Quick Announcement

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 Hey! Just wanted to share this.  To any LGBTQ peeps on here, there is an amazing show out right now on USA Network called Eyewitness. It's just really good, and it's also the first television show I've ever seen where a serious non-straight romance drives the entire show.  Just wanted to alert people to it because I'm sorry but I FREAKING LOVE IT. And i mean, you most definitely don't have to be LGBTQ to be interested in it, but personally, as an LGBTQ human bean, i connected with the struggles of the characters, and I found myself really happy that our community has been represented on television as it is on Eyewitness. Not this little possible gay interaction off to the sidelines, NAH AH, IT'S HELLA FRONT AND CENTER. And it's beautiful. And it's also about trying to find a murderer so it has a good plot. ;)  Okay that's all. Love ya 

 -Your pansexual writer friend :)

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