Make it last 2 (the prequel)

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Perfectly on time with the rest of the world
Yet still running behind
What is this life of mine
Sometimes I'm taking it slow
Enjoying the view and adventure as I go
Figuring out what I need to know about what's ahead of me
Instead of letting my head run ahead of me
Not knowing  the plan
Just setting my cares free
One by one
Until I realize that while I've been happily
Skipping through the pages
I will eventually
Need a rest
And that's when it crashes down on me all these things that I've missed
Haunting me from past
All these moments and stories that have passed

Why couldn't I make it last?


God fucking damn it. It's past midnight I WAS SO FUCKING CLOSE. Anyway, I hope you guys found something that made you happy today, and I hope you find something tomorrow as well (:

Stay beautiful


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