Chapter Three: Baby, say my name

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“Niall, fuck, yeah, baby, harder!” Lilliana screamed as she clawed at his back.

                Niall picked up his pace and slammed home even harder than before at her demanding scream. The bed was rocking and their hips were slamming into each other’s.  Niall lifted her right leg to rest on his shoulder while he left her left leg around his hip to create a deeper angle which made both parties moan loudly. Deeper and harder the blonde man continued to thrust into his willing partner’s body as she screamed.

“Say my name, baby. Baby, scream it.” Niall demanded before latching his lips to her collar bone.

“Niall, ah, God, Niall!” Lillian cried feeling her building climax.

“Fucking hell, so tight and responsive, Lilly.” Niall groaned as his thrust began to become sloppy due to his own impending climax.

                Shifting his weight and moving his right arm Niall slipped his hand between their bodies to stimulate Lilliana. His sole focus was to see her come apart in his arms. Rubbing her clitoris and thrusting to hit her g-spot Niall knew she was seconds away from hitting her high. Lilliana’s inner muscles began to spasm around Niall’s cock.

“Don’t stop, Niall, fuck. Don’t-I can’t!” Lilliana shrieked as she fell over the cliff and came.

“You feel so good, baby, keep coming. Be a good girl and keep coming.” Niall growled thrusting harder and faster trying to getting himself there.

                Within moments Lilliana was clinging to Niall and Niall was clinging to her as they were in their euphoria zone. The way back to reality was slow for the first thought to enter Niall’s mind was to drag the blanket over himself and Lilliana. Slowly pulling out of her body he tugged the spread over the both of them to keep away the chill.

“Good morning, best way to wake up, gorgeous.” Niall’s husky voice whispered against the skin of Lilliana’s neck.

“Yes, good morning, kind sir.” Lilliana giggled while running her fingers through his messy locks.

“Yeah, baby, that feels good. Do you mind scratching my head?” Niall moaned.

                Smiling softly at how tender one of the most feared gangsters in all of England and Ireland was being Lilliana did as he asked. She felt him tighten his arms around her and slip a muscled thigh between hers to ensure he was completely entangled with her. Niall was an interesting mix of dangerous, loving, needy, commanding, and dominant. In the short time she has been around him she could feel how he was not split into two people but rather kept both sides of himself around at all times and chose which one to show depending upon who was present and what the situation at hand called for.  

“Niall, what happened to your parents? I noticed we were completely alone when we returned to your house earlier.” Lilliana asked silently hoping she would not anger the gangster who was lying on top of her.

                Niall stiffened at the question but not from anger, no, it was from sadness. The sadness that enters his heart whenever he thinks about how he lost his mother to breast cancer at the tender age of six and his father to colon cancer at the age of fourteen. It was the pain that caused him to still and then smother his face into Lilliana’s chest.

“Me mother, she died when I was only six and it was from breast cancer. I lost my father only three years ago to cancer yet again only this one was from the colon. I do not speak much about them because it brings me pain, so much pain. Make the pain go away, Lilly.” Niall finally said with a pained voice, his Irish accent becoming thicker due to his emotional distress.

                Upon hearing Niall’s story Lilliana’s heart broke, she never thought they were both dead. She felt him cling to her and she held him whispering sweet nothings to sooth him. She told him how she was there and that he was strong and how the pain was going to become less with time. She kissed his hair and stroked his back until he slowly began to relax and eventually was calm.

“Feed me, damn it, Harry!” Zayn whined from the bar stool he was seated on.

“Zayn, you have two very capable hands, mate.” Harry retorted with a roll of his eyes as he sucked down orange juice.

“Harry, make us pancakes, damn it!” Louis shouted while pounding his fork and knife against the granite counter top.

“Think we could ask Lilliana to make us breakfast?” Zayn asked with a grin.

“You lazy bastards, the only one my girlfriend is cooking for is me,” came Niall’s grumble as he entered the kitchen with Lilliana in toe.

“I don’t mind making pancakes for everyone.” Lilliana piped up as she walked over to Harry.

                Niall rolled his eyes and seated himself at the breakfast nook between Zayn and Liam while he watched Harry help his girlfriend get all the items she needed. He noticed how at ease she seemed with Harry and how easily they moved around each other and if he wasn’t so close to Harry he’d say Harry would steal her away. Harry broke the eggs while Lilliana set up the pan, dropping a piece of butter to ensure the pancakes didn’t stick. Zayn grumbled about the food taking forever and Liam laughed.

“So, Niall, how was your morning wakeup call?” Louis teased with waggling eyebrows.

“Oh, fuck off, Lou.” Niall growled rolling his eyes.

“She’s quite the screamer, huh, Nialler?” Zayn joked with a hearty laugh as Niall wacked him in the arm.

“Be careful, mate, Zayn’s still injured.” Liam commented with a sigh.

“He should remember that before I beat his ass.” Niall said with a laugh.

                Harry handed Lilliana the batter bowl so she could pour in the first set of pancakes. She took the bowl and poured out three small pancakes and smiled at Harry. Harry winked and took the bowl back to place in upon the counter top.

“Harry, you and Niall, usually, seem so laid back for two of the most feared people in England.” Lilliana commented.

“We don’t really enjoy killing and did have pretty decent childhoods, our parents loved each other. We run our gang more like a business and are even international having influence in New York and Dublin. Our fathers taught us that love is not a weakness but rather the only true thing in this world. I guess we are a bit odd, yeah? We do kill but only when absolutely necessary, we are dangerous, Lilliana. Niall and myself have a switch where we can become cold and calculating but we try very hard to never become that way for it could mean the beginning of the end.” Harry replied evenly.

                Lilliana let the words sink into her mind as she flipped the pancakes. It sounded like something out of The Vampire Diaries and Harry was Stefan. The thought caused Lilliana to giggle slightly which made Harry look at her questioningly and a small smirk. Shaking her head Lilliana went back to her thoughts. Harry and Niall, perhaps even the others, were layered people so complicated she feared she may never truly grasp them.

“Don’t over think it, Lil. We’re a bit complicated but that’s what makes us ourselves, yeah? You’ll be fine, he really does like you, promise.” Harry chuckled with a wink.

“Oy, Harry, stop flirting with my girl!” Niall hollered laughing.

“Niall, if you weren’t a lazy arse you wouldn’t have to worry because you’d be right here helping her make this.” Harry tossed back with a roll of his eyes.

                The exchange caused Lilliana to full out laugh. The sound caught all of the boys in the room off guard but quickly became contagious as they, too, began laughing. Harry hip bumped the brunette to move her away from the pan so he could take the pancakes off. Placing the three done cakes on a plate he walked towards Zayn in hopes to shut him up.

“Here, now stop with the damn whining.” Harry demanded with an eye roll.

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