Don't Just Look, See

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The wind carries every word

Ever spoken

Every syllable of love, hate, and poetry

There are so many stories around us

Because eventually the words became crowded

And they had to go somewhere

So some went into the rain

Some went into the sea

Some took refuge in the trees

Others in the sound of wind-chime

And we can sense them

These stories

We always have


Here's an easy example

I think you and I and everyone else

Know at least one song

With far more words than its lyrics contain

Because music

Holds more stories than anything else

At least that's what I've come to believe

A single song can have a different meaning

For a thousand people

And not only do we find our own stories in these songs

We find other's as well

A song can capture emotion

We can't express

And that means a lot to us

So now that you know you are capable of finding stories

Look for them in places outside of music

Look for them in thunderstorms

And teardrops

Look for them in city streets

And nervous hands

See them in the eyes of the people

It doesn't matter who

We are all human

And finally

Acknowledge these stories

Take or create a picture

Say "I understand" or "I love you"

Gaze beyond the surface

Share your story


Hey guys! Yes, I know, I've done like three other poems about stories....I think they're my new favorite topic......... ah well. Just let me know if I'm getting too repetitive :) Anyway love you guys, stay beautiful. <3


In the End, I am only WordsWhere stories live. Discover now