Chapter Six: I'm Sorry If I Say I Need You

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“Is everything alright? Why did Niall bring you here? You are supposed to be on a normal date.” Mary questioned as she walked with Lilliana towards her room.

“Something bad happened that Niall had to handle. I think it had to do with Liam, Zayn, and Louis.” Lilliana responded with a frown.

“Niall didn’t say?” Eliza piped in seeing both Mary and Lilliana entering the room.

“No, but he looked worried and a bit angry if I am honest with you.” Lilliana responded with a sigh.

“Everything will be okay, Lils. Niall won’t let anything bad happen.” Eliza assured her friend.

“It isn’t Niall that I’m worried about. At least not physically but emotionally I’m worried.” Lilliana sighed with a wrinkle of her nose.

            Eliza and Mary both leaned forward to enclose Lilliana in a hug to offer comfort. Mary knew in her heart tonight was going to be a long night. Eliza felt an uneasy feeling letting her know she was going to have to be strong for her friend because something was coming and it wasn’t good. Lilliana hugged her friends back and silently hoped nothing too damaging had happened.

“Niall, Harry, he’s barely breathing! Drive faster.” Liam demanded as he continued to apply pressure to Louis’ chest would while Zayn applied pressure to the arm wound.

“I’m driving as fast as I fucking can without getting us into an accident.” Harry hissed as he sped towards the hospital.

“How the fuck could this have happened? God, he’s lost so much blood. Hang on, Lou, we’re almost there.” Niall said as he looked at his wounded friend.

“I’m so sorry, Louis.” Zayn whispered with sorrow.

            Harry pulled in front of the emergency room entrance and hollered for everyone to get Louis inside so he could park the car. Niall, Liam, and Zayn carried Louis into the emergency room demanding help. A nurse screamed and immediately ushered Louis onto a bed and rushed him away leaving Niall, Zayn, and Liam alone with their bloodied hands and clothes.

“He is going to be okay, he has to be.” Niall muttered looking down at his bloodied hands.

“Where is Louis?” Harry asked out of breath.

“They took him.” Zayn answered hollowly.

“Let’s sit down and let modern medicine do its magic.” Harry commanded as he tugged Niall and Zayn towards the waiting room chairs.

            Lilliana was sitting with Eliza and Mary when her phone buzzed indicating she had received a new message.

Text from Niall: Louis is in the emergency room and we haven’t been told anything. I need you.

            Without another thought Lilliana immediately replied.

Text to Niall: I’m on my way.

“Eliza, we need to head to the hospital. Mary, will you come, too?” Lilliana asked.

“Of course, Eliza, move.” Mary responded shoving Eliza.

            The three quickly slipped on their shoes and raced to Eliza’s car. Mary sat in the back in order to allow Lilliana to sit in the passenger’s seat. Eliza sped out of the drive way towards the hotel without a second thought.

“Did Niall tell you anything?” Eliza asked while making a left.

“His text said Louis is in the emergency room. I’m worried, guys.” Lilliana answered while looking at her phone.

Text from Niall: Hurry, baby, I feel like I’m falling apart.

Text to Niall: We are close, hold on. I’ll keep you together.

“Christ, Louis may be dying.” Mary muttered with a frown.

“No talk of dying!” Eliza shouted as she parked.

“Yes, none of that crap, Mary. Only positive thoughts, do you understand?” Lilliana screamed.

            Mary nodded and exited the car to follow the other two into the emergency room. The closer she got to the entrance the more her heart sank as she realized how severe the situation most likely was.

“This is all my fault! Don’t you fucking understand how I feel, Harry! I DID THIS!” Zayn shouted finally losing it after waiting half an hour with no word on Louis’ condition.

“Zayn, this is not your fault. Please calm down.” Liam soothed as he tugged on Zayn’s arm to force him to sit.

“This is something none of us saw coming so it is no one’s fault but those French bastard’s and that traitor.” Niall spat angrily.

            Harry nudged Niall when he saw Lilliana, Mary, and Eliza come into view. Niall looked in the direction Harry was staring and beckoned the girls to them. Lilliana saw Niall’s wave and dragged Mary and Eliza that way.

“Lilly.” Niall murmured with his arms outstretched.

            Without any hesitation on her part Lilliana walked to Niall and stood between his legs. Niall encircled her waist with his arms and smothered his face in her stomach. He clung to her to draw strength because at this very moment he knew Louis was fighting for his life. Lilliana held him and whispered sweet words of comfort into his hair.

            The scene was watched by the group with sad but also tender eyes. Harry nodded to Mary and Eliza to take seats. Mary sat herself beside Liam and Eliza sat herself beside Mary since Harry was seated between Zayn and Niall. Zayn leaned forward and placed his face in his hands while Liam took Mary’s hand seeking comfort. Mary went to pull her hand away but found herself unable to when Liam just gripped it tighter.

“Mary, I just need you tonight. Don’t fight me, please.” Liam pleaded with a broken voice.

            Nodding and squeezing his hand Mary turned to look at Liam’s pain stricken face. It stole her breath away and squeezed at her heart to see how hurt Liam was. Reaching her free hand up to his face the blonde cupped his cheek. Sighing Liam nuzzled his cheek further into Mary’s touch to draw comfort from her.

“Mr. Horan, Mr. Styles, I take it you are waiting for a report on Louis Tomlinson?” came a voice that cause the entire group to look up.

“Yes, sir.” Harry responded with a slow and steady voice.

“I am Doctor Shepherd and I am afraid I have some bad news. The bullet wounds mixed with his amount of blood loss have left Mr. Tomlinson in critical condition. We are doing all we can to save him but the odds of him recovering are slim to none. He is currently stable but if you can reach out to family now would be the time to do so. We do not think he’ll make it through the night.” Dr. Shepherd spoke with sad eyes.

“Thank you, Doctor.” Harry responded with a shaky voice dismissing the doctor as Zayn’s pained cry filled the hospital.

“NO! HE CAN’T FUCKING DIE!” Zayn cried as he slipped out of the chair to fall to his knees.

            Zayn continued to scream as Liam began to shake. Niall squeezed Lilliana tighter and began to cry silently. Harry smothered his face in his hands and began to shake while Eliza watched the scene with teary eyes and Mary pulled Liam into a hug. Zayn’s pained screams echoed through the hospital and voiced the group’s pain. 

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