Into the Arms of a Mercenary...

By LolzCatzCuteness

6.5K 219 40

This is a story of how Izayoi, Naraku's daughter, fell in love with the leader of the Band of Seven, Bankotsu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27

Chapter 26

112 3 0
By LolzCatzCuteness


Kikyo saw the wedding/battle going on when she reached the castle. The first person she noticed was Naraku. "As I suspected, it was Naraku's aura!" she thought. Instinctively, she grabbed her bow and began drawing out an arrow. She stared out, pointing the arrow towards her target. Kikyo steadied her aim, feeling a trickle of sweat form from the top of her forehead and slide down her cheek. She released the arrow. A bright pinkish light formed around it as it was flying through the air.

Naraku motioned his head to the side and saw the arrow coming at him really fast. Before he could do anything about it, the arrow purified the spot where his heart should be. Leaving a hole in his chest, Naraku hissed,"Kikyo!" Naraku grabbed the end of the arrow, trying to pull it out his chest. "Don't bother trying to pull out my arrow, Naraku." Kikyo was walking closer to Naraku with her bow in her hand. "Kikyo, do you really think you pose a threat to me with that measly weapon?" Naraku's hand changed into a tentacle and used it as a weapon against Kikyo. She quickly reacted and shot three arrows. The first two missed Naraku's body. The last arrow hit the oncoming tentacle, splattering clumps of flesh all over the place. "Let's get down to business, Naraku. What is the real reason why you have Izayoi?"

Explosions filled the surroundings, Inuyasha and the others hurried to the castle. Inuyasha's golden eyes widen when he spotted Kikyo with Naraku making him furious. "Kikyo! Naraku, you stay away from her you, bastard!" Inuyasha pulled out his Tetsusaiga from its sheath as he ran towards them. "Inuyasha, don't." Kikyo stopped him from going any further. "This is between me and Naraku." Inuyasha lowered his sword, confused. "Why Kikyo? I wanna help you!" Naraku laughed. "You see, Inuyasha? Kikyo does not want your help. Face it Inuyasha. Kikyo's not your woman anymore." Inuyasha's face burned up.

"I'm not talking to you, Naraku!" he yelled back, pointing his sword at Naraku. "Inuyasha! That's enough!" Kikyo walked in front of Naraku, now becoming impatient with Inuyasha's interference. "Naraku, I will ask you one more time! What do you want with Izayoi?!" Naraku smile mischievously and replied,"To be the one to protect the jewel…in case I ever leave this world. I wanted to be sure that the jewel would not fall into anyone else's hands." Kikyo narrowed her eyes and asked,"Why would you have her protecting the jewel? Back then, you valued the jewel much more than our daughter." Naraku's voice harden,"My reason has no explanation and nothing you do that will change it."

Izayoi looked at the direction where Naraku and Kikyo were with Inuyasha. It seem like there was something big was going on. "Inuyasha and my mom were lovers in their time…and Naraku tricked them into thinking they betrayed each other. All because that jewel !" Izayoi thought furiously.

"Kikyo, what do you intend to do?" Inuyasha hollered out. Kikyo didn't answered him. Instead she said angrily,"Naraku, I will not have you use Izayoi in any way you please! I'd been damned before you do her any harm!" Kikyo was ready to take a shot at Naraku, but Naraku threw his miasma towards her and Inuyasha. Taking advantage of this, he shot a tentacle towards Izayoi. Kikyo was covered by Inuyasha before the miasma hit her. Wrapping around Izayoi, the tentacle slowly came back to Naraku and the miasma cleared up. Kikyo angrily cried out to Naraku,"Leave her out of this, Naraku!"

Naraku responded,"Why should I listen you! If you try to kill me, Izayoi would get harmed in the process. You don't want that do you, Kikyo?" "Damn…Naraku is using her as a shield! He knows perfectly that I wouldn't want her to get hurt!" she thought, panicking.

Bankotsu was blocking the attacks coming from the enraged Hakudoshi. "You do realize that you're not exactly hitting me, don't you?" he teased. "Just shut up!" Hakudoshi bellowed furiously and swung his naginata at Bankotsu. He merely laughed at Hakudoshi. "What? Can't you aim right, Hakudoshi? " Bankotsu jested with a smug look on his face.

"Damn, that Bankotsu! He thinks that he's so smart! If only there was a way to distract him just for a minute," Hakudoshi thought. The demon searched diversion of some sort. He them spotted Izayoi in Naraku's tentacle and the idea got to him. "Izayoi…of course! He wouldn't hestitate to go to her aid!" Hakudoshi smiled.

Getting an uneasy feeling, Bankotsu's smile faded. "What the hell are you smiling about?!" "You really shouldn't be asking questions at a time like this," he replied coolly.

Hakudoshi laughed, knowing full well that Bankotsu's impatience would get to him. "What's the matter, Bankotsu? Don't you like the game I'm playing?" Bankotsu smiled grimly and replied," I thought you said one shouldn't ask questions at a time like this!" "Look over there," Hakudoshi pointed. Shocked, Bankotsu couldn't believe what he was seeing. Naraku was holding Izayoi in his tentacle and using her as protection from Kikyo. "How low can Naraku go? Using his own daughter to get Kikyo!? " Bankotsu thought angrily.

There was a tense feeling in the air as Kikyo stood there, not knowing what to do. "Now, Kikyo…how about you back away from me? You don't want Izayoi to die, now do you?" he said as he squeezed Izayoi's fragile body a bit to see what Kikyo's reaction would be. Izayoi screamed.

"Naraku, STOP IT!" Kikyo tighten her grip around the wooden bow and tried to remain calm without causing anything that might endanger her or Izayoi's life. "Kikyo, if you agree to stop this foolish idea of killing me and taking the jewel, then I will release her. If you don't agree than you leave me no choice but to kill her!" Naraku mocked. Izayoi's eyes widened in fear as she started to panic. "What?! So he's going to kill me?!"

"Naraku, I don't agree," Kikyo declared. "Well, since that's the way you feel than have it your way," Naraku sneered. He took out a katana and held it next to Izayoi 's neck. "Naraku, don't do it!" Kikyo cried. Raising the katana above his head, Naraku swung down and Izayoi screamed. Kikyo stood frozen, unable to do anything. "STOP!" Izayoi yelled. She closed her eyes as tears began to run down her cheeks. Naraku paused, the blade an inch away from Izayoi's neck. "Please…stop. I don't want any more fighting! I'll protect the jewel! I promise!"

Naraku let Izayoi go and she fell down to the ground. "I promise that I'll protect it with my life!" she continued to cry. Naraku knelt beside her She didn't know to whether hate him for using her or hug him for comfort. "Izayoi, I wasn't going to kill you. I was merely testing Kikyo," Naraku said, placing a hand on her head. Izayoi didn't say anything. She could feel her heart still pounding and leaned on his chest. Kikyo felt relief and was glad that Izayoi didn't get killed.

Bankotsu relaxed after seeing that Naraku spared Izayoi when it seemed as if he was going to kill her. "She's safe now!" he thought thankfully. Hakudoshi took advantage that Bankotsu had let his guard down and punched Bankotsu repeatedly. "You really shouldn't allow yourself to get distracted by a mere woman, Bankotsu. You should be concentrating on your opponent," he mocked. The young band leader's body was too limp to allow him to get up. Hakudoshi walked over to Bankotsu and tried to kick him on the side, but Bankotsu caught his foot and send him flying back.

Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and Kirara faced off with the rest of the Band of Seven members. Jakotsu and Mukotsu helped one another to bring down the demon slayer, with Jakotsu using his sword and Mukotsu using his poisonous gas. Kyokotsu battled off the demon cat, Kirara, who had to be flying in the air, dodging the huge giant's attacks. Renkotsu and Ginkotsu used fire arms against Miroku, who was trying to absorb their weapons with his Wind Tunnel while avoiding the shot fired against him. Shippo, the young fox demon, was trying his best to avoid the psychopath Suikotsu's hand claws. Inuyasha got hold of Naraku's attention and started a one-on-one battle with him.

Bankotsu got his Banryu and stood on his feet. Hakudoshi followed suit and reached for his naginata. Charging once more, the two men's blades collided with. Sparks were sent into the air along with a big bang, making a huge whirling gust of air and debris. Their attacks had cancelled each other out and Bankotsu and Hakudoshi landed far from each other.

Naraku and Inuyasha hit each other with some of their most powerful attacks, causing them to wreck havoc. Inuyasha sent Naraku the Backlash Wave, destroying the demon's body, only to regenerate back its normal self. Naraku laughed evilly and said," Foolish one! You should know that those who oppose me shall die!"

"We'll see about that, Naraku!" Inuyasha bellowed, brandishing his sword. He was about to use the Wind Scar, but out of nowhere, Kikyo's arrow struck the Tetsusaiga and reversed the sword's transformation. Inuyasha looked at Kikyo, surprised. "Kikyo?!" he whispered. She said nothing. Naraku used the situation and pierced Inuyasha with his tentacle through his chest. He ripped out his heart, smirking. Tetsusaiga dropped on the ground in a pool of blood, alongside it's owner.

"Inuyasha!" Miroku yelled out. "There's no way we'll ever win like this!" Sango yelled, getting on Kirara's back. She helped Miroku and Shippo on, as they fled the battlefield. "Hey! Where the hell are you going, woman?!" Jakotsu yelled after her.

Laying on the ground, Bankotsu felt his strength fading slowly. His hair was loose and partially covered his face. Hakudoshi on the other hand, hadn't become as weakened as Bankotsu. He slowly walked over to Bankotsu. Grabbing a hand full of Bankotsu's jet black hair, he held his naginata above his neck. "Now, Bankotsu. It's time for you to go to your grave…a second time."

Izayoi, watching fearfully what was happening, decided to go the aid of her lover. However, Kagura gripped her wrist and pleaded,"Don't go! It's too dangerous!" Izayoi looked her directly in the eyes and replied,"I have to help him, Kagura! He's going to die if I don't!"

Kagura suddenly had an idea that would help her friend. "Izayoi…I can help you." Izayoi stop struggling and said,"You do? How?" Kagura whispered,"I know where Hakudoshi's heart is."

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