In the End, I am only Words

By silentsinging

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After I am long gone, what's left of my voice will be words. I've done the best I can with them, so hopefully... More

Meet and Greet
Why are we ruled by invisible things?
Dream: Part 1/2
Dream: Part 2/2
You Did Not Deserve It
It's hard to hide when you're running from yourself
Hiiii I'm back
After Dark
Tell Us A Story
Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep
Look Around You
Don't Just Look, See
Where Your Soul Floats
You or Me
Make It Last
Oh dear
Quick Announcement
Make it last 2 (the prequel)
Like the mighty tree
The Dancer
All the way up
Future Paintings
the rhythm of my heart
Untitled Part 38
i love my sister more than anything in this life
grounded questions of an abstract mind
oh the confusion
Star Dust
This is done.....but not for long

I'm going to tell you a tale

79 7 10
By silentsinging

I believe my being can be summed up in one word.....


I have the run the word over and over

In my head,

Across my tongue


I am

A storybook

And I have so many characters

I'd like to introduce you a few of them

First, there is Mind

She is a magical sorceress

Clothed in a deep purple gown

With a shining crescent moon about her neck

She is the keeper of secrets and words

But often, she will let Loneliness through her door

If you were to read about her

You would come to understand that this is one of her biggest flaws

Loneliness is an interesting creature

He stands tall and gray

A lord made of stone

When you invite him in

He will listen to what you have to say

And give nothing but a cold stare in return

When he leaves

There air remains chilly for quite some time

But ah, then there is Love

She is Loneliness's twin sister

And is in every way his opposite

Most of the time

She is a laughing drunkard

Dancing around in magenta robes

Making flowers grow wherever she touched the earth

But she is secretly a Red Huntress

And stronger than you think

She is forever chasing her dreadful twin

And will never stop

But you will rarely see her that way

It only comes out in the most dire of times

When she senses Loneliness is near

Now on to Happiness

Happiness, oh, he is such a colorful thing

Complex, too

Sometimes he walks dreamily through the land

His sky blue cape rustling in the wind

Other times he is wildly running about

Singing at the top of his lungs for all to hear

He is a tricky thing, Happiness

Hard to pin down

You must pursue him

And when he finally lets you catch up

He will show the wonders of Life

Often he'll lead you to Love

And hand in hand they'll keep Loneliness away

There are three more characters I'd like you to meet....

...we'll save the best for last



Anger is a terrifying being

She lurks in the shadows

Flickering in and out of existence

Side by side with her son


Together they go looking for Trouble

Where Anger is,

Hatred is not far behind

Anger wears a glittering black dress

And Hatred, a handsome princely suit

They are beautiful

Until they step into the light

There, their clothes turn to rags

And their eyes become dark and cloudy

They are seen as the their true selves

And no one dares stay near them long

Except one

And here is the final character I will introduce to you


Soul is a magical thing

They are by far the strongest of them all

Though they bear no gender

They are undeniably beautiful

Dressed in white and silver

Soul commands all

Making sure the world stays in balance

They guide anyone out of line

Back into place

Though no one is quite sure how

Some believe Soul isn't even a person

There are whispers that Soul is the very pages of the book

Nobody knows

But one things is certain

Soul carried a great burden

Deep in their center, a dark crystal resides

It holds the weight of all the fear in the entire world

But like I said

Soul is the strongest of them all

And the dark crystal rarely sees the light of day

Hopefully, it never will again

So there are my characters

There are still so many of course

But for me to describe each and every one of them

You'd have to read the entire book

And that, my friend, is impossible

Only Time can do that

What is your story?


Hey guys, sorry if this is a mess, I'm really tired. I'm definitely going to touch it up at some point, so just let me know of any mistakes you find. :). Also I don't know why I haven't mentioned this before, but check out my absolute best friend hazydreaming . Her book Tongue Tied is simply beautiful!

Love you guys, and as always, thanks for reading!

-Eris ❤️

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