Chapter Eighteen: Last Goodbyes

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The next few days passed in a whirlwind with many tears and funeral preparations. Sabella and Harry planned Louis’ funeral while Lilliana’s parents handled hers. Just when things seemed to be set in motion one of them would break down and begin to mourn the loss of their fallen all over again. The dreaded viewing of Louis was upon them today and it would be a torn day.

“You don’t have to come if you don’t want to, Mary.” Liam said as he straightened his tie.

“Eliza and I will both go. Louis was kind and he died a hero’s death. We will go pay our respects and I will be there for you, Liam.” Mary replied kissing his cheek.

            Liam nodded and watched as Eliza and Mary made themselves comfortable on Harry’s couches while the group waited for Harry, Niall, Sabella, and Zayn to appear. The sounds of Zayn grumbling about his tie and Sabella laughing could be heard. Zayn was never good at tying his own tie so this caused a small smile to make its way onto Liam’s face.

“Sabella, fix this blasted thing. I can’t ever get this right.” Zayn grumbled throwing his hands in the air in frustration.

            Sabella turned away from Niall to look at Zayn. She laughed at his poor attempt at making his tie and went to help him. She smiled as she finished and looked up at him. His eyes were alive today, unlike the past few days, and a small smile tugged at his lips. He kissed her cheek in gratitude and slipped on his black suit jacket.

“Sabella, come tie my damn tie, please.” Harry asked in frustration.

            Niall began laughing uncontrollably since none of them, besides Liam, could do their own tie and had to rely on Sabella. Niall’s laugh was infectious and soon had the entire room laughing along. Sabella’s heart warmed when she took in the laughing faces, the tension gone, and the sadness at bay while they were in the moment. Her nimble fingers worked Harry’s tie until it was presentable and then she patted his chest with a wink.

“We literally suck at this. We’d be screwed without you.” Niall chuckled pulling Sabella to him for a kiss.

            She giggled into it and returned the affectionate gesture. The two separated and looked at Zayn and Harry. Each was dressed in a black dress shirt and black suit. They were styled to the max with their hair properly styles and their expensive suits looking sharp. Sabella was no different in her knee length Vera Wang dress and black Jimmy Choo pumps. She had decided to straighten her hair for the occasion leaving it down and flowing free. Niall was dressed similarly to Zayn and Harry.

“We should be going.” Sabella said pulling all the focus onto herself.

            The three guys nodded in agreement and followed her out of the room and down into the living room where Liam, Eliza, and Mary were waiting. Upon seeing Sabella Liam smiled and opened his arms wide. Sabella briskly walked into Liam for a hug. Liam was like the calm during a storm for he would always hold strong and be true.

“We’re ready to go if you all are.” Harry’s voice floated over the room.

“Let’s head out then, yeah?” Liam said letting go of Sabella and turning his head to look at Mary and Eliza.

            Niall and Zayn headed out first in search of Niall’s black BMW X6. Sabella followed Zayn out while Liam, Eliza, and Mary filed out behind her. Harry was the last out of the house since he had to lock up and set his alarm system. Liam, Mary, and Eliza all entered Liam’s black BMW 528i while Sabella and Harry entered Niall’s X6. Niall sped off as soon as Harry was seated and looked into his rear view mirror to see Liam hot on his trail. The two BMWs weaved easily through the traffic on the street to enter the main highway towards their destination.

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