Something I Can't Have (Seme...

Da Uunouncium

302K 8.2K 1.9K

watch as kakashi the college professor falls for the reader, who happens to be one of his students. featur... Altro

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
Author's Note (important)
AP: Hidan
AP: Hidan (Pt 2)
AP: Hidan (Pt 3)
AP: Hidan (Pt 4)
AP: Hidan (Pt 5)
AP: Kiba Inuzuka
AP: Kiba (Pt 2)
AP: Kiba (Pt 3)
AP: Kiba (Pt 4)
AP: Kiba (Pt 5)
AP: Shikamaru Nara
AP: Shikamaru (Pt 2)
AP: Shikamaru (Pt 3)
AP: Obito Uchiha
AP: Obito (Pt 2)
AP: Obito (Pt 3)
AP: Obito (Pt 4)
AP: Obito (Pt 5)
AP: Obito (Pt 6)
AP: Obito (Pt 7)
AP: Obito (Pt 8)
AP: Obito (Pt 9)
AP: Obito (Pt 10)
AP: Juugo Taka
AP: Juugo (Pt 2)
AP: Kidomaru Smith
AP: Kidomaru (Pt 2)
AP: Kidomaru (Pt 3)

chapter 33

2.8K 97 19
Da Uunouncium

2 months later....

kakashi pov

i looked at his paper for a long time. i reread it and reread it but...i just cant pass it. the formatting is off, none of the prompt questions are being answered, and there are more errors than if a fourth grader wrote this paper. its ridiculous. what is going on with john? why isn't he putting forth his best effort? this is the not just the worst paper he has turned in, its the worst paper in all of my classes. just awful. i put the paper on the table. i had assigned some silent reading while i looked over the last of the papers during class time. i looked at john. he was leaning on his hand, his eye lids looking like they weigh tons. he had given up on trying to read the text book. he had to dedicate all his effort to staying awake in class. "john," i called. he snorted and shook his head to wake himself up. "...yeah?" he said, already starting to drift off again. i stood up. "come with me for a bit. i need to talk to you," i said. he lazily got up and followed me out the class.

i led him to a little table with two chairs in a study room in the building. i set his paper on the table. "whats going on? your grades are slipping, you recent paper is trash, and you are fighting sleep all class," i said. he held up a hand before getting up. he jogged over to a vending machine and bought a soda. he downed it on his way back tossing the can before taking a seat. he seemed to wake up. he looked at me. deep bags under his eyes from severe sleep deprivation. "whats going on? is there something wrong?" the high school teacher in me was showing again. he sighed. "yeah. its...its juugo. he is making it really hard to be with him. every since i discovered his...problem and showed him the willingness to help him through it, its like he made sure that i regretted making that decision every single day over the last two months. his intense clinginess. i swear every second im not in class, he has to have some part of him touching me. literally. shower, sleep, sitting on the sofa, hell, i cant even be alone to take a shit without him being there. no, not just outside the door, im talking about right the fuck there next to me on the toilet. he would just crack a window and sit on the tub right next to me. his insane grumpiness that borderlines depression. he no longer uses words. just grunts that mean yes or no. his nightmares that make him scream in his sleep keeping me up all fucking night. some how he manages to stay asleep but i cant. haven't had a good nights sleep in weeks. he cant fucking sit still. cant even watch tv in peace. he eats EVERYTHING. oh and make sure that he doesn't find out in ANY way that we are talking in private right now, cause he will flip the fuck out with his overly jealous paranoid ass. im at wits end. i cant leave him by himself cause he will relapse so im just stuck in hell for another few days. his medicine is susposed to be done in a few days so i just need to make it till then," he said. i can see it. iruka has been talking about juugo's mood swings for the longest. threatened to fire him three "i dont really know what to tell you. this is the midterm paper. i cant just drop this one. ill give you till finals to get a better one turned in but i cant do more than that," i offered. he sighed. "thanks for understanding. how's things with iruka? i know it cant be easy having juugo as his boss," he asked. "well, actually. isn't as bothered by juugo that much. tries his best to just work from home and not have to deal with im at the office but cant avoid it altogether," i said. he sighed. " sorry. juugo is just going through some things right now and its hard. lord knows it hard to be around him but im just gonna power through this. just a few more days. i can get a good night's sleep and actually give you a good paper and catch up in all my classes," he said. i nodded and we headed back to class.

a week later...

reader pov

i woke up with a start. i couldn't believe it. i actually didn't wake up in the middle of the night from juugo's screaming. i was able to get more sleep over the past few days, making it easier to get caught back up but today is the first one in a long time where i was able to sleep the whole night. i felt all rested and shit. my body was overflowing with energy. i felt good. really good. ok. i felt his stomach rising and falling and his hand gripped mine. he isn't dead. good. that means the symptoms are finally going away and he is returning to his sober self. i had to admit, im curious. ive never not known the high as a kite juugo. which personality is actually his. not influenced by drugs period. he didn't end up liking vaping as opposed to smoking so i had to deal with cold turkey from smoking in addition to withdrawal from coke. first week was hell. absolute hell. im surprised i managed to stay with him through that. im glad i did though. only really bad thing was the nightmares that kept me up all night. everything else was just really aggravating cause i was sleep deprived. he stopped moving in his sleep and the pillow we laid on wasn't soaked through with his tears so everything should be going to normal....or more like what should have been normal. he started groaning. he rubbed his head. "morning babe," he whispered, resting his hand on mine on his stomach. "feeling better?" i asked. "tsk....i feel like shit. feels like i just woke up from the worlds worst hangover of my life," he groaned. i chuckled. "i wish it were just a hangover you were having over the past two months," i grumbled, placing a kiss on his neck. "yeah....about that. sorry. im soooo sorry. i know that living with me was hell and you probably couldn't sleep and a whole bunch of other shit and i promise that ill spend the rest of my life making it up to you," he said, gently rubbing my hand. "it wasn't all bad. the sex was AMAZING," i chuckled. "im glad i was able to keep you happy during my phase," i could feel his smirking. "oh you kept me happy. we did EVERYTHING. even some rather unspeakable stuff," i chuckled. i could feel his surprise. "as long as we were both happy in the end, just have ya way with me," he whispered. "dont say it like that. it was all your idea," i teased.

we just laid there for a while. i had turned in my good paper in to kakashi yesterday and its Saturday. almost feels like a dream. it was exactly two months ago today that everything went to shit. the day after i got him started on vaping and he stopped using, life sucked. he started screaming in his sleep. extra super mega clingy. he had questioned me for three full hours on what i do when i go to school. only reason i even put up with it is cause i knew what was going on with him. i sighed. "whatcha thinking about?" he asked after a moment of silence. "how awful you were to me while in recovery," i admitted. he chuckled. "you know i love you," he said. "could have fooled me," i said. he rolled over in my embrace and hovered over me. "im serious. i love you. from the bottom of my heart and with every fiber of my being. to the point that i wanna bottle your sweat just to sniff when i go to work. im creepy for you," he grinned. i reached inside his top drawer of his nightstand and pulled out the little bottle labeled 'john's essence'. i showed it to him. he took it and inspected it. it was actually full of my sweat. literally. we had went to the gym and had a nice long work out. he stole my sweat rag and squeezed it into that little jar like a month ago. he went to open it. i didn't let him. "you had this for a month," i said. he busted out laughing as he put it back where it was. "im not joking. last time you opened it, i vomited. i actually vomited on the bed. i was double checking the room to make sure you weren't sneaking when i found that. it didn't have a label on it at the time and i opened it. i couldn't get the smell out the mattress so i bought another," i shrugged. he laughed some more before finally calming down. he laid his head down on my shoulder, taking deep breaths of my neck. "whatcha wanna do to celebrate?" he whispered, taking a lick of my neck. sent shivers down my spine. "run away and never see you again," i said. he leaned up quickly and looked at my deadpanned expression. "was....was i really that bad?" he whispered. "absolute 0% privacy. i couldn't take a shit without you watching," i said. he grimaced in disgust. "really?" he asked. i nodded.

after laying there for another two or so hours and me telling him EVERYTHING about the hell i experienced while living with him over the past two months, we enjoyed a shower before sitting on the sofa and watching tv together. "babe...." his hand snaked in mine. i looked at him. "lets get married," he said. i blinked a few times. "m-m-married?" i stammered. "yup. im talking marriage. ceremony and everything. we can go ring shopping whenever," he said. shit. didn't see that one coming. day after experiencing hell and he proposes to me. i dont even know if im mentally stable enough for that. i looked at him. he had a goofy grin. "you sure? im pretty young and naïve and dumb and stupid and...and..." i trailed off, trying to tell him all the horrible things about me. he chuckled. "dont forget lazy and clumsy and disorganized and WAY to obsessed with ass, i mean seriously. im sure if i left ya alone for just a few days, you would build a fucking alter to my left and right ass cheeks," he smirked. "well you have a great ass. you entire body is simply remarkable and praise worthy," i admitted, earning another chuckle from him. "well i do remember you somehow putting every inch of my body in your mouth at some point," he had a shit eating grin. my face felt hot and it was difficult to look him in the eye. he grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "you forgot all the good stuff about you too. your caring and patience and intellect and common sense and how weirdly awesome your hands are, i mean seriously. if you would build an alter to my ass, i would build one to your hands. really, its just you overall awesomeness that i love. your weirdness and mine just fit soooo well together," he said. i scratched my head nervously, my blush very much visible. "well....when you put it like that...we are really made for each other, aren't we?" i said. he chuckled. "from the first day i met ya at that bar at the hotel, i knew you were the one and the fact that you are still here after what i know for a fact were the worst two months of your entire life only tells me that you must feel the same way. either that, or you might be doing coke behind my back. are....are you doing coke behind my back? if you are, we can totally get through this together," he looked at me intensely. "when you say it like that....its really obvious. i mean...we are pretty much already married, we just need to put a ring on it," i stated. "that's what im saying soooooo....will you marry me?" he asked, taking my hand in both of his and kissing it softly. "yeah..." he kissed me with soooooo much passion and love that i felt like i could explode into a billion pieces. he kept kissing me, peppering my face and leaving absences of heat all over it. he cried tears of joy as he climbed on top of me, straddling my hips. he took my hands and intertwined all ten fingers. he pulled away and rested his forehead against mine, desperately trying to catch his breath. my heart was pounding out of my chest. shit. my whole body felt hot.

he sat up on me and tugged his shirt off revealing the greek god that is my future husband. he undid the belt to his jeans and tossed it out. "you dont wanna go to the bed?" i whispered as i ran my hands over his chest, tracing the muscles. he shook his head rapidly as he unzipped his zipper. "sofa sex," he said as he started to pull them off. i sat up and tugged my own tee off. he got off me to take his jeans off. i just pulled my jogging pants and undies off in one swoop. i looked at him. he looked at me. we looked at the sofa. "never mind. its too small," he said, taking my hand and pulling me into the bedroom.

he pulled me into a kiss as he fell back on the bed. i climbed between his legs and lifted them higher on my hips. he rolled his hips against me urging me, almost begging me, to fill him to the brim. i was throbbing at the whimpering moaning mess of a man beneath me. i hadn't even touched him and he was sweating like a dog in heat. i started kissing on his neck. he growled. he gripped my hips and pulled me right inside. i had to grip the sheets to avoid cumming instantly at the insane tightness. he, however, let loose, soaking the space between us. he put one arm around my neck and one gripped my hip as he bit my neck. "fuck me," he growled against my skin. i started thrusting, full and firm, making sure i hit his spot with every thrust from the start. his grip and bite got harder as i picked up the pace till i was nailing him into the bed. he would bite hard enough to draw blood when he would release. i wont stop. hell, i couldn't stop. there are no words to define how invigorating his low moaning and growling merely muffled by the flesh of my neck are.

{time skip}

i pulled out and laid on him. he was slowly starting to calm down. he started laughing. he covered his eyes as the tears started to flow. "whats wrong?" i asked. " soooooooooooo happy!! im soooo fucking happy i get to marry the man i love!!" he sobbed with a mix of laughing. "stop it! ya making me blush," i teased, my face feeling impossibly hot. i kissed him. warm and filled with love. i pulled away and laid in his neck. we let out a long sigh of content as we just laid there, sharing our warmth in this rather cold bedroom. not wanting to move but simply savor this skin on skin contact. wishing we could just become one already. "i better not regret this," i grunted. he chuckled. "i want 12 kids," he said. i looked at him like he was crazy. he just held his goofy grin. i laid in his neck once more. our breathing in sync. i cant tell who is breathing at what time. "what are you gonna do about the firm back by your other house?" i asked, the question having appeared out of nowhere. "i was just gonna sell the other house and open a branch of the firm here in fire city. it works out cause a lot of our lawyers live here and just stay in hotels for the time they have to be at the firm. totally a win, win there," he said. "when is the big day?" i asked, feeling a bit anxious if its a bit too soon. "in like 4 months or so. i dont know. whenever feels right for the both of us," he said. i sighed. that was a relief. i was afraid he would say like a month. ok. i can do this. im happy. i love him. he loves me. its no big deal. im just getting married. nothing to be anxious about.


awe!! i almost feel bad about having to break you guys up. almost


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