing Catty in the stomach, pushing her to the ground. Catty stood, elbowing Toni in the face, kicking Barclay in the stomach, trying to punch Watt. Watt moved her head aside, tackling Catty to the floor. They stood. Catty punched Watt in the throat, making her clutch at her neck and gasp for breath, punching her in the stomach.

Sam got free, handing his keys to Dean.

Catty took out the other pairs of enchanted brass knuckles they had stolen from Watt and Barclay, tossing it to Sam.

Sam caught them, putting them on.

Dean continued to try to unlock the chains.

Barclay pushed Catty into the wall. 

Dean got one arm free.

Catty punched Barclay in the face twice, making her fall through the wall and into the next room.

"Holy crap," Dean told them, working on the other chain on her other arm.

Toni aimed a gun at Sam. Sam turned to push the gun out of her hands, making it fall to the floor, kicking Toni in the knee, making her groan in pain, standing, punching her in the face, pushing her toward the others, punching her in the chest, then the face again, pushing her into the mirror above the sink, making the glass shatter.

Dean picked up the gun, firing it into the ceiling.

Toni grabbed a piece of broken glass, cutting it into the palm of her hand, holding her bleeding hand toward Sam and Catty. "Xi."

Sam and Catty suddenly couldn't breathe, holding their throats, gasping in pain, falling to their knees.

Dean aimed the gun at Toni. "Kill the spell now. I'm not kidding."

"Shoot me, and your brother and sister have no chance," Toni told them. They looked at Sam and Catty worriedly. "The gun."

Dean lowered the gun, walking closer to Toni, putting the gun in her free hand, punching her in the face hard enough to make her fall unconscious.

"Dad!" Amara told him.

Sam and Catty could finally breathe, gasping for breath.

"It's okay," Ness told them. "She was using a Chinese mind-control technique. Hard to do when you're unconscious." 

Sam and Catty both punched Watt and Barclay in the heads hard enough with the enchanted brass knuckles to make them fall unconscious.

Sam, Catty and Dean walked toward Ness, Octavia and Amara, unlocking them from their chains.

The three girls stood instantly.

Sam pulled Octavia into his arms in relief. Octavia smiled, returning the embrace.

Dean pulled Ness and Amara into their arms. Ness and Amara held onto him tightly in relief.

Catty smiled in relief.

They heard Mick's voice. "Well played."

They looked up to see Castiel, Sabrina, Levi and Mick by the door.

Ness, Octavia and Amara looked at Sabrina in shock. "Sow?"

"That's one of the surprises that we were talking about," Dean told them.

Sabrina smiled. "Hi."

Ness, Octavia and Amara were completely stunned but absolutely relieved that she was alive.


Sam, Octavia, Catty, Dean, Ness and Amara faced Castiel, Sabrina, Levi and Mick.

"What you were told is basically true," Mick told them. "We were keen on knowing about your family." Toni, Watt and Barclay were awake, pulling themselves up. "Seeing as you seem to be partially carrying on the Men of Letters' work here now that the American chapter is defunct."

"So, you sic your attack dogs on us to what, say hi?" Catty asked.

"Well, part of our group suspected some kind of malfeasance amongst you American hunters," Mick told them. "No argument. They went too far. I deeply apologize." Octavia nodded sarcastically. "They'll face consequences in London."

"I'll tell you what," Dean told him. "Why don't you take a walk, and they can face those consequences right here and now?"

Amara looked at them expectantly.

Mick shook his head. "They're ours. We'll take care of them. Now, I'm here to extend an olive branch. We want to work with you."

"Let me ask you a question," Sam told him. "Uh, Mick, is it?" Mick nodded. "Why would we believe any of this?"

"Well, if I wasn't sincere, if I meant you harm, there's a dozen ways I could've come in here and taken you all prisoner instead of being unarmed," Mick told them. He looked at Castiel, Sabrina and Levi. "Not to mention I powered down all the wardings in this shack so your attack dogs could come in."

Castiel looked at the others.

Sabrina looked at Mick in annoyance for calling them 'attack dogs'. "I could finish you off without breaking a sweat. But I won't."

Mick sighed, handing a piece of paper to Levi. "My number. Take your time, cool down, and just think it over. And what have you got to lose, except your worst nightmares?"


Lebanon, Kansas 

The Bunker - Control Room 

Ness, Amara and Octavia were sitting at the table.

Sabrina stood in front of them, using her power to heal them completely.

Sam, Dean and Catty walked closer with the babies, handing them over.

Amara smiled. "Hi, Aiden."

Aiden hugged his sister with his little arms. "Mar."

Dean and Ness smiled.

"Yeah, Amara and Ness are home, Aiden," Dean told him.

Aiden held his arms toward Ness. "Mama."

Ness pulled Aiden into her arms, holding him close. "Hey, Aiden. Amara and I missed you, baby boy."

Octavia held Ariel and Faith in relief. "At least you saved us before I missed too much of Ariel and Faith growing, Sam."

"Yeah," Sam agreed, sitting next to her, holding Ariel and Faith as well. "Welcome home, Ava."

Octavia and Sam held Ariel and Faith, looking at each other, smiling, kissing slowly and passionately.

Castiel and Mary had set out food for them.

Mary walked in with pie.

"Oh, that was fantastic," Sabrina told them. She looked at Mary. "Thank you."

Mary chuckled, putting the pie in front of Dean. "All I did was point at some stuff on a takeout menu. I would've cooked, but, I, uh... don't."

Mary sat down.

Sam looked at Mary in confusion. "Well, now, wait. Your meatloaf was amazing."

"Came from the Piggly Wiggly," Mary told them. "Sorry to burst your bubble." Castiel chuckled. Catty smiled. Mary looked at Dean. "But do you still like pie?"

Dean smiled, laughing. "I mean..."

Dean opened the pie box.

Sam was looking at Octavia. "Ava..."

"Sam, you keep looking at me like I'm going to explode," Octavia told him.

Sam chuckled. "I'm sorry. I was just so worried about you. I mean, you gave up your Grace, and... you were Human, and you had to go through all that..."

"I've gone through worse," Octavia told him. "I'm fine."

Dean and Sabrina both got a piece of pie.

"But what do we think?" Castiel asked. "Are we buying the whole 'Let's be friends' routine?"

Sam, Dean, Ness and Catty answered together. "No way."

Mary and Octavia answered together. "No."

Amara and Sabrina answered together. "Nope."

Dean and Sabrina were eating their pies quickly.

Amara tilted her head.

Sam and Octavia closed their eyes in amusement.

Ness, Catty and Castiel smiled small smiles, chuckling.

"Could you eat those any faster?" Mary asked.

"No," Dean answered. "No, I cannot."

"I can," Sabrina told them.

They smiled.

"Well, we should call the Internet and find out as much as we can about these people," Mary told them. Ness, Amara, Sam, Dean and Catty smiled in amusement. Octavia, Sabrina and Castiel exchanged an amused look. "Did I say that right?"

"So close," Ness told her.

Catty nodded. "Yeah, it was close."

Dean offered Sam some pie. "You want any?"

"No," Sam answered. "Uh, not now."

Dean and Sabrina continued to eat pie.

Sabrina had a bit of blueberry filling on her lip.

Mary chuckled, wiping it away with a thumb.

Sabrina looked at Mary, smiling. "Thanks."

Mary nodded. "Mm-hmm."

"Do Amara and I get to call you 'Grandma'?" Sabrina asked. "Later on, Aiden, Ariel and Faith, too?"

Mary smiled, nodding. "I would like that very much."

Amara smiled.

Sam looked at Octavia.

Octavia chuckled. "Sam..."

"Sorry, Ava," Sam told her.

Catty looked at Sabrina, Castiel, Ness and Amara. "What Sammy's not telling Ava is that he's nervous about her changing her mind about being Human and marrying him."

Castiel chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm sure she hasn't. Have you, Ava?"

"No," Octavia answered. She looked at Sam. "No, I haven't, Sam."

Sam was only a little surprised but very relieved, smiling.

Octavia smiled, chuckling.

Dean looked between them, smirking. "Mazel tov."

Sabrina and Amara laughed.


Night - Hell - Throne Room 

Vince/Lucifer was sitting at the throne.

Rowena was sitting on the floor.

Vince/Lucifer held his hand toward Rowena, using magic to make her turn her head toward him. "You know, I got to say, Rowena, I took one look at you, and all I wanted was to snap your miserable neck again. And keep it snapped this time. But I think I've decided against it."

Rowena stood. "You won't regret it, sir. I'm done with all of this. I'll stay far, far away, sipping martinis with republicans at my tennis club."

Vince/Lucifer chuckled, tilting his head as if he was agreeing with her, pointing at her. "You're missing my point. A Witch as gifted as yourself, with access to 'The Book of the Damned' to boot, would be much more valuable as a prisoner."

Rowena looked at him in surprise. "What?"

"How's that saying go?" Vince/Lucifer asked, standing, walking closer. "Mm, friends close..." He gripped Rowena by the side of her head, pulling her closer. "Enemies closer."

Rowena was terrified, shaking her head. "No. No!"


On the Road - Mick's Car 

Mick was driving.

Toni was in the passenger seat. "I will not get on that plane."

"Yes, you will," Mick told her. "Your mission was to identify American hunters and gain their trust. That's what the home office wants. Honey, not vinegar."

"I have a dossier, and I am just getting started," Toni told him.

"They've also had their fair share of successes," Mick told her.

"If our goal is to end the supernatural threat here, we need to destroy every obstacle," Toni told him. "The Winchesters, these American hunters, they're no better than the monsters they fail to control. They need to be eliminated." Mick didn't answer, continuing to drive. Toni gave him a look. "Mick."

"If push comes to shove, your ladyship, I'm prepared for that," Mick told her.

"You'll get your hands dirty?" Toni asked in surprise.

"Well, we have Mr. Ketch for that," Mick told her.

"You'll send for him?" Toni asked.

Mick smirked. "I already have."



Hotel Room 

The man with the cross tattoo on his hand was holding a gun, cocking it, putting it into a briefcase of other weapons on his bed. There was another briefcase of clothes next to the briefcase of weapons. The man man, presumably Mr. Ketch, closed both briefcases, picking them up, walking out, leaving.


Day Four 

Lebanon, Kansas

Day - Park

(Song:) Cosmic Love - Florence and the Machine (Acoustic)

Sam, Dean and Levi were in tuxes. Castiel was in his normal suit with his normal trench coat. 

Catty, Ness, Sabrina, Amara and Mary were in pretty dresses.

Aiden was in a tiny tux.

Ariel and Faith were wearing adorable little dresses.

Dean was holding Aiden. Catty was holding Ariel. Mary was holding Faith. Aiden and Ariel were holding the wedding rings.

Octavia was in a wedding gown, facing Sam. "It seems I gave up my Grace too soon. If I still had my Grace, we never would have been taken, never had felt that much pain. But I gave up my Grace because I wanted to be there for you. For Ariel and Faith. For Dean and Catty. For Ness and Mary. Cas and Sabrina. Aiden and Amara. For you. For our family." Sam smiled a small smile. "And I still want to be Human for my family." Octavia smiled. "For our family. Until the day that Ariel and Faith are old enough to need me to teach them their powers. So I can stay home with our family. When I was gone, possessed and tortured, the one thing that kept me going was the thought of returning home to you. Being with you. And being a family with all of you. And having a family of our own."

Sam smiled, tears in his eyes from what she had said. "Our family has just been me, Dean and Catty for a long time. And then Ness. Then Cas. And Sabrina. Aiden and Amara. Now Ariel and Faith. We've had ups and downs, fights and happy moments. You've always felt more to me, and now you can finally be my family. When you were gone, I was lost. I wasn't myself. But with you here... I just know that I'm always better when I'm with you." Octavia smiled. "And honestly, I never want it to end. Will you marry me?"

"Yes," Octavia answered.

"I love you, Ava," Sam told her, taking the ring from Aiden, sliding it onto Octavia's finger.

Octavia took the ring from Ariel, sliding it onto Sam's finger. "I love you, Sam."

"Sam, kiss your girl," Ness told him.

Sam placed a hand on Octavia's cheek, kissing her passionately. Octavia wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

Sabrina, Amara and Dean cheered.

Mary and Catty smiled, clapping.

Sabrina and Amara tossed flower petals over Sam and Octavia, smiling.

Castiel and Levi smiled.

Sabrina and Levi looked at each other, smiling.

Sam and Octavia continued to kiss passionately and endlessly.

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