The Cliff's Edge: A Lapidot H...

By Bluefeelingz

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DISCONTINUED/ABANDONED Lapis better stay true to herself, forget the past and move on. But all of that become... More

«Dinner Plate»
«Not completely crystaled»
«School's website»
«The Light in the dark»
«Greg's car wash» 1
«Lapis has a crush»
«Gas and Motorcycles»
«Leftover smoke»1
«Leftover smoke»2
«Such a good boy»
«Sports, quotes & the mama bird»
«Unfinished spell»
«The babysitters»
\\teaser//«Into you»\\teaser//
«The diamond lady»
«Totally spies»
«Two pieces»
«Eyes wide open»
«Story time with Dash»
«Lapis' Imagination»
«Sports, Quotes & Emeralds»
((Sloppy update))
«Love on the brain»
«Mysteries unsolved»
«Jelousy alert!»
«Story time with Garnet»
«Cupid's up to something»
《Faded Flower》1
《Faded Flower》2
《Sports, quotes, and dates》
《Play date》
《Stars don't shine as bright》
《Desperate body》
《Get to work!》
《The thief and the magician》
《Target: New enemy》
《What a short night》
《Can't help falling In love with you》
《Sports, quotes, Fathers and Ballerinas》
《Friendly fire》
《Lapis' and Peridot's discussion》
《To the enemy show mercy》
《Greg's car wash》2
《The truth》
《New generation》
《The biggest lie》
《Give your heart a break》

《The meaning of a kiss》

518 20 33
By Bluefeelingz

Josh looks like my boyfriend tbh

 Lapis' point of view

 "What the hell were you thinking?" Garnet pulled on her curly & perfect hair, I- or anyone I think- has seen her like this. Her funky glasses were not able to tint the annoyance and anger out of her eyes. Amethyst on the other hand seemed more relaxed, it felt like Garnet and Amethyst switched bodies for a few minutes- Garnet was the one doing all the scolding and yellin'.                  
Garnet glared at both of us-- sitting on the floor and against the wall-- she waited impatiently for an answer with a tap of her foot. "Garnet," Peridot was the first one to talk, her voice was shaky ,probably more of the drug than the nerves- "She forced me.. I-I swear I-" she had problem getting words out of her mouth, forcing them out being that her tongue must be heavy, "I swear I said no.." her eyes rolled back a bit but dropped to the floor. She was just staring at the void with flaming red and swollen eyes, but at least she didn't have any weird scent with her.
  Garnet was not impressed, she was largely upset at her (and at me too).

 "You have no willpower, Per." Amethyst over at a random table said, she was turning a mechanical pencil in her fingers and pressing the opposite buttons. Not that Amethyst has any but..

 "If it wasn't for Lapis' jealousy you would've been raptured by tha' homewood gang." yeah if it wasn't- wait...My jealousy?! WHAT THE HELL IS SHE TALKING ABOUT?! I ain't jealous at all what pfftttt.

 "I'm not jealous."

 "Oh Please, I could tell from," she brought up three meaty fingers up "three won games how you couldn't take your eyes off this stoned girl here.."
 I looked back at the high blonde besides me and she was now hugging her knees, covering her soft face.

 At least she's not listening to Amethyst's nonsense..

 Though must it be true? I hope it's not. I feel butterflies whenever she's around me lately..

"Let's face it, you went to go check on Peridot because you thought she was a lil' busy with that pony tail gal."

 "Of course not! I went because I thought she was planning on hurting Pearl! I was trying to distract her and her dubious friends.. I d-don't like Peridot."

 Suddenly Peridot lifts her face, a soft and grieved look made me shrink into my shoulders with a wild blush- "You don't?" Oh Peridot you don't wanna know..

 Her red and pinkish eyes weren't helping, it really looked like she was crying and I just wanted to hold her tightly, but I know it was just the weed talking and I should just ignore her..

 "I just don't want this to occur again, i'm sick and tired of promises you can't keep, Peridot." Garnet flipped her hair randomly, crossing her strong arms and turning her back to an abashed Peridot. 
 Now one thing's for sure, that Garnet was right but Peridot has no fault whatsoever.- Promises are hard to keep. 

 "Garnet," I sighed, pushing myself up as Peridot's gaze followed me, "she told you.. what? No.. She swore to you she tried to deny the offer,"

 "Lazuli, it's alright, Garnet has every right to feel this way." Peridot sighed, also picking herself up from the floor, a little woozy at first so hanging onto the edge of a table at all times.

 What is she talking of ?


James' point of view

 "What the hell were you thinking?" Onyx spat at Turquoise's face, making her flinch and take a step back. A fistful of fury was heading towards her direction until I stood in the way-

 "I don't think so," I blocked his punch with a glare, he contained himself and sighed with a hand over his chest. 

 "S-she got away! N-No! That Lapis girl saved her!" Turquoise defended herself while behind me, peeking cowardly at him from behind my shoulder,

 "That's why I put James in charge of taking her out of the way!" Ah.. great.. turning tables to me then..

 "You know how I work, so think of what you're going to say before yelling at the people who are getting the job done instead of you." I came into defense, this made his pupils shrink into their maximum. Not only a loud gulp emitted from me, but a knot inside my stomach started to tighten itself with every painful second that passed by that his deadly look was wrapped around us.

 "My My, James, You just never know when to keep your mouth shut." Melanie chuckled from behind, she was carelessly painting her already black nails with a fresh new black coat over them. She's always been the most loyal to Onyx, they have each other's back mutually (most of the time).

 "Shut up ,Melanie- Why are you even here?"

 "I'm waiting for Geel and Blou! They're supposed to take me shopping." The girl said, the girl that by shopping she means go kill a bitch that stepped into my territory.


Lapis' point of view

  In my short month and almost half i've discovered that this circle of friends that are surrounding me is making it impossible for me to focus what I came for, to study and win a scholarship for a good university-- yet something is telling me to stay and well..just stay.

  Peridot walked out of the room, an invisible rope on her fist made me go after her like a collared dog. She walks almost limping, acting more drunk than high and holding onto her surroundings. I quickly hook my hand under her arm and help her walk outside, though she rejected my help by jerking my grip off of her-

 "I can walk alone, i'm not drunk."

 "Well you look drunk, not high." I rolled my eyes, she just scoffed and started to walk down the long corridors of the underground part of this school. There were no windows, but it was breathtakingly chilly in here, so much I warmed myself with crossed arms. 
 The lights were dim and very yellow, it was deep and quiet and only the sound of our shoes tapping the floor was what filled and distracted me; she suddenly took a deep breath and let out a long sigh, making my heart thump loudly. It was weak as well.
  Must it be true? Am I seeing Peridot in a different way? or am I seriously seeing her as a threat? I must be seeing everyone as a threat-- but hoping Peridot would be the fourth leafed clover I decided to break the silence,

"I didn't know you smoked," Lapis go kill yourself now.

 "Nobody knew.. Jasper was first to find out and tell the others." She slowed down in her tracks and I tried to copy her pace,

 "Since when do you do this?" I looked down at the very shorter girl, her red eyes suddenly look up at me along with a raised brow-- "Why do you wanna know?" I couldn't help but blush,

 "I wanna know because we're friends, or at least starting to be." I shrugged. We finally walked up to a door (actually Peridot did, I was following her like a dog, remember?), it wasn't an exit door, it was a door to what seamed to be a science lab. I walked in after her, she went back and locked the door before pulling a stool for me to sit on. 

 "That's sadly cute, but i will inform you anyways." She cleared her throat and pulled a stool for herself, climbing up on it and then folding her arms on the table. She pulled a lock of blonde hair behind her ear and looked to the empty chalkboard. What is she thinking about
 "I am almost sure that you have slight knowledge of Onyx's existence," yup, weird creepy dude that is in everybody's talking mouth but i've never seen him personally? Yeah I know who he is, I nod-- "We-" She clears her throat once again "were best friends until a tragic accident happened, when I needed him the most he just vanished and just came back to haunt me. Yellow Diamond doesn't like to speak of him, she knows that what happened hurt me a lot."

 "Your mother must really care for you then if she knows mentioning him would bother you,"

 "Yellow Diamond is a cruel woman that only bares with me because her wage will be lowered if they found out she got rid of me." She describes her very superficially, but I won't blame her since the last time I talked with her she made really mean comments about Peridot.

 "That sounds about right." I smirked, earning one from her as well,

  "Heh.." she blushed, everything seemed to blur out around her, and suddenly all I saw was her in the room. But dammit i'm too gay ,can you blame me? Wait.. i'm not even sure i'm it, what am I saying..

 "So you're saying Onyx was the one who drove you into this?"

 "Yeah. He drove each and every one of us into.. drugs.. B-But we all went into rehab."

 "You were in rehab? For how long?"

 "Probably six months, I don't even remember, but I probably need to go back." She began to scratch the back of her neck and gave an upset sigh, I couldn't help myself, I reach for her hand and place mine over hers.

 "You won't. I'll help you not to step into a clinic ever again, just as long as it's not something critic and dangerous." I winked, because I just might need a blunt one of these days.

 "Seriously? You'll do that for me?"

 "Yeah.. it's the least I can do." Here comes a thought,

 And yes, I was referring to the pretty events that occurred in my bedroom with her, the least I can do is help her with this, a thing fifty times more important; which we finished talking about for a long thirty minutes, completely forgetting if we had classes to attend to. All we did was talk..

and talk..

and talk about her mother.. 

and talk about her father..

and talk about her half sister, though she never mentioned her name..

 In conclusion: There's so much stuff to her, but I think she's hiding the elephant in the room.


 "Haha anyways.." Peridot wiped an imaginary tear off her eye, somehow we moved from the student's desks to the teacher's desk, she was sitting on the office chair while I sat over the wood with my legs in a butterfly position-- "How about you? Do you have any crazy stories to tell?" She asked, taking off her glasses and rubbing them against her purple t-shirt.

 M-Me? An orphan girl that was adopted by her aunt that lives in the capital? Hmm.. what should I tell her about? mmm..
My dead parents? Nah, I shouldn't tell that to anyone yet,
My sick aunt? Nope, she looks perfectly healthy, she might think i'm lying,
My first ever crush? Yeah sure, that'll be silly..

 "Uh.." I quiver my lip and collect a pen that was besides me and start to click it rapidly, "I'm not that interesting but if there's something I could tell you it's about Mark." I shrugged, this caught her attention being that she leaned forward and placed her hands under her chin. "Who is this "Mark" you speak of?" she raised a brow and tilted her head (how cute).

 I continue to click the pen, but not as fast as before-- "Hmm.. Mark was this kid I really liked back at the old days,"


Back at the old days..

 It was Christmas season, Beach City schools accustom to do a small party for the students before they leave for Christmas break. Lapis Lazuli's 6th grade friends were already crowded around the sweets their teacher brought them, but she was just in a corner ,shyly staring at the brown-haired and dark-skinned boy that was stuffing a blueberry muffin into his mouth. His name was Mark, when he finally caught sight of her, both sides went wide-eyed.
 Mark gulped loudly, putting a hand over his baby boy lips before walking toward the shy Lapis, that at the time she had her natural dark brown hair color but her sparkling blue eyes remained comely. 

 The skinny and shy Lapis brushed the skirt of her red and white dress as she saw Mark get closer and with a smile. When he finally got to her, they just exchanged cute smiles, but Mark slowly approached his pinkie finger to Lapis' and intertwine them. Lapis couldn't help but to giggle at the muffin crumbs on his face, which when she did he quickly wiped them off.

 Mark and Lapis are the best of friends since the start of 6th grade, but Mark has always admitted to his friends that he is deeply in love with the Lazuli, and to his luck, the feeling was very mutual since Lapis realized her feelings for him a bit later than him. Though it wasn't the same as Mark's ,her feelings were very hidden and secret, so much that her words were questioned when she told one of her very few friends about it; At last Mark and Lapis know about their feelings for each other and act strangely.

 Lapis was well dressed for the occasion ,but Mark had decided to be silly that day and wear different colored shoes: one red, the other blue. This made Lapis giggle one more time. 

 Mark held her hand now, looking back at the distracted students and teachers before pulling the brown-haired girl out of the room and into the back yard where nobody was. The grass was tall, taller than them to be exact, Mark guided her through it hoping that later he will not forget the way back.
 The beautiful moonlight was shinning among them, Lapis could never get her eyes out of it even if she tried, but Mark tapped her shoulder with his free hand and waited for her attention.

 "You look really pretty tonight, Lapis." Mark smiled at her kindly, earning a blush from her. She didn't say anything, she was like a robot that night, she didn't have the knowing of the actions she was being part of, she could've sworn this was a special moment ,but none of the symptoms that her friends mentioned were occurring; the knot in your throat, the tingle sensation inside your stomach, the shaky knees, the weird feeling inside your skull-- in fact, Lapis was feeling completely and innocently normal.

 Mark was waiting for some kind of response, but Lapis was being awfully quiet and distracted by the moon.

 "Lucy told me you've never had your first kiss." 


 and out of the blue, Mark leaned in, just almost pressing his lips against her's but just in time Lapis pulled back and let go of his hand. An angry splash of red on her face, "What are you doing?!" She squealed,

 "L-Lucy told me you've never had your first kiss.."

 "And that gives you the right to try and kiss me?"

 "Well..y-yeah, She said you wanted to kiss me."-- Lapis squeezed her eyes shut and try to comprehend what the hell he was saying,

 "Mark. I don't wanna kiss you, I don't wanna kiss anyone!" Lapis shouted, letting clear to the boy that's been in love with her since the beginning of 6th grade that she does not want to kiss him or probably ever have any kind of contact with him again. If that wasn't clear enough, she made it more than enough to him when she tried to attempt it in front of the entire class but she stopped him by slamming a muffin up his nose.


Back to the blue girl..

 The button under my thumb stopped clicking when I noticed Peridot staring in a deep awe, her mouth slightly opened and stars shinning through her glasses-

 "So that means.. you never got to kiss him?"

"Nope." I grinned and put the pen behind my ear, switching my hips to the side and putting one leg over the other.

 "So who did you have your first kiss with?" She went back to her position of interest where she places her hands under her chin, it kinda' embarrassed me and encouraged me not to answer her question, 

 "N-Nobody.." I roll my eyes and quiver my lip. The pen instantly fell back into my hand and I began to continue my nervous clicking. Peridot didn't seem convinced in what I said, God I wish I never spoke.

 "Oh c'mon , Lazuli, a good friendship starts with the truth," Friends? Eh. I'd say something more, because i've been thinkin' 'bout you..

 "I'm speaking with the truth!" I placed my unoccupied hand over my chest and close my eyes, when I peek with a half-open one I can see an undeniable blush upon her face. She leans back on the office chair, cracking her knuckles a bit and messing 'round with her blonde locks around her glasses. "S-so that means you haven't had your first kiss? R-right?" she sucked up her lips and glanced around. I looked over to the hopefully locked door..

 "Right.. but. pfft. it's not a big deal, I never even felt something for Mark, so it's of no importance." I shrugged, using the pen to curl my short blue locks to not wait for her to offer her lips to press againts mine,

 "I don't know if I remember mine.." what?

 "Is that supposed to be good?" 

 "Well I mean my first one was a dare at a party and ..mffhh.. I wasn't proud of it.."

 "R-Really? Why's that?" Now I was the one in the i'm very interested position.


Unknown date where Mrs. Kiyoko here had her first ever kiss

 "Spin the freacking bottle!" A tipsy Amethyst yelled from one end of the couch, everyone was in James' house. Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, James, Dash, Jasper and Peridot were there, watching and taking care of the only tipsy person in the house which was Amethyst. 

 "We're playing truth or dare, Amethyst." Pearl said from the other end of the couch, pinching the bridge of her nose and biting her lip. Amethyst's behavior under alcohol can be very annoying, more if it's an "in between" state like she was currently in. Drunk? catastrophic.

 "Ah right.." Amethyst giggled and hiccuped, earning a giggle from Garnet. Speaking of.. it was her turn to pick a victim. Nobody knew her next victim was Peridot, since she always goes to Pearl or in rare cases Jasper, just to tease her, but tonight was a very strange night where the big and beautiful black young lady decided to mock the small blonde girl-

 Peridot was feeling a bit out of group, the conversations involved everybody except her, maybe that's why Garnet chose her. "Peridot." Garnet said sharply and with assurance, the only girl in pijamas hid in her blanket when she heard her name,

 "Yes?" Peridot said from under the covers,

 "Truth or dare?"

 "T-truth." Peridot said very unsure at first, but she knew that Garnet's dares were to make someone very nervous, probably her questions as well, but she was about to find out.

 "Who was your first kiss?"Garnet was sitting in the middle of the couch with Dash on the floor in front of him, she was supposedly picking his invisible lice out, but in reality Dash just really liked Garnet's hands on his hair.

 Peridot was hesitating and taking too much time to answer. I shouldn't even answer, they'll just mock me for the rest of my days, Peridot thought, biting her nails hidden from everybody.

 "Tick Tock, Tick Tock." James teased from the side of the t.v.

 "N-Nobody." Peridot finally said.

 "WHAT?" everyone gasped in unison, even the tipsy Amethyst was surprised to know her platonic girlfriend hasn't laid her lips on anyone else's. Everyone was surprised but Peridot, of course-- who will want to kiss a hoble maniac like me? Peridot thought with watery eyes behind her pink glasses. With all the imperfections she could hold; her lack of being able to read without glasses, her lack of control over her powers, her nasaly and annoying voice, she just had to point out to herself the elephant in the room: her missing leg. 
 Obviously she had replaced it with a prosthetic one and hid it over the years with knee high socks and appropriate clothing, but it was almost impossible to avoid the fact that she wasn't normal like the rest of the people. She believed that that was the reason nobody was willing to like her and at least kiss her.
 For her that was the way to think about it, her defects were the things screaming to attract attention from the rest, but not really. Peridot covers most of her imperfections with accessories, clothing, lies.

 Peridot could feel a burning sensation in her eyes, but she made sure not to make it even more embarrassing than it already was, though nobody could see her face under the cover they could hear the feeling in her voice--

 "Whatever.. leave me alone." Her raspy and cracking voice hit everyone in the room but Amethyst, she was too tipsy and dizzy to notice the hurt in her crush. Everything in her ears just clattered.

 "Babe, there's nothing to be embarrassed about." Garnet assured, a person that had saved her lips for the right other. Meaning she has never had her first kiss so she understands the small blonde perfectly.- Peridot understood that she was right, there was nothing to feel ashamed about. She was the average teen that hasn't kissed anybody yet, not just anyone, a girl; she just really wanted to kiss the right girl.

 Agh i'll never kiss anyone, how am I supposed to kiss a girl if I don't even know how to? Peridot thought, at this moment she was a total lightweight. The purple and green quilts flew off of Peridot and she stood up, her head always bowed. "I am going to bring refreshments.." Peridot gulped to ease down a lump in her throat she was trying to shun. 
 Once everyone was done giving funny stares she walked rapidly towards the kitchen, sliding the transparent door and closing it behind her. She opened the fridge and picked out the cold Coke, placing it over the kitchen counter and then looking for the plastic cups. She then looked for the ice and placed three blocks on each of them, even though the coke was already freezing cold.

 Now Peridot's mind was a hurricane. Thinking if she would ever at least have the appealing appearance to make a girl fall for her, make her want to kiss her, it was very hard to do so; nobody will ever like me, she thought. But if she ever does take the masks off, reveal to her significant other that she lost a leg in an accident where she was running from some creepy men, will they still love her? Of course.. for a young teen like her questions and answers like that weren't enough, she needed to know if she will be able to arouse that girl. Anyway, it was the only thing that swirled around her head since Garnet asked her that question. It swirled so much that the ice in the cups had melted, making the Coke taste more watery than ever.

 Suddenly a soft click told Peridot someone was entering the kitchen. "Yo', are those refreshments ready or.." Dash said before clearing his throat in order to catch the blonde's attention.

 "Oh, y-yes." Peridot found herself just staring blankly at the watery sodas. She picked up one cup and handed it to Dash, earning a smirk from him but receiving a frown in return. The question really got her downhill.

 "Are you alright?" Do I look alright ?

"Y-yeah. It's just that a simple question makes me jump to millions of conclusions." Peridot sighed, leaning against the edge of the counter and rubbing her cheek. Her eyes wandered to a dusty corner of the kitchen where an old microwave was resting with a bowl of fake fruits over it.

 "That's a very typical Peridot thing to do, yeah.." Dash pursed his lips and looked down at his sad soda, a drop of ice was circling around. "You know Peridot, don't make a scene just because you haven't kissed anyone."

 "It's not a scene. I feel horrible. If at this height I haven't done it i'll never get to do it."

 "Peridot, your gay ass will find the perfect girl, just wait." Dash shrugged very sure of his point.

 "I won't even get it right. I'll scare them away with my lack of experience." Peridot sniffled, though not crying yet.

 A mischievous light bulb fired up over Dash's head, his plans weren't always healthy, but if nobody found out about it (or at least it didn't escape the circle of friends) he could help his friend Peridot.-- "Hey, a kiss is easy like one times one."

 "I can not comment on that, I have no knowledge if that's true or false." The blonde sighed. She unplaced her glasses from her face and onto the counter, then pushing herself up on it to sit and rub her tired eyes.

 "Uh.." Dash tried to share his idea, hesitating tremendously at the moment and rocking his weight back and forth in a pool of nerves. He built up courage to drag the curtain and give privacy to both of them. "I-I have an idea, I promise there won't be a downside to it like most of my ideas do." Dash giggled nervously as he placed the cup on the table and approached the short blonde up on the counter. She was rubbing her red & tired eyes, trying to avoid the first yawn being that it always knocks her down.
 Dash put a fist up his chest and cleared his throat, but Peridot suddenly opened her mouth,

 "You are going to say that you want to teach me the ways of kissing yourself, and by "downside" you mean that you will always have a lowkey crush on Pearl and I am gay, so nothing will happen between us?"

 "Uh..y-yeah. How did you know?"

 "It was something very obvious." Peridot gave a toothy smirk along with a blush. Dash smiled and got closer, making the small nerd shrink into her shoulders.


Lapis' point of view


 "Sshh. Listen."


Back to that beef..

 Peridot shrunk into her shoulders, blushing wildly as Dash placed a hand on either side of her. "Ok. Well if you know what goes down." He shrugged.

 "Okay ,Dash. You know you're my best friend and everything but i'm, i'm gonna, i'm going to need you to go slow." Peridot reminded him. Strangely she was confident and ready, just because Dash had a string dangling between his legs and not a womanhood. Surely it was all happening to fast, but she just needed to get this over with and ,well , FAST.

 "I cross my heart it'll be like doing any easy task." He promised




 In what felt like years, Dash finally leaned in to a stiff Peridot. Her height was so short he barely needed to make an effort to reach her lips. He pressed his lips against her thin ones, simply doing a peck contact to her still and unmovable mouth.
 A whirl of butterflies flew up to Peridot's stomach, evaporating into hot particles that climbed up her neck and rained on her cheeks. She closed her widened eyes suddenly. All darkness and a weird feeling on her statue for lips, but she would figure out she needed to put some more effort into this, so within the kiss she pursed her lips and "properly" returned the kiss to him.
 Dash couldn't help but giggle under his breath, unnoticeable to Peridot for goodness' sake. 
 It was an awkward long twenty seconds of no action, so Dash cupped her cheek and parted his lips slightly ,now placing his humid folds over her lower lip.



Lapis' point of view

 I lifted my opened jaw, this was such a twisted and fascinating story to hear I don't know if to be happy, angry or jealous. Wait, why would I be jealous? Ah. Because she had her first kiss and I haven't, yeah ,sure ,that's it.

 She lowered her shoes from the desk and stood up, making no difference at all because she was terrifyingly short. "So you french kissed Dash?" 

 "Um.. is that what you call it? I like to call it: Lip and tongue contact plus movements." She raised a finger as if it were an ironic cartoon. Her blonde locks were somewhy on her face so she cutely blows them away and heads to the locked door,

"Hhmm. So did you.." I tried to find the right words, but how am I supposed to ask something that intimate? Am I the only one that knows this?-- "D-did you like it?"-- Peridot suddenly stops in her tracks, looking at me over her shoulder,

 "I wasn't supposed to like it."

 "Hhmm.. I guess you're right." I tapped my chin with my finger. I hopped off the desk and followed Peridot to the locked door. "I just never pictured you kissing Dash. If anything I thought it was with Amethyst." I shrugged and opened the door for her,

 "Honestly with Amethyst it was just fun and games, we never really had a serious relationship." I wonder why..

 "Well one day the right girl will pop up, she'll give you all the kisses, all the hugs and most importantly all the love." I wrapped my arm around small Blondie, pulling her to me and bumping her shoulder with my waist.

 "I really hope so."

 Yeah.. I was talking about me. 


Holy shit what a vague ending I swear I need to put more effort into this kind of shit. It's been a few reads since I haven't made Peridot and Lapis fall more in love with each other- I MEAN interact so I gave you this small chapter where they talk about their first kisses, or their "attempts" for first kisses.
I've been writing chapters on my laptop and it's way easier to get more detailed. At the beginning I noticed I took way too long to get to 1000 words (the words I usually do for a chapter), but with time I find the right time and right ideas to get to at least 3000 words in little time.

This chapter is 5293  words (counting the author's note), Probably the longest chapter, then comes 《Target:New enemy》

So anyways.. I wanted to do a mini vote on something. What happens in the next chapter will be your choice, just comment on the chapter you would like me to publish first (or only)

•Skip to the Halloween party

•More Lapidot interaction

•Side-stories (specify of who. It can't be Lapis or Peridot.)

•A blue Friday with a specific ship interaction, (can't be Lapidot, duh)

Just comment below and I'll check in a week probably, The D I got in algebra will probably cost my phone and my laptop, my parents don't understand that the only numbers I count are the amount of votes, reads, comments, followers and words I get on Wattpad.


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