i love my sister more than anything in this life

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You are a bird

With burning wings

The flame consumes your everything

But the light held deep inside

If anything

Refuses to die

Because you

My dear

Are destined to fly

I know you try and try and try

To see your future of blue sky

But storm clouds shade your gentle eyes

Until all you see

Is your own demise

You are a bird

With burning wings

You can't hear it yet

But the Universe sings

Of the well deserved peace that time will bring

The kind that echoes through heart, soul, and mind

And you, my dear, will be fully alive

I can't know the depth of the pain you feel

Only that I'll do anything I can to help you heal

There will come a time when you will protect me

But for now I will protect you

As soulmates, my dear

That is what we were put on this Earth to do

Thank you for your honesty

For opening up your soul

All the emotions you question

They're all there

They are valid,


Tell me what I have to do

To calm the beast

Raging inside of you

Don't hold back your thoughts

At least not to me

One by one

Set them free

I love you

Know that's always true

In the End, I am only WordsWhere stories live. Discover now