Say Something I'm Giving Up On You

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Sunlight was what woke Niall up from his slumber. He looked down to see Lilliana curled around him on the love seat and his lips curled upwards to a smile. He kissed her hair and breathed in her soothing scent. She was still sleeping so he had no plans to move. The blonde felt eyes on him which caused him to look up. Blue met green and there stood Harry, in nothing more than a towel, looking at him.

“Louis is awake. Zayn and Liam are already on their way to the hospital.” Harry said with a small grin.

“Jesus fucking Christ, Harry, why didn’t you wake me?” Niall groaned.

“She was exhausted and so were you so I let you sleep while I showered, not a big deal, Niall.” Harry responded with a shrug as he trudged towards the stairs.

            Niall inhaled deeply before gently shaking his lover. He hated waking her up but it was better than leaving her alone in Harry’s house. He watched as her body began to tighten and her eyes fluttered open signaling she was leaving the dream realm.

“Good morning, gorgeous. I hate to wake you but Louis is awake and we are going to go to the hospital.” Niall whispered leaning forward to kiss her nose.

            Lilliana giggled and hummed right before the words actually sank in. When the meaning behind Niall’s statement clicked with her sleep clouded brain Lilliana jumped up and pulled him with her.

“Go get washed! I’ll get dressed and we can leave in less than twenty minutes assuming Harry’s up and ready.” She said with a grin.

“You’re something else, lovely. I’ll shower, c’mon.” Niall chuckled pulling her towards the stairs.

“Zayn, stop hugging me, mate. I am fine.” Louis howled as Zayn continued to cling to Louis.

“You were not fine when you were unconscious in this hospital less than three hours ago so shut up and deal with the affection.” Zayn grumbled releasing Louis and sitting in the chair.

“Yeah, mate, you gave us quite the scare.” Liam said smiling ruefully at Louis.

“I’m not dying that easily. I haven’t even been to Italy yet, so not dying!” Louis joked.

“Louis, way too soon.” Zayn groaned rolling his eyes.

“What exactly have I missed? Where’s Harry and Niall?” Louis questioned sobering up a bit.

            Zayn looked at Liam and Liam nodded. Liam sat on the opposite side of Louis’ bed before speaking.

“Niall and Harry are on their way. Harry decided to let Niall sleep in since him and Lilliana were both dead on their feet. We figured out the traitor and exactly what we need to do to deal with the problem, Harry’s all over it. Otherwise, mate, you’ve missed nothing.” Liam spoke calmly.

            Zayn raised a brow at Liam to which Louis quickly cauth.

“What are you not telling me, Liam?” Louis quizzed with a frown.

“Liam finally bagged Mary.” Zayn piped up with a smirk.

“I’m so glad my almost death finally gave you your girl, Liam.” Louis commented with an eye roll.

“This is why I wanted to wait. This is not about me or my damn love life! This is about our immediate problem and your health, Louis.” Liam snapped, his calm demeanor fading.

            Zayn sighed and nodded while Louis leaned back and said nothing. The room became tense until a small squeal was heard. All three guys looked to see Lilliana grinning and rushing towards Louis.

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