Make It Last

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Hey guys, so this is a poem I just wrote. I had to write something to present tomorrow at a book thing, and this is what came out. It was inspired by this quote: "Don't count the days, make the days count."
-Muhammed Ali (pretty sure )


Every moment only a second is passing

Yet it's fascinated because of how many things are happening

In that second

Thousands of people are laughing and smiling

Some are crying
Some are dying

But in that second

Emotions flash so brilliantly

Almost too bright for us to see

And actions paint pictures in colors we can never see

So incredibly human are we

In that second

We choose to share our affection

Give someone our full attention

Take time to mention

Our gratitude or respect for them

Because sometimes it only takes one second

To turn somebody's day around

To put their feet back on the ground

With one little profound sentence

That you might not have even thought about

All it takes is one second

To put joy in someone's eyes

To witness that however briefly you did it

You changed a person's life

Because we know our time will come to an end

And we cannot afford to sit still and pretend

That all of it won't matter when we're dead

And our breath has fled

So that we are no longer able to tell our family or friends

That we love them

For a memory

Lasts longer than a second

And if our memory stays alive

In those who still thrive

Then even after we've died

We can spread happiness

So many things happen in a second

It's fantastic

So make your seconds count

And spread kind words everlasting


Blippity blorpity, there we go. Also the writing style is kind of based off of how Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote Hamilton. I really like the style and so far it's what works best for me when writing poetry. You'll definitely be seeing more like this in the future.

Alright well I am going to go read fanfiction instead of going to sleep, because I would rather be mentally prepared for tomorrow. Yes, mental preparation requires fanfiction. It provides heartwarming feels.

Hahaha so I don't read the book for the discussion tomorrow and I'm not going to because at this point I don't fucking care, I'm tired of being stressed out.


Oooook, goodnight

Love you guys

Thanks for reading

Stay Beautiful ❤️


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