I See You

By slaymissluthor

10.4K 481 82

Kristen has feelings for Kate and Kate has feelings for Kristen but will they tell each other? Everything sta... More

Into You
Like Lightning
Can't Blame a Girl for Trying
Good Girls
What now?
On My Mind
Show Me
Come My Way
You're Such A
I've Got You (And You've Got Me)
Nothin' In This World
Dangerous Woman
That's My Girl
I'm So Excited
Hey Girl
If You Say So
Scared To Be Lonely
I Do
A Million Years

Everybody Knows

558 27 7
By slaymissluthor

Okay this took me a little longer than expected but hey it's worth it I promise.

I wanna know if you guys can tell something by the chapters. So if you think you got it hit the reviews and I'll tell if someone was right or not. I'll do that I couple of chapters and if no one guesses right I'll tell what it is.

But for now I hope you enjoy this chapter.

I only own my imagination...

Kate's POV

As me and Kristen got to set the next day we called for a meeting with Leslie, Melissa and Paul.

"So we have something to tell you guys." Kristen announced.

"Oh." They all let out.

Kristen looked at me and I knew she wanted me to continue.

"So yesterday this almost slipped out so we knew we couldn't keep it to ourselves anymore." I bit my bottom lip and continued.

"Me and Kristen are dating." I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding.

Melissa, Leslie and Paul looked at each other and started laughing.

"What?" Me and Kristen asks.

Leslie stops laughing and looks at us.

"We know, everybody knows." Then she starts laughing again.

Me and Kristen looks at each other very obviously confused.

"How?" Kristen asks.

"We'll let me just tell you that you haven't been very subtle here on set. Kristen you've been continuing staring at Kate." Melissa starts out.

"And you Kate has gotten all shiny star eyed every time I've mentioned Kristen, you guys been goofing with each other entirely too much..." Leslie continues.

"We could continue but we think you get the point."

Me and Kristen thought we had been very careful not to show any affection at work but we had obviously failed miserably.

"So you guys are okay with this?" I ask.

"Of course we are! Why wouldn't we be?" Leslie answers.

"No reason." I respond.

"But why didn't you say or ask us about it?" Kristen asked.

"Well we wanted you guys to come to us. So we waited until you guys were comfortable telling us."

"Wait how long have you guys been thinking this has gone on?" I ask.

"Well since the beginning." Paul finally speaks up.

It's now me and Kristen's turn to laugh.

"What?" They all ask.

"We only confessed our feelings for one another two days ago..." Kristen addressed.

They all got wide eyed.

"Seriously?" Leslie exclaimed.

"Yeah seriously. But we've both had feelings for one another longer than that. It just took us some time to get here." I declared.

"Oh wow." Leslie let out.

"Well as fun as this has been shouldn't we get back to work?" Kristen questioned.

"I think you're right about that." Paul responded and we all headed out and we began shooting.

Kristen's POV

I was so exhausted when we finished work today. Between goofing around with the others and the amount of congratulations from other cast and crew members and shooting the actual movie it made me tired and I couldn't wait for me and Kate to head back to our hotel.

"Hey babe you ready?" Kate ask as she steps into my trailer.

"Yeah." I grab my things and we head out.

"So I'd love to take up on that offer I made yesterday about the suite situation." She ask as we get off the set.


"Mine or yours?"

"Well yours because it has a better view." I say matter of factly.

"Okay then. Do you want me to help you pack up?" She asked and I replied with a simple yes please.

As we get into the hotel lobby we walk up to the reception.

"Hey how may I help you." This 20 something receptionist asks.

"We've decided that we will share one suite for the rest of our stay so I would like to give mine up."

"Yes of course Ms Wiig." I'm not even surprised that the girl knew who I was she seems like someone who has seen the movies I'd previously been in.

"Will be going up there now and get my things. We will probably be done in an hour or two and I'll come down with my room key when we're done."

The receptionist smiled at me and nodded her head.

Me and Kate then walked towards the elevator and rode to the 8th floor and walked to my suite.

"I wonder if she knew we were dating." Kate laughed.

"Well maybe since we said we would be sharing your suite."


The packing of my things went a lot faster than I would have thought and we were done after 30 minutes well 40 since Kate pulled me down on the bed and we cuddle for around 10 minutes.

We carried all of my things over to her suite and then I went down stairs to return my room key.

When I got up Kate was already in the kitchen making dinner. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist.

"I love you." I did not know where that came from and we were definitely not in the 'I love you' stage yet but it somehow felt right and I really hoped Kate felt the same because otherwise this would have been extremely awkward.

Kate turns around and looks me in the eyes. She smiles and gives me a kiss.

"I love you too babe." I pull her closer and our lips meets once again.

After dinner that Kate deliciously made we snuggled up on the couch in front of a movie and in that moment I couldn't have been happier.

After the movie we got ready for bed. We got in under the covers and I crept closer to Kate.

"Were you actually surprised when they told us that they knew we were together?" I ask.

Kate slowly opened her eyes to look at me.

"I had my suspicions."


"Well Leslie knows me inside and out. I'm her bitch. Of course she would have figured it out sooner or later."

"That makes since."

"Hey that doesn't mean I love her more than I love you."

I smile at her and she places a kiss on my forehead.

"You know you still owe me from leaving me hanging yesterday right?"

"I guess I am." I wink at her and then turn around.

Kate huffs and I can't help but let out a laugh.

"But I didn't say I'd give it to you today."

"God woman I love it when you tease me."

"Good because it will probably happen...a lot."

I can hear her gasp behind me and I turn around.

"Does that turn you on Ms McKinnon?"

Kate just nods her head enthusiastically.

"Hmm good to know." I say.

Kate then moves closer to me and then we fall asleep. 

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