Chapter Twelve: Truth

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“Zayn, I need someone to talk to.” Niall said standing outside on Zayn’s doorstep.

“I figured you would. Come in, Niall.” Zayn replied stepping back to let Niall enter his home.

            Niall stumbled into Zayn’s entry and headed right to the kitchen. Zayn closed and locked his front door before following Niall. He noticed the tense vibe his mate was giving off and how miserable he looked. Niall looked tormented and conflicted.

“I take it Lilliana knows about Sabella.” Zayn began, resting his elbows on his granite counter tops opposite of where Niall was seated.

            Niall raised his eyes to meet Zayn’s and nodded ever so slightly. Zayn sighed but held his calm composure. Niall needed a friend, an ear, and someone to be on his side since his biggest champion was his opponent.

“Niall, I’m going to speak freely. I know that you’re not over Sabella. She’s still your home screen and you check her Facebook and Twitter daily to ensure she’s alright. I know you’re the one who sent her the boxes of tea she had said she was missing. You’re still in love with her and I get that. I think you need to come to terms with your feelings and decide how you want to proceed from that point. Lilliana is a wonderful girl but she is not nearly as strong and well equipped to suite our lifestyle. Lilliana is sheltered where as Sabella is our top tactician next to you. Sabella is confident and obnoxious while Lilliana is shy and more reserved. Niall, you need to realize they are opposites in everything but the matter of their heart which leads back to you. Personally, I feel Sabella is best suited for you.” Zayn supplied his view with ease as he watched Niall’s features.

            Niall’s eyes widened slightly and his chest puffed up as he inhaled deeply. Zayn’s speech had surprised Niall. He realized that Zayn adored Sabella and admired her but never thought he’d actually choose a side. He mulled over what Zayn had said. He did like Lilliana but seeing Sabella had ignited a fire in him that hadn’t sparked since the day she disappeared.

“I’m in love with her, Zayn. Sabella is everything. I tried to drown my miseries in alcohol and sex to forget her but she was always there. I like Lilliana but I don’t think I can be good to and for her if Sabella is here inside of me. I need an answer from her because I’ll always choose her.” Niall admitted breathing out harshly.

            Zayn smiled at Niall and playfully punched the blonde in the shoulder. Niall threw his head back and laughed, the tension melting away. Zayn’s smiled broadened as he saw Niall relax. All Zayn wanted was for his dear friend to be happy no matter who was hurt in the process.

“What do I do about Lilliana, Zayn? I don’t want to make her hate me. I didn’t plan this shit.” Niall grumbled running his fingers through his hair.

“If I’m honest I think talking to her would do the trick. I say wait until tomorrow night, though. If she’s hurting she won’t want to talk to you or listen.” Zayn advised with a slight frown.

“Stay in bed with me, Harry.” Sabella sighed cuddling up to the side of his body.

“Is that what you want, love?” Harry questioned looking down at her with a smirk.

“Smirking now, Haz? You arrogant creature, yes, I want to cuddle and not deal with anything that doesn’t involve you, me, or sleeping.” Sabella laughed before she traced the right bird tattoo at his collar bone.

            Harry chuckled and watched as the brunette moved to trace the mirroring bird at his collar bone. He slid his hand along her side and held her closer to him causing her thigh to slip on top of his own. He loved the feel of her against him and this was what he had always craved since the first time.

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