To Fall

By writingsmistress

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Running a successful international gang is hard but even harder when you're only just turning 18 and running... More

To Fall
Chapter One: Dance With Me
Chapter Two: Dine With Me
Chapter Three: Baby, say my name
Chapter Four: Strong
Chapter Five: I'll Always Hold On
Chapter Six: I'm Sorry If I Say I Need You
Chapter Seven: Don't Let Me Go
Say Something I'm Giving Up On You
Chapter Ten: Hellfire
Chapter Eleven: Release
Chapter Twelve: Truth
Chapter Thirteen: Broken
Chapter Fourteen: Hurt
Chapter Fifteen: War
Chapter Sixteen: Aftermath
Chapter Seventeen: Fall to Pieces
Chapter Eighteen: Last Goodbyes
Chapter Nineteen: Life Goes On
Chapter Twenty: Burn
Chapter Twenty-One: Never Alone
Chapter Twenty-Two: Answers

Chapter Eight: Goodbye?

403 8 3
By writingsmistress

            After everyone had went to see Louis and “talk” to him Harry forced everyone to go home to rest. Niall begged Lilliana to stay with him at Harry’s while Liam went to Mary’s with Eliza and Zayn.

“You can’t say you don’t love me, Mary. Stop lying to me and to yourself and be with me, fucking hell!” Liam shouted at Mary once Eliza and Zayn were out of earshot.

“I don’t-no.” Mary mumbled looking anywhere but at Liam.

            He was right, she was lying. She was lying because she was afraid, afraid for her heart and of his lifestyle. He was a gangster for Christ’s sake, didn’t he see? She had every right to be terrified and not want that kind of life no matter how in love with him she may be.

            Liam noticed Mary’s inner battle and chose that moment to take matters into his own hands. Pulling her close Liam kissed Mary with all the burning passion and love he could muster. As he expected she returned it with everything in her and clung to him.

“I do love you, Liam. I am just so afraid.” Mary whimpered against his lips.

“So be with me, Mary. I won’t hurt you and I won’t let you go.” Liam whispered kissing the corner of her mouth.

“He loves her, you know.” Zayn commented as he and Eliza watched Liam and Mary from inside the house.

“She loves him, too. She is just being stupid.” Eliza responded with a smile and short laugh.

                        Zayn looked at Eliza with a small grin and nodded before looking back to the couple at hand. Eliza sighed as she watched Liam kiss Mary once again. It was like a romance novel playing out before her eyes.

“God, Niall, we have to prepare for the worst.” Harry groaned as he flopped onto his couch.

“I realized that, Harry. Louis may just die and we’re going to have to be able to handle that.” Niall muttered with a sigh.

“You’re just going to take it out on poor Lilliana, don’t think her body will handle that well, mate.” Harry commented with a roll of his eyes.

“Fuck off, Harry.” Niall mock snarled with a curve to his lips.

“Where did Lilliana run off to?” Harry questioned surveying the opened downstairs to not see her in sight.

“She’s showering to relax. Do you think things went over well for Liam? I damn sure hope so because he needs to stop saying her name to the girls he bangs.” Niall said with a rough laugh.

“Don’t remind me about that. I think Mary is just as enamored as Liam is so I think they are snogging if I’m honest.” Harry replied chuckling.

            Niall nodded and leaned back into the love seat. The day’s drama took its toll as Niall felt his body become too heavy to move and closed his eyes. Within moments Niall was fast asleep on Harry’s love seat. Smiling at his closest friend and chuckling lightly Harry sauntered over to the sleeping blonde and pulled a blanket over him.

“Is he sleeping?” Lilliana’s voice floated to Harry’s ear making him turn.

“Yeah, he is doing exactly what I want to do right now. I’m going to head to bed. If you’re hungry feel free to have anything you’d like. Goodnight, Lil.” Harry responded with a warm smile as he headed towards the stairs.

            Nodding to Harry as she walked to Niall Lilliana smiled softly. The big and bad Niall Horan looked so innocent and peaceful asleep on the love seat. The brunette picked up the blanket enough for her to easily be able to shuffle under and curled up to Niall. Instinctively Niall pulled her tighter and murmured her name in his sleep. The exhaustion she had been keeping at bay finally crept into her the moment her head touched Niall’s chest for her eyes closed and she was out cold.

            Harry made his way to his bed and collapsed onto it. The weight of everything that happened in the past twelve hours smashed into him with a crippling force. One of his closest friends was dying and there was nothing he could do. The doctors said Louis could pull through but the chances were pretty slim which caused Harry to feel the grief begin to seep into his heart. He would have to keep it together for Zayn and Liam and maybe even Niall because someone had to be strong while everyone else crumbled. Smothering his face into his pillows Harry just wished for Louis to get better.

“You cannot be serious right now, Mary! You’re covering for Lilliana yet you won’t come to my house?” Liam hollered with a scowl.

“Liam, I do not need to be with you tonight. I think you need to watch over Zayn.” Mary responded calmly with a shrug.

“Mary Elizabeth, do not test me.” Liam growled taking a menacing step in her direction.

“Liam…” Mary whispered right before he kissed her hard, slamming her into the wall.

“You’re going to have Eliza cover for you and come home with me. You’re going to be in my bed where you should be, Mary.” Liam hissed grinding his body into hers.

“Yes, yes.” Mary chanted fisting her hands in his shirt.

“Good girl, love.” Liam praised with a kiss to her chin.

“Five pounds says Liam won over Mary and she’s sleeping over his house.” Eliza laughed at Zayn.

“No way, she’s so against it. You’re on, Eliza.” Zayn laughed.

            Liam and Mary walked into the kitchen with Liam sporting a triumphant smirk. Zayn groaned and realized he had just lost five pounds. Eliza placed her hand palm up in Zayn’s face waiting for her money. Liam raised his brow to Zayn in silent question but Zayn shook his head while pulling out the money.

“Zayn, you lost. I’m awesome. Yes, I’ll cover for you tonight as you’re covering for Lilliana. Remember to be safe and you need to take me home before you do anything.” Eliza quipped with a grin.

            Mary blushed but shook her head as Liam let out a laugh. Eliza was always the forward one so she was always amusing. Zayn grinned and winked at Liam.

“So, let’s get you and Zayn home then, yeah?” Liam asked eyeing the door.

“He’s so eager to bed you, Mary.” Eliza teased as she walked to the door.

“Have you seen her naked? You’re damn right I’m eager to have her in my bed.” Liam chuckled as Mary slapped him in the chest.

“Mate, I think your bird’s going to be withholding it from you tonight if you keep that up.” Zayn commented while grinning at Mary.

            The foursome made their way to Mary’s car as Mary tossed Liam her keys. She already knew the alpha male in him wouldn’t let her drive so she walked to the passenger’s seat. Zayn and Eliza hopped into the back while Liam adjusted the driver’s seat to suit his height.

            Harry groaned as he heard his cellphone going off for the third time. He knew it must have been important if the person called three times in a row so he pulled it out of his pocket and answered.

“Hello?” His deep voice ground out.

“Mr. Styles? I’m afraid I have some bad news, your friend is no longer with us. He went peacefully a few minutes ago.” A female voice responded.

“What? No! He was fine when we left.” Harry shouted as his body bolted up in his bed.

“I’m terribly sorry for your loss, Mr. Styles.” The voice responded.

            Harry bolted awake after from his nightmare and looked around his room to see that he was only asleep for a few hours and he had no missed calls. The dream had felt so real that Harry could still feel the fear gripping his heart. Louis was strong and he would fight this and be okay, he had to be. 

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