Chapter Thirteen: Broken

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“Are you going to tell me what is going on, Sabella?” Niall asked softly, reversing out of Harry’s driveway.

“I broke Harry because I chose you.” Sabella responded, looking at Niall from the corner of her eye.

“You chose me?” Niall questioned, shocked.

“Yes, I did. We, you and I, have something that is wild and so completely different. I love Harry but I think he’s my safety and you’re in my blood. You set me on fire, Niall. I was scared to choose you but I know that living in fear is not a life at all.” Sabella answered, facing the window.

            Niall was quiet as he took in her words. She actually made a decision and now she left the ball in his court. He could walk away from her and be with Lilliana, the sweet girl who gave him a chance, or he could take her. Niall knew his answer already, always Sabella.

“You’re finally home, keeper of my heart.” Niall said breaking the silence.

            Sabella placed her hand on his thigh and said nothing. Words were not needed for they both knew everything. Happiness was finally theirs to be had. The drive back to Niall’s was in a comfortable silence with a low hum of the radio playing in the background.

“Liam, we’ve counted out the right amount ten times now, you perfectionist!” Louis shouted, annoyed.

“I know but we need to be absolutely sure. Sabella gave us an exact number and we cannot fall short.” Liam replied raising his voice.

“We have other shit to do besides count out artillery, Liam. We have to go inspect the places and give detailed reports back to Niall and Sabella in order for them to complete the strike setup.” Louis grumbled with an eye roll.

“Yeah, you’re right. Let’s go, Louis.” Liam responded as he looked over the chosen weapons one last time.

“Speaking of Sabella, you don’t think Niall will stay with Lilliana now that she’s back, do you?” Louis commented following Liam out of the warehouse.

“No, I don’t. I think Niall’s going to protect Lilliana since she’s in our lifestyle but he’ll choose Sabella. It’s always been Sabella.” Liam answered with a slight shrug.

“I suppose you’re right. I just hope Harry can handle her choosing Niall this time. He is in love with her, Liam.” Louis said, opening the Range Rover door.

“I know he does. I think that if Niall wasn’t around Harry and Sabella would work. I think Sabella and Harry actually pan out better than Niall and her. The issue is Niall and Sabella are linked on a different level. I just want them to be happy.” Liam sighed, getting comfortable in the passenger’s seat as Louis drove off.

            Zayn arrived at Harry’s house, let himself in, and strode straight into his bedroom. The smell of sex lingered still and the strewn clothes hammered home what Zayn had feared. Harry gave himself to Sabella only to have Sabella leave him. Zayn wanted her happy but not at the cost of utterly destroying one of his best mates.

            Harry was lying face down in the pillows of his bed, still naked, dealing with his heartache. Zayn sucked in a lungful of air and made his way to Harry. Sitting on the bed, he touched Harry’s shoulder.

“I’m here, mate. It’s going to be okay.” Zayn comforted.

“She doesn’t love me enough to be with me, Zayn. She chose him.” Harry cried voice full of sorrow.

“Harry, it is going to be okay. I know that right now you feel as though your heart has been ripped from your chest but you will be okay. Sometimes love isn’t fair, Harry. I am sorry you’re hurting.” Zayn uttered softly.

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