Dream: Part 2/2

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There you are

Sitting across from me

The girl I think I'm in love with...

So many mysteries surround you

I question you,

Was I not enough the first time?
Was I too much?

After so much silence
And what appeared to be a second chance
Am I failing to make you happy?

Have I already overdone it?

Do I care too much without trying?
Without knowing?

Is it more than you can handle?

You have taught me a lot about myself
Unintentionally of course

Yet I still can't figure out
If you can be happy with me once more

Do I even still love you so deeply?

The electric blue I was, and the shimmering violet you were

We were the sun and the moon

And we seemed to harness the stars

But I'm not sure I trust you
Or you me
So what do I do?

I sit there

Gazing into your eyes

We each clutch a book to our chests

Neither of us moves

And finally you speak

"This book would reveal so much..." You say

And I know that just like me, you are holding your journal,
Your heart-safe

"So would mine..." I reply

And for a second, we simply give each other a knowing smile


I wake up

A thousand thoughts running through me head

In the End, I am only WordsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ