Discontinued: To Be A Queen (...

By senddowntheangels

42.2K 1.6K 476

Squeal to The Time I Became Queen. (Please read that first or you'll be lost the entire story) Sayuri Mika M... More

Prologue: One year Later
To Be A Hated Kingdom
To Be Changed
To Be A Son
To Be A Secret
To Be A King: The Last Cigarette
To Be The Light
To Be A...
To Be Helpless: Cold
To Be Apart Of Kage
Preview: To Be An Alliance Leader
For To Be A Bachelor
To Be An Alliance Leader And A Truth Is Revealed!
Bachelors Part One
Bachelors Part Two
Bachelor Part Three
Bachelor Part Four
To Be A Must Read!
To Be A Prince: The Beginning of the Cursed Eye
To Be A Prince's Light
To Be Invited
To Be An Update
On Hold
To Be A Princess: The Nightmare
To Be Exhausted: Preview
Not a Promise
To Be Exhausted: The Kiss With A Cut
To Be A Flower
To Be Haji
To Be Haji: Fail
To Be Caught-To Be Betrayed
To Be Rin Images
To Be A Knight:Preview
To Be A Knight: Unwanted Hero
Introduction: Enter Haru Bert'Haven !
To Be A Watcher
To Be Ill
To Be The New
The Time I Became Queen

To Be Revealed: The Betrayer

377 15 6
By senddowntheangels

It was dark.

The sun had been set for a few hours now and the moon was high in the sky, but was covered by rain clouds. The grey raindrops fell heavily and didn't stop, fog dusted the ground in thick patches. An eerie aura flooded the village.

Deep within a tall stone building, beneath the earth, doors made of steel bars infused with chakra lined the walls of an under ground hide out. Groans and snarls echo through the humid air coming from every other cell where creatures stayed.

A dark shadow crept the hall in a haste ignoring the out stretched arms that reached through the bars. The shadows cloak covered their body in thick fabric and their boots pounded against the stone. Soon enough they arrived in front of large oak doors that creaked when it was being opened. 

Once inside the shadow immediately bowed to the person in the dim lit room who mixed chemicals together to form a poison. 

"You're back so soon I see..." It was a woman, she turned around light just hitting half of her face, however, it was if her eyes glowed despite the dark. Magenta. That's the color the threatened the shadow. The woman's hair was a red dirt color that flowed in waves to her back, the smell of chemicals with the hint of vanilla rank from her locks. Her hair used to be a beautiful brown and her eyes once held a deep shade of purple and her skin was tan, years ago. She was loved by many and she hated no one, but two. She now had pale skin and light eyes that hold evil, she hates all and she dwells on the past. 

"I apologize my lady," the shadow now spoke in a familiar tongue of a man. The man stood revealing black shaggy hair and piecing blue eyes with a purple color pupil behind green tinted glasses. "The mission was a failure, Queen Sayuri was able to awaken during the justu and find out my identity," he bowed.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," the woman sat the chemical mixture on the table and strutted toward the man, she grabbed at the collar of his cloak as if to fix it, "Now, now,  do we need to put you back in the disciplinary unit, Kazuhiko?" she chuckled.

"No Lady Rie..." Kazu mumbles.

Rie smirked and quickly snatched a handful of his hair and sneered at him, "This better not happen again, do you understand?"

"Yes m'lady," he chocked out.

Rie loosened her grip and let Kazu go and walked back to her poisons, "Just so we are clear on the mission, I'm sending you to the assignment room again," she snapped her fingers signalling cloaked men to surround Kazu. He glared at the ground and tightened his fist. "The next time you slip up my dear Kazu precious little Haruo will be dead the moment he steps out of Hideyoshi," She smirked over her shoulder, "Remind him why he's here boys," she said to the cloaked men and then stopped them before they left with Kazu. "Oh and boys, erase his memory of Sayrui and everyone else except his father."

"What?! You can't do this Rie! We had a deal." Kazu pushed against the men to get away.

"Don't you worry little worm, this is so you won't go all soft on your missions, you'll remember them again ..... once they're all dead that is," she laughed loudly as the men dragged a helpless Kazuhiko to the 'assignment' room...

                     ^ Rie (ignore the elf ear)

So now you know who was giving Sayrui nightmares and leaving those bruises on her, it was Kazuhiko! Kazu was first introduced in the chapter The Time I Became Queen, Upcoming part 2. He is the son of Haruo and the great grand son of Lord Osamu, he wasn't in the story that often and I did have great plans for him they just never fell through. Anyway, he works with Rie who was also introduced in the same chapter as Kazu and she also wasn't in the story that much, but she has played a bigger role in Sayuri's life in a very negative way. She is the sister to Lord Mamoru and Captain Nobuo and daughter of Lady Riko.

Here's a couple more pictures of Rie and Kazu.

^Rie leaving Hideyoshi after her attempt on killing Sayuri, but succeeding in taking her arm.

                                                   First introduced to Kazu^

(Pretend the gun is a sword to his neck and that Sayuri's hair is longer) Kazu and Sayuri.

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