Chapter Eleven: Release

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Lilliana couldn’t believe what she had witnessed. Niall was willing to cheat on her without a second thought for this person? How little he must care for her to be willing to run back to his ex-lover’s arms. Lilliana felt her heart constrict and the tears begin to fall. Niall wanted a replacement for Sabella never her.

“Lilliana, babe, let me explain.” Niall tried to sooth as he let go of Sabella and took a step in Lilliana’s direction.

“Was I just a replacement for her? Was she who you were thinking about as you took me? As you danced with me? Do you even fucking care about me?” Lilliana screamed as Niall reached her.

“What is the commotion? Shit, Sabella, come here.” Harry called out as he stood in the doorway taking in the scene.

            Mary and Eliza felt their anger build up and glared at Sabella. Their friend’s pain was her fault. Eliza took a step in Sabella’s direction before stopping. She noticed Sabella squared her shoulders and walked to Harry. Harry pulled her to him and whispered in her ear.

“What have you done now, my love?” Harry whispered into Sabella’s ear.

“We were fine until he demanded I lie to him. I couldn’t lie to him and he professed his love for me. We didn’t realize they were in the room.” Sabella replied looking into Harry’s tortured green eyes.

“Of course you’re not just a replacement. Sabella is nothing like you! She’s confident and strong and hard headed and you’re different. I didn’t pick you to be her, Lilliana. I care but I am still in love with her and I needed answers. I’m sorry I’m hurting you but maybe we should spend a few days apart. I can’t be with you if I have a clouded heart.” Niall spoke with a soft voice and pleading eyes.

“I cannot believe you. Your ex walks back in and you leave me? Enjoy chasing after her, Niall. I won’t be here when you return.” Lilliana said turning to grab Eliza and Mary before storming out.

“Niall, go after her.” Sabella ordered breaking free of Harry to touch Niall’s arm.

“How can I when she’s right? I want to chase after you, Sabella. You come back and fuck me up. What am I going to do? I need you.” Niall responded with a hallow voice and pained eyes.

“I’ll leave as soon as this plan is secured. I won’t hurt you anymore.” Sabella vowed backing away from Niall.

“I don’t want you to leave. Stop thinking this is just your decision! Let me choose you, damn it, Sabella!” Niall cried reaching out to slam her into his body before kissing her.

            Harry watched the scene unfold and felt his heart being torn. Niall had someone he liked but Sabella still wasn’t out of his system. Harry ground his teeth and left the room before he fought his best friend. He had to have faith that Sabella would make her decision this time instead of running away with his and Niall’s heart.

“Niall, please.” Sabella moaned tugging him closer to her.

“God, Sabella, you feel so good. Jump.” Niall demanded against her lips.

            Sabella pushed her hands against Niall’s shoulders and jumped to wrap her legs around Niall’s hips. Niall stalked to the couch in the office and laid Sabella onto the plush seats. Sabella arched her hips to grind against Niall to which Niall ground back.

“I missed your touch.” Niall confessed before scraping his teeth over Sabella’s throat.

“Ni, don’t stop.” Sabella gasped tangling her right hand in his blonde locks.

            Niall grunted as he continued to nip, suck, and lick along Sabella’s throat and ground their hips together. Sabella’s moans only continued to egg Niall on as he slipping his left hand under the hem of her oversized sweater. He skimmed his fingers over her skin until his palm connected with the underwire of her bra.

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